Udvalget for Videnskab og Teknologi 2008-09
UVT Alm.del Bilag 141
Study tour to Oak Ridge and Silicon ValleyJune 8th – June 14th, 2009
Prepared forThe Danish Committee for Science and Technology &the Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation
Tables of content1..........Participants list ....................................................................................... 32..........Accommodation and Contacts ............................................................. 43..........Meeting Program .................................................................................... 5Monday June 8th2009 ........................................................................................................................................... 5Tuesday June 9th 2009......................................................................................................................................... 5Wednesday June 10th2009................................................................................................................................. 6Thursday June 11th2009 ..................................................................................................................................... 6Friday June 12th2009 ........................................................................................................................................... 7Saturday June 13th2009 ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4..........Background information on visits ..................................................... 8Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, Tennessee.................................................................................. 8Innovation Center Denmark, Silicon Valley ................................................................................................ 9SuccessFactors ...................................................................................................................................................... 10Stanford University ............................................................................................................................................. 11H-STAR – New interdisciplinary research center on people and technology ........................... 13Better Place ............................................................................................................................................................ 14UC Berkeley ............................................................................................................................................................ 15CITRIS: A multi-disciplinary attempt to re-engineer engineering ................................................. 17The Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) ........................................................................................................... 18
5..........Bio’s on people ..................................................................................... 19Thomas Zacharia, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, ORNL ..................................... 19Dana C. Christensen, Assoc. Lab. Director, Energy and Engineering Sciences, ORNL ........... 20Michelle Buchanan, Associate Laboratory Director, Physical Sciences, ORNL......................... 21Thomas B. Ballard, Director, the Partnerships Directorate, ORNL ................................................ 22Billy Stair, Director, Communications and External Relations, ORNL.......................................... 23Marianna Lubanski, Director, Innovation Center Denmark ............................................................. 24Lars Dalgaard, CEO, SuccessFactors ............................................................................................................ 25Keith Devlin, Professor, Executive Director H-STAR, Stanford ....................................................... 26Byron Reeves, Professor, Co-director, H-STAR, Stanford .................................................................. 27Jeremy Bailenson, Ass. professor, Director, Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Stanford ........ 28Leonid G. Kazovsky, Professor, Electrical Engineering, Stanford................................................... 29Charles House, Executive Director of Media X, Stanford .................................................................... 30Henrik Bennetsen, Associate Director, The Stanford Humanities Lab, Stanford .................... 31Kim Klyver, Assistant professor SCANCOR, Stanford .......................................................................... 32James D. Plummer, Dean, School of Engineering, Stanford ............................................................... 33Paul K. Wright, Professor, Director of CITRIS, UC Berkeley.............................................................. 34Shankar S. Sastry, Professor, Dean of the College of Engineering, UC Berkeley ...................... 35Gary L. Baldwin, PhD, Director of Special Projects, CITRIS, UC Berkeley ................................... 36Ravi Nemana, Executive Director Service science, CITRIS, UC Berkeley .................................... 37Carolyn Remick, Executive Director, The Berkeley Water Center, UC Berkeley ..................... 38Heinz Frei, Deputy Director, Helios Solar Energy Research Center, UC Berkeley .................. 39Henrik Vibe Scheller, Professor, Director of Cell Wall Biosynthesis, JBEI .................................. 40
6..........Maps & Driving Directions ................................................................ 417..........Facts about Silicon Valley (2007) .................................................... 428..........Facts USA ................................................................................................ 49
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Participants list
The Committee for Science and Technology
