Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2009-10, Det Energipolitiske Udvalg 2009-10
MPU Alm.del Bilag 694, EPU Alm.del Bilag 357
Good Business, Green Growth, Great CitiesPreliminary programSeptember 29 & 30, 2010 – Copenhagen, Denmark29 September 2010Conference09301030-1200Networking and private eventsRegistration opensPrivate meetingsMaster classesSpeed-networkingOpen for sponsor side eventsLecturesExhibition opens to audienceNetworking lunch(in exhibition area)Welcome to Copenhagen and WCS 2010Frank Jensen, Lord Mayor of Copenhagen (Denmark) with Bo Asmus KjeldgaardMayor for Technology and Environment, City of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Welcoming statement from the dedicated business communityAnders Eldrup, CEO, Dong EnergyOpening Key Note SpeakerTed Nordhaus, author, researcher, and political strategist, Chairman of TheBreakthrough Institute (USA)Building The Green Economy:From vision to realityFollowing the presentation by The Danish Commission on Climate Change Policyat xx on the plan to make Denmark free of fossil fuels, business leaders andexperts will discuss how the vision of a green economy can become a reality.What are the drivers and roles in delivering sustainable growth? What is theinterplay between technology, investment, policy and innovation? What is therole of public-private partnerships? The session should convey to the audienceof how economies – whether cities, regions or countries - can make thetransition to a truly green economy.Speakers:Chaired by Katherine Richardson, Chairman, Danish Commission on ClimateChange Policy, (Denmark)Brice Koch, Exec. Vice President & Head of Marketing, ABB Group,(Switzerland); Michael K. Rasmussen, Chief Marketing Officer, VELUX(Denmark); Anders Eldrup, CEO, DONG Energy, (Denmark); Jules Kortenhorst,CEO, European Climate Foundation (the Netherlands)
Coffee Break(in exhibition area)Driving the Green Economy:Best practice & the global FrontrunnersAround the world, a number of economies have realized that green business isgood business and are harnessing the potential of renewable energy without
Presentations and workshopsKey sponsors and partners are invited to place a presen-tation or other event in the official program
waiting for new international policy frameworks or carbon markets to becomereality. This session will present best practice and case studies from some of themost focused and ambitious. We present four cases:-Republic of Korea’s semiconductor adventure- UK’s wind energy strategy- Germany’s leadership on solar-Aarhus– creating a world class cluster in windSpeakers:Chaired by Jeff Anderson, Executive Director, Clean Energy Economy (US);Mr. Manuel Zarauza, Vice President, Seoul Semiconductor (Korea); WillCavendish, Director General International Energy & Climate Change, DECC (UK);Dieter Salomon, Mayor of Freiburg (Germany) (TBC);Greg Clark, Sustainable City Expert, CITIES TRACK: HOSTED BY CITY OF COPENHAGENGreen cities take the lead:Smart cities, smart growthAcross the world, cities are taking leadership in the green economy. Thissession presents some of the worlds’ green city role models and will explore therole of cities in combating climate change and environmental challenges whileat the same time creating new, sustainable growth. By collaborating withleading innovators from business, local governors are already sparking greendevelopment and practical solutions that help create better, cleaner and moreattractive local communities. The session gives voice to mayors and cities todiscuss what really works in growing sustainably.This session kicks off a number of discussions on sustainable cities during thetwo conference days. The overall sustainable cities track is exclusively hosted bythe City of Copenhagen and Mayors Frank Jensen & Bo Asmus Kjeldgaard.Speakers:Moderated by Mark Kenber, Policy Director, The Climate Group (UK)Frank Jensen, Copenhagen (Denmark); David Miller, Mayor, Toronto (Canada);Boris Johnson, London (UK) (TBC), Oh Se-hoon, Mayor, Seoul (South Korea)(TBC); Mr. Chen Tian, Director General, Beijing Environmental ProtectionBureau, Beijing Municipality (China)
VELUX &theActive House
DONG Energy &climatepartnerships
Meet The Speakers Café(in the exhibition workshoparea)Speakers from the plenarysession sit down ininformal surroundings tohear your comments oranswer your follow upquestions
