Forsvarsudvalget 2009-10
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CMC Universalisation Campaign Update6 August 2010This is an update on the CMC s campaign for universalisation of the 2008 Convention on ClusterMunitions the first since the Convention entered into force on 1 August 2010. We are workingtogether to increase accessions and ratifications to the Convention before the Convention s FirstMeeting of States Parties (1MSP) in Vientiane, Lao PDR, from 9-12 November 2010. The lastuniversalisation update was issued on 13 July 2010.
SIGNATURES / ACCESSIONS (108)Since our last update, two more states signed the Convention before it entered into force on 1August 2010: Antigua and Barbuda signed it on 16 July 2010 and Djibouti signed it on 30 July2010, bringing the total number of signatories to 108. Now that the Convention has entered intoforce, states can no longer sign the Convention but instead must accede to it in a two-step processwhich is essentially signing and ratifying at the same time.In the 100 days counting down to entry into force, the CMC s Countdown Campaign targeted 14non-signatories:Cambodia, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Brazil, Jordan, Argentina, Serbia, Grenada,Bangladesh, Papua New Guinea, Sudan, Slovakia, MoroccoandThailand.For more information on the countdown, visit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs co-organized with the International Committee of the Red Cross aRoundtable Discussion on the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Bangkok on 29-30 July 2010.Participants included representatives from the Ministry of Defense and other Thai governmentagencies, Australia, Germany, Japan, Laos, the UN, the Cluster Munition Coalition, the ThaiCampaign, and the GICHD.Campaigners in over 80 countries took part in entry into force actions, which is the highest level ofparticipation ever for a CMC action day. On 1 August, Sudan announced that it would accede tothe Convention before November of this year. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and PopeBenedict XVI made public statements supporting the Convention, and several governments issuedpress statements welcoming its entry into force, including the Foreign and Commonwealth Officein the United Kingdom, the government of Norway, and the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs.
RATIFICATIONS (38)Comoros ratified the Convention on 28 July.* Ratification imminentThree countries have completed domestic ratification of theConvention and are now poised to deposit: Chile, Ghana and Tunisia.Ghana completed its domestic ratification on 3 August, and is expected to soon deposit itsinstrument of ratification at the United Nations in New York. Chile completed domesticratification over a month ago but has not yet deposited. It has been several months since Tunisiacompleted its domestic ratification, but no information is available on when it will deposit.
* By the end of 2010At least 36 signatories have indicated that they should complete theirratification in the coming months and before the end of 2010 (by the 1MSP if possible):Afghanistan, Angola, Benin, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros,Costa Rica, Côte d Ivoire, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea-Bissau, Iceland,Italy, Lebanon, Liberia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Mozambique, Namibia, the Netherlands, PanamaParaguay, Philippines, Portugal, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, South Africa, Sweden,Switzerland, Tanzania, and Uganda.* Timeframe unknownAt least 15 signatories have informed the CMC that ratification is underway, but have not been able to provide an indication of when it will be completed: Australia,Bolivia, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Colombia, DR Congo, ElSalvador, Guinea, Indonesia, Jamaica, Kenya, Palau and Peru.* No progress?In about 17 states it is not known whether the ratification process has begun, orit has begun and has stalled: Congo (Republic of), Cook Islands, Dominican Republic, Gambia,Guinea, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iraq, Madagascar, Mauritania, Monaco, Nauru, Nigeria, SaintVincent and the Grenadines, Somalia and Togo.
LEGISLATIONSeveral signatories must pass legislation to implement the Convention on Cluster Munitionsbefore they can ratify, including Australia, Canada, Iceland, the Netherlands, South Africa andSweden. The CMC has a group of legal experts on hand who are available to provide swift, expertcomment on draft legislation. If you need help, please email the group at:[email protected]Human Rights Watch (HRW) has a new report entitledFulfilling the Banthat lays out theessential elements of strong national legislation needed to implement the Convention. The reportwas presented at the Santiago conference and can be downloaded here:
UPCOMING EVENTS IN 2010* Preparatory Meeting, 6 September, Geneva, SwitzerlandThere will be a Preparatory Meeting for the First Meeting of States Parties (1MSP) on 6September in Geneva. All states have been invited to this meeting through an invitation noteverbale that was sent to Geneva missions on 5 May 2010.Contact:[email protected]* First Meeting of States Parties to the CCM, 9 - 12 November, Vientiane, Lao PDRA memo will be circulated to campaigners shortly which will include logistical details about themeeting.For a list of who has signed and ratified the Convention on Cluster Munitions, please see: send in any updates or information on the status of accession and ratification in yourcountry!!