Marianne Jelved, The Social-Liberal Party (chairman)Malou Aamund, The Liberal PartyMichael Aastrup Jensen, The Liberal PartyTorsten Schack Pedersen, The Liberal PartyKirsten Brosbøll, The Social Democratic PartyOle Hækkerup, The Social Democratic PartySophie Hæstorp Andersen, The Social Democratic PartyMikkel Dencker, The Danish People´s PartyHanne Agersnap, The Socialistic People´s PartyJonas Dahl, The Socialistic People´s PartyCharlotte Dyremose, The Conservative People’s PartyFinn Skriver Frandsen, secretarySigne Draabe Bruunsgaard, assistantMinistry of Science, Technology, and Innovation
Helge Sander, Minister for Science, Technology, and InnovationHans Müller Pedersen, vice director generalSøren Nedergaard, head of divisionJørgen Sørensen, secretary to the MinisterEmbassy of Denmark, Washington, USA
Friis Arne Petersen, Danish Ambassador to the United StatesChristian Stenberg, first secretaryInnovation Center Denmark, Silicon Valley, USA
Lars Beer Nielsen, research attachéNicole Marie Estelle Hansen, associate
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Accommodation and Contacts
AccommodationJune 8th – June 9th 2009Doubletree Oak Ridge, 215 S. Illinois Ave., Oak Ridge, TN37830, phone +1 865-481-2468, fax: +1 865-481-2474http://www.doubletree.com
June 9th – June 13th 2009Sir Francis Drake, 450 Powell St, San Francisco, CA 94102,phone +1 415-392-7755, fax: +1 415-391-8719http://www.sirfrancisdrake.com
ContactsResearch attaché Lars B. Nielsen, Innovation Center Denmark+1 650 353 8879 /[email protected]Associate Nicole Estelle Hansen, Innovation Center Denmark+1 650 630 7473 /[email protected]
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Meeting Program
Monday June 8th2009Departure from Denmark and arrival in USATime12:20 PM5:00 PM8:30 PMActivityDeparture Copenhagen AirportDeparture Washington DullesArrival and check in at hotelKeywordsSK 925 to Washington Dulles, arrival 3:00 PM,local timeUA 7983 to Knoxville, arrival 6:38 PM, localtimeDoubletree Oak Ridge
Tuesday June 9th 2009Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee1Time9:00 AM9:30 AM10:00 AMActivityBus to ORNL visitor centerCheck-in at the visitor centerMeet with Thomas Zacharia,deputy Director for Science andTechnology at ORNLLunch with Dana Christensen,Michelle Buchanan, Tom Ballardand Billy StairBus to SNSMeet with Dean Myles, Director forNeutron Scattering ScienceDivisionTour SNS with operations managerFrank KornegayBus to the airportDeparture KnoxvilleDeparture Chicago O’HareArrival and check in at hotelKeywordsApprox. 25 min. of transportationSecurity check-inZacharia provides an overall view on ORNLand related R&D activitiesInformal discussions during lunch with keypersonnel at ORNLApprox. 15 min. of transportationBriefing about ORNL´s Spallation NeutronSource (SNS)Guided tour at SNSApprox. 45 min. of transportationUA 7919 to Chicago O’Hare, arrival 6:21 PM,local timeUA 155 to San Francisco, arrival 10:39 PM,local timeSir Francis Drake, San Francisco
12:15 PM12:30 PM
1:30 PM2:30 PM2:45 PM3:30 PM5:25 PM7:55 PM11:30 PM
Assoc. professor Kim Lefmann from the Niels Bohr Institute will participate during the visit at ORNL. Lefmannis expected to be part of building up ESS in Lund/Copenhagen. Also, Danish Professor Soren P. Sorensen, Head ofthe Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Tennessee will participate during the visit.
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Wednesday June 10th2009Introduction to Silicon Valley and visit to SuccessFactors, San FranciscoTime9:00 AM11:00 AMActivityBreakfast and introduction toInnovation Center Denmark bydir. Marianna Lubanski andattaché Lars B. NielsenLunchTransportation to SuccessFactorsVisit SuccessFactors and meetwith Danish CEO Lars DalgaardNo programKeywordsBriefing about the activities at InnovationCenter Denmark and a short presentation onthe phenomenon Silicon ValleyLunch at the hotelApprox. 20 min. of transportationSuccessFactors is a great example of how aDane has succeeded in turning a start-up into aNasdaq listed companySightseeing, dinner etc.
11:30 AM1:00 PM1:30 PM3:00 PMEvening
Thursday June 11th2009Stanford, H-STAR, Better Place and networking, Palo AltoTime8:00 AM9:00 AMActivityTransportation from San Franciscoto Stanford University, Palo AltoVisit the Human Sciences andAdvanced Technologies ResearchInstitute (H-STAR)CoffeeMeet H-STAR faculty: Dir. KeithDevlin, prof. Byron Reeves, prof.Jeremy Bailenson and prof. LeonidKazovskyCampus tourLunch at Stanford UniversityFaculty ClubMeet with Dean prof. James D.Plummer, School of Engineering,Stanford UniversityKeywordsApprox. 50 min. of transportationDenmark (ICDK) is member of H-STAR. Focusis on applied cross-sectional research withinhumanities and scienceBreakWhat can Denmark learn from the wayStanford conducts research? Increasedpossibilities for international researchcollaboration?Walk to Stanford Faculty ClubLunch with Danish visiting scholars andinvited guests from Stanford. Lunch talk: Dir.Chuck House, Media X, Stanford UniversityWhat can Denmark learn from the wayStanford conducts research? How is worldclass research integrated in the tightcollaboration with enterprises? The financialcrisis and the impact at Stanford?Better Place works with DONG Energy tobring electric vehicles to Denmark in 2011The Danes living and working in SiliconValley, main university and industrycollaborators; friends of ICDK, etc.Approx. 45 min. of transportation
10:00 AM10:30 AM
3:30-5:00PM6:00 PM
Meet with Guryan Tighe, Marke-ting Comm. Manager, Better PlaceReception at Innovation CenterDenmarkTransportation to San Francisco
8:00 PM
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Friday June 12th2009UC Berkeley, CITRIS and Joint Bio Energy Institute (JBEI)Time8:00 AM9:00 AM10:00 AMActivityTransportation from San Franciscoto BerkeleyMeeting with representatives fromthe board at UC BerkeleyKeywordsApprox. 40 min. of transportationWhat can Denmark learn from the wayBerkeley conducts research? How is worldclass research integrated in the tightcollaboration with enterprises? Increasedpossibilities for international researchcollaboration?BreakDenmark (ICDK) is a member of CITRIS. Focusis on research in solving bigger societalproblemsWalking to the Campus Faculty ClubLunch with invited guestsApprox. 20 min. of transportationJoint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) has justreceived 135 mil. USD to do research in bio-fuelsApprox. 30 min. of transportationOn your ownThe Carnelian Room, Bank of America Building,52. floor
