Erhvervsudvalget 2009-10
ERU Alm.del Bilag 324
Fra:World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) [mailto:[email protected]]Sendt:10. september 2010 11:40Til:{PrĂ©nom}Emne:7th Intl. Tourism Forum for Local Authorities and Parliamentarians
Madrid, 10 september 2010H.E. Mr. LARSEN:I have the pleasure of informing you that on 16-18 November 2010 we will be holding the7th InternationalTourism Forum for Parliamentarians and Local Authoritiesin Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco State, Mexico. Thetopics of this edition of the Forum will revolve around the recognition of tourism's cross-cutting role as aninstrument for dealing with recurrent crises, generating employment and alleviating poverty, from theperspective of legislatures and municipalities.This 7th International Forum will be organized by the World Tourism Organization and the Governmentof the United Mexican States, with the cooperation of the Government of the State of Jalisco.The Forum is structured into discussion sessions that will address issues of vital importance fortourism activity, such as the types of tools available to public decision makers, the specific function ofparliaments, and the pros and cons deriving from the decentralization of responsibilities, as well as theadvisability of establishing the necessary institutional coordination with the private sector.The attendance of your organization's members is very important for the success of the Forum, as isthe presence of parliamentarians and local authorities responsible for tourism administrations andrepresentatives from the private sector. Indeed, it is the participation of all these different groups that willfacilitate the creation of the necessary synergies for tourism activity to effectively become a factor for recoveryfrom crises, employment generation and poverty alleviation.Please find attached herewith the preliminary programme of the Forum. The line-up of speakers,which is being finalized, will consist of top experts in each of the subject areas to be discussed and willrepresent viewpoints from all regions of the world.I look forward to your presence in Puerto Vallarta.Yours sincerely,
Taleb Rifai