Boligudvalget 2009-10
BOU Alm.del Bilag 28

World Urban Forum 5: Provisional Agenda of the agenda.Establishment of an advisory group for the Fifth session of the World Urban Forum.Organization of work.Government and Partner Roundtable and Networking Sessions.The Dialogues on“The Right to the City: Bridging the Urban Divide”Dialogue IDialogue IITaking Forward the Right to the CityBridging the Urban divide
Dialogue III Equal Access to ShelterDialogue IV Cultural Diversity in CitiesDialogue VGovernance and Participation
Dialogue VI Inclusive sustainable Urbanization6.Provisional agenda and other arrangements for the Sixth session of the World UrbanForum.Adoption of the summary report of the session.
UNITED NATIONS HUMAN SETTLEMENTS PROGRAMMEP.O. Box 30030, GPO Nairobi 00100, KENYA; Tel.: +254 20 762 3334/3903; Fax: +254 20 762 4175; E-mail: [email protected];