Taking on the crowd(inthe exhibition workshoparea)A stage, a key figure inclean tech and a circle ofdelegates: Ask anyquestion you like!The CEO takes on thecrowdThe mayor takes on thecrowd
Key Note SpeakerProfessor Lord Anthony Giddens, London School of EconomicsState of the green market:Preparing for the next boom(on exhibition area stage)Clean tech investments globally are rocketing, even in a time of economicuncertainty. Leading thinkers from politics, business and science will join thispanel to discuss the business opportunities for clean tech in coming years. Willthe Tigers still be rising and the Giant still be sleeping? Will Europe continue tolead if reduction targets are easily met? Will the new superpower China pusheven harder to be the green frontrunner? What are the most promisingtechnologies and investments?Speakers:Chaired by Björn Stigson, President, WBCSD (Switzerland)Daniel Kammen, Professor, Lawrence Berkeley Lab (US), Preben Sørensen,Partner, Deloitte (Denmark); Ditlev Engel, CEO, Vestas Wind Systems A/S(Denmark); Jukka Pertola, CEO , Siemens Denmark (Denmark)
Networking Dinner(reservations only)
30 September 2010Conference08150830-09150915-0955Registration opensSponsor & partner side eventsExhibition openGlobal Cleantech Cluster workshopsNetworking and private events
From Brussels to Boulder : Leading the green revolutionConnie Hedegaard, Commissioner for Climate ActionBill Ritter, Governor, State of Colorado (US)(on exhibition area stage)Leaders of two of the world’s most ambitious green economies meet for the first time.Colorado is becoming the Clean Economy champion in the US and the world’s smartgrid hub, attracting companies and investors from all over the world. EU is a long timechampion in green policies, but at the moment also divided on the issue of reductiontargets for CO2. What can the two leaders learn from each other – and are theirrespective green models replicable?Moderated by: Per Meilstrup, Climate Director, Monday MorningBreak-out sessions and workshops in parallelwith moderated panels of business leaders, experts and policy makersSUSTAINABLE CITIES TRACK:Strategically SustainableHOSTED BY THE CITY OF COPENHAGENSmart City DevelopmentSmart cities, smart gridsPlugging in the intelligentExploring smart cityInspiring sustainablebuildings:The next giantinitiatives and bestleadership:Being greenstep for the future energypractices:needs to go beyondsystems is connectingCities are able to pushreactive CSR plans. Today,offices, industry and homes forward technologies andtoo many organizationsto the grid, establishingpractices that createregard CSR as a cost rather
Hosted workshops(in exhibition area)Join the partners and sponsors for interactivediscussions and presentations
The green gap roundtables: Hosted by Universityof Aalborg, University of Aarhus, University ofCopenhagen, university of Southern Denmarkand Technical University of Denmark, Risoe –DTU1000-1200: Biomass and BioenergyLead by Jørgen E. Olsen, research professor, Department of
two way communicationsbetween energy producersand energy consumers.This session will presentstate-of-the-art technologyand models for intelligentbuildings that help usersmake smart choices whenconsuming energy and insome cases producingenergy themselves.Intelligent use of energy isa prerequisite for lowcarbon cities, whether it isin their own institutionsand buildings or in thehomes, companies andoffices of its citizens.We explore how cities canpromote intelligentbuildings and benefit fromthe latest innovations andwhat businessopportunities thisrepresents.Moderator: Rolf AskClausen, Managing Editor,Community, MediehusetIngeniørenColin Calder, CEO, PassivSystems (UK)Chris Twinn, Arup (UK)(TBC)
smarter, better and morelivable cities for citizensand businesses. Thissession explores theplanning aspects from ideaand vision over masterplans and drawings toimplementation,construction and use. Whatare city leaders looking foras they plan to grow theircities? What are the mostpromising technologysolutions? And who aremaking the leap fromvision to reality?Architects and city plannerswill engage in a discussionwith visionary leaders fromgreen cities to test anddiscuss how smart cityinitiatives work and howgood practice and boldideas can are transformedinto best practice.The panel will discuss whattechnologies and solutionswork today and whichpolicies are being adopted.City leaders will tell whatinspires them and will seekto inspire the audience toput forward their ideas forbetter and smarter city