10:00 AM10:15 AM10:15 AM11:45 AM11:45 AM12:001:30 PM1:30 PM2:00 PM2:00 PM3:15 PM3:30 PMAfternoon6:30 PM
CoffeeIntroduction to CITRIS and briefingfrom selected CITRIS researchers ontheir researchTransportationLunch at the Faculty ClubTransportationVisit JBEI and director, prof. HenrikVibe Scheller (former prof. at KU-LIFE)TransportationNo programMinister Helge Sander invites theCommittee to dinner
Saturday June 13th2009Departure from San FranciscoTime5:30 AM7:55 AM5:15 PMActivityDeparture Sir Francis DrakeDeparture San Francisco AirportDeparture Washington DullesAirportKeywordsApprox. 25 min. of transportationUA 914 direction Washington Dulles,arrival 3:55PM, local timeSK 926 direction Copenhagen
Sunday June 14th2009Arrival in DenmarkTime5:30 AMActivityArrival Copenhagen AirportKeywordsSK 926 direction Copenhagen
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Background information on visits
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, ORNL, TennesseeOak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is a multiprogramscience and technology national laboratory managed for theUnited States Department of Energy (DOE) by UT-Battelle.ORNL is the DOE's largest science and energy laboratory.ORNL is located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, near Knoxville.Scientists and engineers at ORNL conduct basic and applied research and development tocreate scientific knowledge and technological solutions that build the nation's expertise inkey areas of science; increase the availability of clean, abundant energy; restore andprotect the environment; and contribute to national security.With the world's highest flux reactor-based neutron source (the High Flux IsotopeReactor) and the world's most intense pulsed accelerator-based neutron source (theSpallation Neutron Source), ORNL provides neutron scattering capabilities unavailableanywhere else in the world.
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Innovation Center Denmark, Silicon ValleyInnovation Center Denmark,Silicon Valley is one of the directresults of the globalization strategydesigned by the Danish government and supported by a big majority in the DanishParliament in 2005. The goal was to help achieve the ambitious objective of becoming oneof the leading knowledge based nations in the world by 2016.
The mission of Innovation Center Denmark is to build bridges between researchinstitutions, companies and capital in Denmark and Silicon Valley. To accelerate the entryof Danish companies into Silicon Valley, promote US investments in Denmark, facilitateresearch cooperation and provide inspiration to help drive innovation in Denmark.
The focus is on ICT (Information and Communications Technology), Life Science andRenewable Energy.
Two ministries work together at Innovation Center Denmark; the Royal Danish Ministryof Foreign Affairs and the Royal Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Development.The Center is the 6th official Danish mission in the US and works closely with the Embassyin Washington, the Consulate General in New York and the Trade Offices in Atlanta,Chicago and Los Angeles.
The Innovation center will help companies to establish a basic network that you can buildon, and teach them some of the inside Silicon Valley networking skills. This productrequires the company to come to Silicon Valley and spend at least a week. Our targetgroup is companies who have decided to establish a US entity or delegations ofcompanies, organizations or institutions that need inspiration for moving forward.
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MissionSuccessFactors strive to change the worldby making every company we work with amore meritocratic place to work, wherepromotion and pay is based on performance and not politics. In this way, we are workingto increase productivity inside of every company we work with by 50%.
Company snapshotSuccessFactors provides state-of-the-art Performance & Talent Management solutionsthat help organizations of every size and category realize their potential through theirtalent. Serving 2,700+ customers with 4.7+ million users in 185 countries and 31languages has helped us better grow companies like yours with the insights we've learnedalong the way.With a customer-focused ethic that is our single most important and recognized quality,we have worked to achieve a growth rate 3x that of our nearest competitor. It's alsohelped us earn nearly 100% customer referenceability and become one of the mostwidely recognized Performance & Talent Management solutions on the planet.Simply stated, SuccessFactors works every day to help companies just like yours achievetangible and measurable results with Performance & Talent Management initiatives thatuse the latest research, the smartest technology, and the most secure systems on theplanet.
Products and servicesSuccessFactors provides an affordable, integrated, on-demand Performance & TalentManagement suite for companies of every shape and size. It ranges from recruiting toperformance, compensation and succession and everything in between. Our solutions aredesigned to be easy for anyone to use but powerful enough to uncover critical insightsthat help drive never before seen business performance from your most valuable asset:your workforce.
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Stanford UniversityStanford’sfounding grant was written on November 11, 1885,and accepted by the first Board of Trustees on November 14.The cornerstone was laid on May 14, 1887, and the Universityofficially opened on October 1, 1891, to 559 students and 15faculty members, seven of whom hailed from CornellUniversity. At the opening of the school, there was no tuition forstudents, a program which lasted into the 1930's. Among the first class of students was ayoung future president Herbert Hoover, who would claim to be first studenteveratStanford, by virtue of having been the first person in the first class to sleep in thedormitory.
