Udenrigsudvalget 2008-09
URU Alm.del
Royal Danish EmbassyBaghdad
The Royal Danish Embassy in Baghdad presents its compliments to the Ministty of FoteignAffairs of the Republic of Itaq and kindly requeststhe Ministry to convey the following to theIraqi Vice-president H.E. Tadq Al-Hashimi:"The Royal Danish Embassy would like to tefer to the pleasant convetsation on 9 Septembet2009 between the Iraqi Vice-president H.E. Tatiq Al-Hashimi and the Danish Ambassadot toIraq, in which the Vice-ptesident tecommended that Denmatk temporatily postpone theenforced tetutn of tejected Iraqi asylum seeketsto Iraq.Denmatk acknowledges and welcomes the commitment of the Government of Iraq towatdsimptoving the situation for internally displaced persons and tefugees in Itaq. Denmark alsowelcomes and appreciatesthe willingness to accept the teturn of Itaqi nationals who have nojusti$'ing ptolongation of their staycompelling needs for protection or humanitarian assistancein Denmark, but who neverthelesscontinue to tefuse to avail them of the optron of voluntarylerurn.Denmark is very satisfied with the implementation of the Memorandum of Undetstanding of1.3 May 2009. Denmatk would like to highlight the excellent cooperation between thecompetent authorit-iesin Denmark and Iraq concetning the implementatjon of the agteement.Denmatk attachesgteat importance to the continued implementation of the agteement'Since June 2009 Denmark has tetutned 35 Iraqi nationals in accordance wrth the agreement.The retutn ptocess has been otdetly and the returnees have been treated humanely by theDarush Police. It should be noted that the Government of Denmatk on sevetal occasions hastooffeted economic support upon voluntary return as well as reintegration assistance the Iraqinationals, who have no compelling needs for ptotection ot humanitarian assistancejusti$tingprolongation of their stay in Denmatk.Denmark stands ready to continue the close and &uitful dialogue with the Itaqi authodues inorder to ensure the best possible teception and teintegration of the teturnees. Denmarktemains committed to support the Govetnment of Iraq and to continue out dedicatedengagementin the teconstruction and development of Itaq."
The Royal Danish Embassy avails itself of this oppottunity to reiterate to the PtotocolDepatrnent oF the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq the assutancesof itshighest considetation.
162009Baghdad, Septembet
Protocol DepartmentMinistry of Foreign AffairsBaghdad