than a strategic tool togenerate new growth.Now is the window tochange your CSR policyfrom a cost to an incomeperspective. Because stillmore consumers aredemanding that companiesthink sustainability in theircore business. CSR windowdressing – for instance bybragging that yourorganization is savingpaper or tuning off thelights – will no longerimpress. Only whencompanies start thinkingCSR and sustainability aspart of theirproduct/service deliverieswill consumers payattention.Overall, consumers willchoose companies whichnot only think shareholdermanagement, butstakeholder management.Consumers demand thatcompanies activelyacknowledge and supportthe community in whichthey operate.You might call this a trueparadigm shift which calls
Agroecology and Environment Research Centre Foulum,Aarhus University. Lead author, IPCC•The roundtable will consider the bottlenecks in researchand development related to the following critial points:•How large is the global biomass resourcer and how can thisbe increased?•Which sustainability issues need to be considered forbiomass use and how can this be ensured?•What are the technology bottlenecks in conversion ofbiomass to energy carriers and materials (includingbiorefineries)?1300-1500: Energy EfficiencyLead by Carsten Rode, Professor, head of section, TechnicalUniversity of DenmarkThe roundtable will focus on energy efficiency in buildings,especially in terms of retrofitting, and efficiency inindustrial processes, including SMEs1500-1700: Intelligent Energy SystemsLead by Henrik Bindslev, Director at Technical University ofDenmark, Risoe/DTU, chairman of European EnergyResearch Alliance (REEA)The roundtable will address the development of a highlyflexible and intelligent energy system which facilitatessubstantial higher amounts of renewable energy. Both withregard to necessity and perspectives in OECD countries andrapidly developing economies in the far East with focus onwhat and why and explore challenges and opportunities.Will address stimulus packages in China and US. Theroundtable will cover supply, grid, end use as well asInternational cooperation (electrons) with focus on Gapanalyses and the aim to set the research agenda andstimulate cooperation between industry and research.
Harry Veerhar, Director,Philips Lighting (Holland)(TBC)
solutions that can sparkintelligent growth andbetter life in our urbanareas.This session will presentcases from: Copenhagen,Paris, LondonModerator: InternationalHerald TribuneBo Asmus Kjeldgaard,Mayor for Technology andEnvironment, Copenhagen(DK)Helle Lis Søholt, CEO andPartner, Gehl Architects(DK)Denis Baupin, DeputyMayor of Paris (France)(TBC)Peter Head, Director, Arup(UK) (TBC)Nicky Gavron, London (UK)(TBC)Private-public partnershipsfor clean development:Smart city models are seenas key to reachingambitious goals for CO2reductions while sustaininggrowth and quality of life inlocal communities.A number of cities areexploring innovative
for new leadership skills.And this session will discussthe needed mindset, theneeded skills and theimplications and rewardsof implementing‘Sustainable leadership’.Moderator: AsgerDaugbjerg, Director,Monday MorningAndrew J. Hoffman,Professor, University ofMichigan (US) (TBC)Bjørn Kj. Haugland, COOSustainability & Innovation,DNV (N)Niall Dunne, Saatchi &Saatchi S (US) (TBC)Thomas Nagy, EVPNovozymes (DK)Schneider Electrics
Powering the future withsmart energy:The deployment of largescale smart grids andconnecting to national ortransnational grids is aviable next step in manycities and local areas.Without it, many cities willnot be able to meet their
Creating a world classcluster: Aarhus - the windcapital of the worldBasedon Aarhus as a case study,this session explores how aregion can build onstrongholds and create ahub for a specificsustainable technology –wind. Aarhus region has
Hosted workshop:Danish Standards Foundation
targets for reducingemissions and improvingenergy efficiency.This session will discuss thepublic-private partnershipsneeded, the interplaybetween policy andinnovation and willshowcase how cities canfunction intelligently withsmart grids at their core.The city context canaccelerate thedevelopment of anintelligent energy gridsystem with energy storagecapacity and controllabilityof network and customerdemands;Leading experts willdemonstrate howrenewable energy can beintegrated in the cityenergy mix and how thesmart grid is a part of thebigger grid picture andessential for the growth ofthe green development.The session will presentcases from: Colorado,Richmond, Stockholm andAmsterdam.Moderator: MartinLidegaard, Chairman,Concito