Stanford University is governed by a board of trustees, in conjunction with the universitypresident, provosts, faculty senate, and the deans of the various schools. Besides theuniversity, the Stanford trustees oversee Stanford Research Park, the Stanford ShoppingCenter, the Cantor Center for Visual Arts, Stanford University Medical Center and manyassociated medical facilities (including the Lucile Packard Children's Hospital), as well asmany acres of undeveloped foothills.
Other Stanford-affiliated institutions include the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center(SLAC) and the Stanford Research Institute, a now-independent institution whichoriginated at the University, in addition to the Stanford Humanities Center.
Stanford places a strong focus on residential education. Approximately 98 percent ofundergraduate students live in on-campus university housing, with another five percentliving in Stanford housing at the overseas campuses. According to the Stanford HousingAssignments Office, undergraduates live in 77 different houses, including dormitories, co-ops, row houses, fraternities and sororities. Residences are located generally just outsidethe campus core, within ten minutes (on foot or bike) of most classrooms and libraries.Some residences are for freshmen only; others give priority to sophomores, others to bothfreshmen and sophomores; some are available for upperclass students only, and some areopen to all four classes. All residences are coed except for seven all-male fraternities,three all-female sororities, and one all-female house. In most residences men and womenlive on the same floor, but a few dorms are configured for men and women to live onseparate floors.
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Stanford factsStanford University's undergraduate program is ranked fourth among nationaluniversities byU.S. News and World Report(USNWR).
Stanford University is ranked second among world universities and second amonguniversities in the Americas by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, nineteenth amongworld universities in the THES-QS World University Rankings, seventh amongnational universities byThe Washington Monthly,second among "global universities"by Newsweek,[41]and in the first-tier among national universities by The Center forMeasuring University Performance. Stanford University also participates in theNational Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU)'s Universityand College Accountability Network (U-CAN).
Stanford received $911 million in private donations for the year ended August 31,2006, the most of all U.S. universities and seventh highest of all charities.
Stanford announced recently that it would use some of its endowment to cover the$36,000-a-year tuition for students whose families make under $100,000 a year. Forstudents with family income under $60,000, living costs will also be paid.
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H-STAR – New interdisciplinary research center on people and technologyH-STAR, the Human-Sciences and Technologies Advanced ResearchInstitute, is a new interdisciplinary research center at StanfordUniversity. H-STAR emphasize “people and technology” — howpeople use technology, how to better design technology to make itmore usable (and more competitive in the marketplace), howtechnology affects people's lives, and the innovative use oftechnologiesinresearch,education,art,business,commerce,entertainment,communication, national security, and other walks of life.Research agendasAmong the large, complex, global problems that are at the heart of the H-STAR are:Reducing complexity of technology to enable its universal uses for work, learningand other vital sectors of lifeClosing digital divides across class, race, gender, age and nations, so that access toand fluencies with technologies can provide equal opportunities to learn andwork productively for personal and societal well-beingAccelerating innovation in the creation and diffusion of products and servicesthat better meet human needsSolving security and trust problems of computing, communications, andinformation systems at home, work and in governmental affairsEnsuring pervasive safety and health of people over the lifespan with human-centered technology innovationsH-STAR spans an impressive range of Stanford faculty and research topics, includinglearning technologies, human-machine interaction design, pervasive computing includingmobile devices, speech recognition, automated dialogue systems, collaborationtechnologies, entertainment and serious games, immersive virtual worlds and virtualhumans, technology and the developing world, information and social networkvisualization, security and privacy, participatory media including web video technologies,simulation, law and information policy, and novel input and display devices.The agreementAs part of the partnership agreement DASTI has acquired two so-called “Visiting Slots” forPhD´s and researchers for a duration of 24 months. DASTI thereby invites eligiblecandidates to submit applications for visiting scholarships for a duration of 3-6 months.The slotting fee paid by DASTI will only cover the Stanford fees for visiting researchers. In2009 we have 8 researchers from Danish universities placed at Stanford thorugh H-STAR.
