Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2008-09
UVT Alm.del Bilag 215
To the members of The Science and Technology Committeeof the Danish Folketing
9 September 2009Dear members of The Science and Technology Committee,The Global Biodiversity Facility (GBIF) is an international organisation with theoverall mission to make scientific data about the world’s biodiversity freelyand universally accessible via the internet for science, for conservation and fora sustainable management of the world’s biodiversity resources.The GBIF Headquarters was located in Copenhagen in 2001 after an opencompetition among member countries of GBIF.The GBIF Governing Board meets on 6-8 October 2009 in Copenhagen for itsannual meeting with representatives from member countries.GBIF has a tradition for combining its Board meeting with a one day scientific –policy related arrangement – our Science Symposium – which is open to thegeneral public.This year the theme has been selected in light of the upcoming very importantCOP meeting in Copenhagen in December, and is on‘MarineBiodiversity and Climate Change’The GBIF Science Symposium will take place on 7thOctober at the GeocenterDenmark, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350 Copenhagen K.The preliminary programme for the symposium is available at:http://gb16.gbif.org/GBIF-science-symposium-09-Preliminary%20Programme.pdfYou are hereby cordially invited to the Science Symposium. Please use thefollowing linkhttp://gb16.gbif.org/GB16reg/stage0and choose the box forfree events to register for the symposium should it have your interest.With kind regardsGlobal BiodiversityInformation FacilitySecretariatUniversitetsparken 15DK-2100 Copenhagen ØDenmarkTel.:Fax:Web:+45 35 32 14 77+45 35 32 14 80www.gbif.org
Hugo von LinstowDeputy Director for ManagementAnd International RelationsMore information about GBIF can be found at:http://www.gbif.org/