models for collaborationwith private businesses andinstitutions and are findingnew ways of shaping thecity infrastructure to createoptimal conditions forgrowth and jobs that goeshand in hand withsustainability. These smartcities can serve asimportant points ofreference for creatinggreen growth in all citiesaround the world and forrolling out and scaling newtechnologies and businessmodels.This session will exploremodels for private-publiccollaboration that work.Cities and privatecompanies will join thissession and share theirexperiences and bechallenged by experts ininvestigate the mostimportant challenges forreaching better crosssector collaboration.This session will presentcases from: Kalundborgand ColoradoModerator: Lars Johansen,Director, Monday Morning
already attracted a largenumber of companies andcompetencies within theglobal wind sector.Hosted by NicolaiWammen, Lord Mayor ofAarhus and Laura Hay,Councillor of Aarhus.Moderated by Greg Clark,Sustainable City Expert,citiesandregions.comSpeakers:Stephan Karl Mey, CEO,Suzlon Wind Energy A/SOve Poulsen, Director ofAarhus School ofEngineering (DK)
Joost Brinkman, ProjectManager, AmsterdamSmart City (Holland)John LoPorto, CEO, PowerTagging Technologies (USA)Wade O. Troxell, AssociateDean, Colorado StateUniversity (USA)Marie Fossum, VP, Fortum(Sweden)1200-1330Smart grid lunch seminarHosted by UK Trade &InvestmentOur panel discusses theprojects and policiesshaping the future ofBritain's energyinfrastructure. Massiveinvestment in renewablepower generation in theUK necessitates a step-change in the way ourenergy system operates,from connection of theworld's largest offshorewind farms to theincorporation ofincreasingly sophisticatedICT on the demand-side.Our panel will outline thecurrent state of the systemand discussthe opportunities and
John Zysman, Professor,UC, Berkeley, (US);Sandi Moilanen, Directorof
Trade & Investment forEMEA,Colorado (US)Martin K. Andersen, EUhead of office, City ofKalundborg/IndustrialSymbiosis (DK)
Networking lunch(in exhibition area)
Private lunches(sponsor hosted)
challenges that thispresents for governmentand industry over thecoming years.30 min. networking lunchfollowed by 60 min. paneldiscussion.Steve Aughton, SiemensT&DNational Grid (TBC)Renewable UK (TBC)DECC (TBC)Exclusive Exhibition Speaker Bjarke Ingels, BIG(on exhibition area stage)
Break-out sessions and workshops in parallelwith moderated panels of business leaders, experts and policy makers1400-1450Building the future energygrid:Building national andtransnational intelligent andintegrated energy systems isessential to thetransformation from “old”energy to “new” energy oncountry-, city- and regionallevel. Achieving energysecurity, pushing forwardand utilizing the fullpotential of renewableenergy sources – e.g. wind,solar, biomass, geothermaland cutting down on energyconsumption all comes downto the development of“super highways” forelectrons.Based on concrete, appliedsolutions and real life casestudies the session exploresthe full perspective ofnational and transnationalgrids. You will learn aboutthe development of one ofESCO – guide to therevolutionary businessmodel:This session will focus onthe Energy ServiceCompanies (ESCO) businessmodel for energyefficiency, one of the greenbusiness models in theworld gaining the mostmomentum with local andnational governments andbusiness.ESCO implements energysaving projects in publicand private organizations;in buildings, plants,installations andinfrastructure, againstgetting a share of thefuture saving of energy.Leading experts within thebusiness will map the bestcases in and depict thepossibilities of the modeland benefits for all parts ofGreen and leanworkshopLean became the leadingbusiness process modelduring the 1990’es,improving efficiency andquality in businesses allover the world. NowGreen Lean is repeatingits success, improvingenergy efficiency anddriving down emissions.Brett Wills, The author ofGreen Intentionswillpresent how to lean andgreen and show thespecific steps a firm musttake to achieveenvironmentalsustainability.