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Better PlaceDet begyndte alt sammen i 2005, da Klaus Schwab,formand og grundlægger af World Economic Forum,på en konference spurgte en forsamling af verdensdygtigste unge ledere: Hvordan vil du gøre verden til et bedre sted at leve inden 2020?Schwabs udfordring fik Shai Agassi at forestille sig en verden uden olie. Med sin erfaringsom iværksætter og med inspiration fra blandt andet statsledere formulerede Agassi enforretningsplan for fremtidens biltransport, der trækker inspiration fraforretningsmodellen fra mobiletelefon industrien og anvender bæredygtig energi. Agassistiftede Better Place i oktober 2007 med 200 mio. dollars i venturekapital og annonceredei løbet af de første 15 måneder en række opsigtsvækkende aftaler på vejen mod at ændreverdens transportinfrastruktur fra at være oliebaseret til bygge på bæredygtig energi.Better Places model fungerer således, at forbrugeren køber et abonnement på transport –meget lig, når man i dag køber taletid til sin mobiltelefon. Blot er taletid her udskiftet medkilometer. Bilproducenterne producerer de elektriske biler, som uden det kostbare batterier konkurrencedygtige med tilsvarende brændstofdrevne biler. Better Place-netværket afladestandere og batteriskiftestationer sikrer rækkevidden på elbilerne – enten vedgenopladning eller udskiftning af batteriet. Dermed er olien ude af billedet.Udviklingen verden over hjælper visionen på vejRegeringer verden over oplever, hvordan miljøinvesteringer er økonomisk rentable og istand til at puste nyt liv i nationaløkonomien. Samtidig bevæger energiselskaberne sigmod markedet for bæredygtig energi i anerkendelse af det stærke vækstpotentiale. Ogbilproducenterne tager skridtet videre og arbejder målrettet på at skabe en ny æra medbæredygtig transport. Og allervigtigst: Klimaet påvirkes positivt i takt med, at BetterPlaces samarbejde med virksomheder, nationer og forbrugere vokser sig stærkere ogstærkere. Better Place har sammen med dets partnere allerede opnået store resultaterverden over: Renault-Nissan er i fuld gang med at udvikle den første serie afbatteridrevne biler til Better Place, og andre bilfabrikanter følger snart efter.Better Place i DanmarkBetter Place har i samarbejde med DONG Energy lukket en aftale på 770 millioner iinvesteringer og konvertibel gæld til den første etableringsfase af netværket til elbiler iDanmark. Finansieringen viser, at Better Place og DONG Energy som planlagt vil gøre detmuligt for den danske befolkning at købe elbiler i 2011. I forbindelse med nyheden omfinansieringen udnævner Better Place Jens Moberg til Europa-ansvarlig og adm. direktørfor Better Place Danmark. Moberg skal fokusere på at etablere Danmark som det førsteland i Europa med et fungerende netværk, og introducere Better Place på andreeuropæiske markeder. Moberg kommer fra en stilling i Microsoft, hvor han var ansvarligfor udviklingen og væksten af Microsofts Enterprise Business i Rusland, Indien og Kina –en forretning i milliardklassen.
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UC BerkeleyUC Berkeley is a public research university located inBerkeley, California, United States. The oldest of the ten majorcampuses affiliated with the University of California, Berkeleyoffers some 300 undergraduate and graduate degreeprograms in a wide range of disciplines. The universityoccupies 6,651 acres (2,692 ha) with the central campusresting on approximately 200 acres (80.9 ha).
The University was founded in 1868 in a merger of the private College of California andthe public Agricultural, Mining, and Mechanical Arts College. Berkeley was a foundingmember of the Association of American Universities. Sixty-two Nobel Laureates have beenaffiliated with the university as faculty, researchers, or alumni.
Berkeley physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer was the scientific director of the ManhattanProject which he personally headquartered at Los Alamos, New Mexico, during WorldWar II. Since that time, the university has managed or co-managed the Los AlamosNational Laboratory, as well as its later rival, the Lawrence Livermore NationalLaboratory, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the U.S. Department ofEnergy.
Berkeley is a large, primarily residential research university. The full-time, four yearundergraduate program offers 108 degrees in the arts and sciences and has high graduatecoexistence.The graduate program is a comprehensive doctoral program with 64
masters programs, 96 doctoral programs, and 32 professional programs. Berkeley isaccredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
RankingsAccording to the National Research Council, 35 of 36 Berkeley graduate programs rank inthe top 10 in their respective fields. Berkeley is the only university in the nation toachieve top 5 rankings for all of its PhD programs in those disciplines covered by the USNews and World Report graduate school survey.
Berkeley's undergraduate program is ranked 21st among National Universities by U.S.News & World Report and 3rd by The Washington Monthly. U.S. News ranked the
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undergraduate program in engineering second and the undergraduate program inbusiness third. Berkeley ranks 9th among universities that have produced the largestnumber of living billionaires.
The THES - QS World University Rankings ranked Berkeley 36th in the world in 2008 andthe Shanghai Jiao Tong University's Academic Ranking of World Universities rankedBerkeley third in 2008. In the 2006 international edition of Newsweek, Berkeley was thefifth-ranked global university, and the Center for Measuring University Performanceplaced Berkeley seventh among national research universities. The Princeton Reviewranks Berkeley as a college with a conscience and the 5th best value in public colleges.[68]Berkeley's current faculty includes 227 American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellows, 2Fields Medal winners, 83 Fulbright Scholars, 139 Guggenheim Fellows, 87 members of theNational Academy of Engineering, 132 members of the National Academy of Sciences, 8Nobel Prize winners, 3 Pulitzer Prize winners, 84 Sloan Fellows, and 7 Wolf Prizewinners.[80] 62 Nobel Laureates have been associated with the university as faculty,alumni or researchers, the sixth most of any university in the world; twenty have servedon its faculty.
Sports at UC BerkeleyCal student-athletes compete intercollegiately as the California Golden Bears. A memberof both the Pacific-10 Conference and the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation in the NCAA,Cal students have won national titles in many sports, including football, men's basketball,baseball, softball, water polo, rugby, and crew. In addition, they have won over 100Olympic medals. The official colors of the university and its athletic teams are Yale blueand California gold.
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CITRIS: A multi-disciplinary attempt to re-engineer engineeringBy the late 1990s, engineerswithin the UC system realizedthat the real opportunities forimpact in research lay not justin developing new and innovative technologies, but in applying these technologies toareas of society where they were most likely to improve people's quality of life.This recognition coincided with a call for proposals from CA Governor for new CaliforniaInstitutes of Science and Innovation (Cal-ISIs). Berkeley Engineering professor RichardNewton (with the support of more than 150 faculty members from the four campuses –today more than 300 researchers) proposed a multi-disciplinary research institute thatwould, literally, use information technology research in the interest of society.CITRIS research areasCITRIS is currently focused on 1) the creation of centers in healthcare delivery, 2)intelligent infrastructures (including energy, the environment, and transportation), and 3)services'economic activity that encompasses the breadth of jobs from beauticians andcustodians to management consultants, accountants, physicians, and entertainers.CITRIS has built a foundation that can support and deliver long-term sustainable growth.In the coming years, the focus will be on seeding new research, expanding industrypartnerships, developing and strengthening its physical and cyber infrastructures, andincreasing its collaboration efforts.Industry partnersCITRIS was created to“shorten the pipeline” between world-class laboratory researchand the creation of start-ups, larger companies, and whole industries.CITRIS could not exist without its industrial partners. UC faculty and students, along withindustrial researchers, work together from brain-storming ideas to developing technologythat may be transferred easily to the commercial sector. In this relationship, ideas becomereality more quickly than if either partner worked alone. Faculty members get theopportunity to see first-hand where the market for technology is headed so they can steertheir research and students into this direction. Students benefit by being on the cutting-edge of research that can be commercially applied. Industry reaps the rewards by gainingaccess to research projects and collaborators as well as the ability to recruit outstandingstudents. Faculty benefit, students benefit, industry benefits, indeed, the economy of thestate benefits.
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The Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI)The Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) is a San FranciscoBay Area scientific partnership led by Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) and including theSandia National Laboratories (Sandia), the University ofCalifornia (UC) campuses of Berkeley and Davis, theCarnegie Institution for Science and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).JBEI’s primary scientific mission is to advance the development of the next generation ofbiofuels – liquid fuels derived from the solar energy stored in plant biomass. JBEI is one ofthree new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Bioenergy Research Centers (BRCs).JBEI is headquartered in EmeryStation East, a new state-of-the-art laboratory building inEmeryville, California, centrally situated among JBEI’s six institutional partners. Inkeeping with its Bay Area heritage and to promote rapid commercialization of itsscientific results, JBEI operations are organized along the lines of a biotech companywhose goal is to achieve significant scientific progress within the next five years. Thisorganizational structure consists of four divisions: Feedstocks, Deconstruction, FuelsSynthesis and Technologies.JBEI researchJBEI research is focused on the efficient conversion into fuels of lignocellulosic biomass,the most abundant organic material on the planet. Lignocelluose is a mixture of complexsugars and lignin, a non-carbohydrate polymer that provides strength and structure toplant cell walls. By extracting simple fermentable sugars from lignocellulose andproducing biofuels from them, the potential of the most energy-efficient andenvironmentally sustainable fuel crops can be realized.The JBEI challengeIt is estimated that each year the surface of the earth receives about 100,000 terawatt-hours of solar energy. Current worldwide human energy consumption is estimated to berunning at about 13 terawatts (trillion watts) per year. This means there’s enough powerin an hour’s worth of global sunlight to meet an entire year’s worth of human energyneeds. A substantial portion of this solar energy is stored within biomass. Harnessing thisenergy through the production of advanced biofuels, could meet most if not all of thenation’s annual transportation energy needs without producing carbon emissions thatcontribute to global climate change. That is the JBEI challenge.
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Bio’s on people
Thomas Zacharia, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, ORNLDr. Zacharia oversees one of the nation’s largest research anddevelopment programs, with annual expenditures of $1.3 billion inmaterials and physical sciences, energy and engineering sciences,computing and computational sciences, life and environmental sciences,neutron sciences, and national security. Prior to his present appointment,he served as Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s associate laboratorydirector for computing and computational sciences from 2001 to 2009. In this capacity, heorganized and built a computing directorate with funding from the U.S. Department ofEnergy (DOE), the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Department of Defense(DOD). In 2004, Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham awarded the National LeadershipComputing Facility to a world-class team led by Zacharia, to “Deliver major researchbreakthroughs, significant technological innovations, medical and health advances,enhanced economic competitiveness, and improved quality of life for the Americanpeople. . .”. Dr. Zacharia has done a remarkable job of building ORNL’s computationalprogram into one of the world’s best. He is a professor in the Electrical Engineering andComputer Science Department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. As professor andPI, Zacharia successfully led the proposal to establish the National Institute forComputational Sciences (NICS) through a $65M grant from the NSF, the largest award bythe NSF to the State of Tennessee.Dr. Zacharia joined the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 1987 as a postdoctoralresearcher in the Metals and Ceramics Division. He founded the Materials Modeling andSimulation Group and served as group leader until 1998, when he became the divisiondirector of the Computer Science and Mathematics Division.From 2000-2001, he was Deputy Associate Laboratory Director for High PerformanceComputing, and then was named Associate Laboratory Director for the newly formedComputing and Computational Sciences Directorate. Dr. Zacharia holds a B.S. inmechanical engineering from Regional Technical College in Karnataka, India, an M.S. inmaterials science from the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Mississippi, and a Ph.D. inengineering science from Clarkson University in Potsdam, New York. He holds two U.S.patents and is author or co-author of more than 100 publications on high-performancecomputing for manufacturing processes.