Side Events
Nordic Council ofMinisters –Presentation of
Municipality ofKalundborg
the worlds’ most advancednational grids, about thestorage challenges, aboutthe prospects of how asupergrid can revolutionizethe European energy supplyand meet leading policy andbusiness experts who pushforward the agenda.The purpose of the session isto give an understanding andanswers to what the futureenergy grid should look like,what it will take and who canmake it happen.This session will presentcases from: Denmark andthe rest of EuropeModerator: New EconomicsForumSøren Dupont Kristensen,Head of Strategic Planning,Energinet.Dk (DK)Tom Plant, Director of theColorado Governor’s EnergyOffice (US)Pierre Bernard, SecretaryGeneral, ELIA, member ofFriends of the Supergrid(Belgium)Eurelectric (EU) (TBC)Green Mobility:Thetransportation sector is inmany ways “the wicked
the cooperation – andways to improve themodels. The audience willshare information, beinspired from other ESCOactivities and learn how toproceed with the model inorder to promote energyefficiency.Moderator: Danish EnergyAssociationJeppe Rasmussen, VPBuildings and Business,Schneider Electric (France)Scott Petersen, MarketingDirector – EnergySolutions, HoneywellBuilding Solutions (UK)
Taking on the crowd(inthe exhibition area)A stage, a key figure inclean tech anda circle of delegates: Askany question you like!The Communicatortakes on the crowd
Building for the future:How new and old builtenvironment can be an
Green procurement:Intelligent and strategicfocus on buying green
Meet The SpeakersCafé(in exhibition area)
problem” for all cities, firstand foremost because of theincrease in emissions and airpollution from cars andtrucks.Smart grids offer, however,one of the most promisingemerging solutions. Chargingelectric vehicles with cleanenergy sources from the gridin the right place at the righttime is a way forward. Itmeans not only low carboncars and trucks, but alsosolves the energy securitychallenges that any energysystem would meet if we allbought EVs and pluggedthem in the wall.Leading expert from theindustry, policymakers andenergy suppliers will shedlight on how the electricvehicles and fuel cell vehiclesshould be rolled out as anintegrated part of a futuresmart city energy system,including infrastructure.The session will presentcases from: Bornholm,London, Copenhagen,Moderator: Bjarke Møller,Chief Editor, MondayMorning
asset in going greenThe built environment isthe major consumer ofenergy and emitter of CO2and is thus core to any lowcarbon city development.Showcasing examples ofhow to design new, greencity areas and reshape andretrofit existing buildings,this session introducesstate-of-the-art models,ideas and technologies forgreening our builtenvironment. Whilepushing forwardsustainable growth, smart,green houses, offices andneighborhoods is also away to improve the qualityof 21 Century city life.Moderator:Tomas Gustafsson, chiefstrategist, Stockholm(Sweden)Michael Schäfer, DieGrünen, Berlin (D) (TBC)Ole Gustavsen, CEO,Snøhetta (Norway) (TBC)Ilmar Reepalu, Mayor ofMalmö (Sweden) (TBC)
products for yourbusiness, public or privateorganization is aneffective way ofimproving your carbonfootprint – and also animportant way to drivenew, green markets.The session will focus onthe challenges toinnovative and greenprocurement and providesolutions to meet them.Moderator: WorldBusiness Council forSustainable DevelopmentJonas Engberg, Social &EnvironmentalCoordinator, IKEADanmarkGitte Seeberg, SecretaryGeneral, WWF (TBC)Søren Jakobsen, CEODanish NationalProcurement Ltd (DK)Nordic Council ofMinisters
Speakers from theplenary session sitdown in informalsurroundings tohear yourcomments oranswer your followup questions
The Innovator takeson the crowd
Jens Moberg, CEO, BetterPlace Denmark (DK) (TBC)Kai Karring, The MobilityHouse (Austria) (TBC)Lene Grønning, BusinessCenter Bornholm (DK)Nils Dullum, CEO,CleanCharge Solutions (DK)Coffee served in exhibition area1550-1650
Nordic Ministers Session:Green Global Competitiveness from a Nordic Perspective(on exhibition area stage)Presented by the Nordic Council of Ministers and Nordic Innovation CenterThe Nordic region has been a point of reference for global clean tech for many yearsand the Nordic countries are all pursuing aggressive green strategies, based onestablished clean tech strongholds and a history of successful public-privatepartnerships.But what will it take to sustain this competitive position as a global point of referencefor green economies?In this session, Ministers from Nordic countries will meet to discuss how they viewnational strengths and challenges and how the Nordic countries can collaborate to staycompetitive in the global clean tech marketsThis session also invites key companies from the Nordic region and selects foreignmarket representatives to challenge the ministers with questions and ideas for Nordiccollaboration.Speakers:Introduced by Halldór Ásgrímsson, Secretary General, NCM (Iceland), (TBC)Panel participants:Lykke Friis, Minister of Energy & Climate (Denmark)Trond Giske, Minister of Trade & Industry (Norway), (TBC)Mauri Pekkarinen, Minister of Economic Affairs (Finland) , (TBC)
Katrín Júlíusdóttir, Minister of Industry Energy and Tourism (Iceland) , (TBC)Prepared questions from industry leaders from Nordic countries and keyforeign marketsWrap up: See you next year at World Climate Solutions 2011Climate Cup award ceremonyNordic minister’s reception at Nordic pavilion