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Dana C. Christensen, Assoc. Lab. Director, Energy and Engineering Sciences, ORNLOn June 5, 2006, Dana Christensen became Associate LaboratoryDirector of the Energy and Engineering Sciences Directorate of the OakRidge National Laboratory (ORNL), with responsibility for more than$350M of programs for a variety of government and industrial sponsorsin all dimensions of energy science and technology. Included areimprovements in energy efficiency, renewable energy concepts,transportation, electricity distribution, fossil energy, hydrogen economy, fusion energy,nuclear technology and nuclear nonproliferation.Dr. Christensen came to ORNL from Los Alamos National Laboratory where he was thePrincipal Associate Laboratory Director for Threat Reduction. He has 27 years ofmanagement experience in materials science, nuclear energy, fossil and renewableenergy, nuclear materials management, and scientific research in support of the U.S.Department of Energy (DOE) and other government agencies, spanning all facets ofprogram development, program management, nurturing science and technology, andmanaging equipment and facilities according to applicable DOE and federal codes andstandards.He is the recipient of the DOE Gold Quality Award of Excellence and has been recognizedwith the DOE Weapons Recognition Award of Excellence for scientific contributions.Dr. Christensen attended New Mexico State University, graduating with baccalaureate anddoctoral degrees in chemical engineering, and attended the University of New Mexico,receiving an MBA. He is the author of numerous publications on the science andtechnology of plutonium chemical processing.
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Michelle Buchanan, Associate Laboratory Director, Physical Sciences, ORNL
Dr. Buchanan oversees four ORNL research divisions: Chemical Sciences,Metals and Ceramics, Physics, and Condensed Matter Sciences. Prior toassuming her current position, she served as director of the ORNLChemical Sciences Division from October 2000 to November 2004. Sheserved as associate director of the Life Sciences Division from January1999 to September 2000. She initiated the Center for Structural Molecular Biology atORNL, serving as its director from 1999 to 2003, and led the Organic and Biological MassSpectrometry Group in the Chemical and Analytical Sciences Division (now the ChemicalSciences Division) from 1986 to 1999. She joined ORNL in 1978 after earning a B.S. inchemistry from the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas, and a Ph.D. in analyticalchemistry from the University of Wisconsin in Madison, Wisconsin.Dr. Buchanan is an adjunct professor in the Department of Chemistry at the University ofTennessee and is on the faculty of the University's Genome Science and TechnologyProgram. She is also director of the Center for Molecular Cellular Systems, a multi-institution program for the identification and characterization of microbial proteincomplexes. She is the author or co-author of more than 150 scientific publications andreports, holds two patents, and was editor of a book on Fourier transform massspectrometry.Dr. Buchanan received an R&D 100 Award in 1986; ORNL Technical Achievement Awardsin 1985, 1989, and 1993; UT-Battelle awards for R&D Leadership in 2000 and 2002; andthe Knoxville YWCA Tribute to Women award in science and technology in 2003. Shecurrently serves as a Councilor for the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the AmericanChemical Society (DAC ACS) and is a member of the International Affairs Committee of theACS.Dr. Buchanan has also served as treasurer for DAC ACS, treasurer for the AmericanSociety for Mass Spectrometry, and chair of the East Tennessee Section of the ACS. Shewas North American editor of Biological Mass Spectrometry and has served on theeditorial boards of Analytical Chemistry, Organic Mass Spectrometry, Journal of MassSpectrometry, Biological and Environmental Mass Spectrometry, and Fresenius' Journal ofAnalytical Chemistry. She currently serves on the advisory boards of the NIH MassSpectrometry Resource at Boston University, the Biotechnology Advisory Committee atSandia National Laboratories, and the Review Committee for the Structural BiologyProgram at the University of California-Los Angeles. She also serves on the ChemicalSciences Roundtable for the National Academy of Sciences.
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Thomas B. Ballard, Director, the Partnerships Directorate, ORNL
Thomas B. Ballard is Director of the Partnerships Directorate at OakRidge National Laboratory. Tom joined Oak Ridge National Laboratory in2004 as Director for Economic Development and Partnerships in ORNL’sTechnology Transfer and Economic Development (TTED) Directorateand served as Interim Director of TTED from August to December 2007.On January 1, 2008, TTED became the Partnerships Directorate, andTom was named the first leader of the new organization.Under Tom’s direction, the Partnerships Directorate is responsible for intellectualproperty management, licensing, sponsored research, and cultivation of partnerships withbusinesses, industries, entrepreneurs, economic development organizations, and highereducation institutions.Before joining ORNL, Tom was Vice President for Public and Governmental Relations atthe University of Tennessee (UT), where he spent more than three decades helping tofacilitate major initiatives in Tennessee, including implementation of the Solid WasteManagement Act of 1991 and the Tennessee Growth Policy Act of 1998, development ofstatewide distance learning and telecommunications networks, and coordination of theplanning committee for the first-ever Governor’s Economic Summit in 1997. Tom joinedthe UT staff in 1969 as Director of Alumni Programs and moved to the Institute for PublicService (IPS) in early 1973.Tom serves on the board of directors of a number of local and regional not-for-profitorganizations, including the Blount County Chamber of Commerce, East TennesseeEconomic Council (Immediate Past Chair), East Tennessee State University’s InnovationPark, Knoxville Area Chamber Partnership, National Transportation Research Center Inc.,Oak Ridge Economic Partnership (2008 Chair), Tennessee Chamber of Commerce andIndustry, Tennessee Technology Development Corporation (Executive Committee),Tennessee Valley Corridor, Inc. (Past Chair), and Tennessee Valley Corridor Foundation(Chair). He also serves on the Advisory Board for UT’s Center for Industrial Services and isa member of the Southern Technology Council.Tom is a graduate of UT with a bachelor’s degree in communications and was the 2001recipient of the College’s Hileman Outstanding Alumni Award. He also was named thesecond “Tennessee Valley Corridor Champion” in 2005.
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Billy Stair, Director, Communications and External Relations, ORNLMr. Stair is responsible for coordination of media relations, marketingsupport for the scientific agenda of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory,internal communications, and communication with ORNL retirees. Healso serves as the Laboratory’s primary liaison with a variety ofcommunity and political stakeholders. Other functions under hisdirection are the operation of the ORNL Research Library, graphic design and publishingservices, community outreach efforts, and oversight of the American Museum of Scienceand Energy.
A native of Kingsport, Tennessee, Mr. Stair received a bachelor’s degree in history andpolitical science from Mars Hill College in Mars Hill, North Carolina, and a master’s degreein history from Pennsylvania State University in State College, Pennsylvania. He worked inTennessee’s state government for 18 years, serving in both the legislative and executivebranches. From 1987 to 1994, he served as Governor Ned Ray McWherter’s Senior PolicyAdvisor.
Mr. Stair left state government in 1994 to serve as Executive Assistant to the President ofthe University of Tennessee (UT), Dr. Joe Johnson, assisting in government relations,communications, athletics, and various budgetary initiatives. In October 1999, he joinedthe UT team that partnered with Battelle to develop a successful proposal for managingand operating ORNL for the Department of Energy.
Mr. Stair is co-author of a textbook,Government and Politics in Tennessee,released in 2001by the University of Tennessee Press.
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Marianna Lubanski, Director, Innovation Center DenmarkMarianna joined Innovation Center Denmark in August, 2008. Asdirector of ICDK it is her responsibility continuously to develop theofferings of the center as a whole, to support her team members inpursuing their tasks, and to look for new opportunities for Danishand US companies and researchers in the Valley and in Denmark.Marianna’s main initiative is in developing and implementing newinnovative projects that can create new windows of opportunity for innovative Danishsolutions and technologies in the US.
Prior to joining ICDK, Marianna has had a long track record of management and front endinnovation, most recently as Development Director at Mandag Morgen, a Danish thinktank. At Mandag Morgen Marianna was the head of the Danish Innovation Council, andamong others things headed the so-called Billion Dollar Industries Partnership Program,where Danish companies and researchers together look for new innovative solutions totoday´s challenges within health, climate, environment, and education among otherthings.
Marianna has been part of two start ups before that, and has had her own consultancycompany for 7 years. She has working experience all over the world including in EasternEurope, Central America, Africa and the US.
Marianna received her MBA from Copenhagen Business School in 1991. During herstudies she was already part of one start up and while simultaneously working for aSwedish company as a consultant on a front end research project in Industrial Marketing.Apart from work, Marianna enjoys taking long rides on her Italian Bike, cycling the hills ofthe Valley, and to explore the beautiful landscape of the Bay area with her son, Marius,who is very satisfied by being here and enjoys the challenges of the Los Altos MiddleSchool system! Marianna also has a daughter who is studying in Denmark.
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Lars Dalgaard, CEO, SuccessFactorsI worked for Unilever in Amsterdam, Germany, Amsterdam(again), and Denmark. At different points I was globallyresponsible for two large, recognized product lines,development, marketing and sourcing, I was Business Unit P&LDirector, and Board Member in a 13,000 person division, andCountry Manager, in a business we ended up merging with 3other acquisitions.I also worked for Novartis, at the time one of the largest Pharmaceutical companiesglobally. I worked for them in New Jersey, USA and Basel, Switzerland, both as a SalesRepresentative, Product Manager working directly with Engineering and Development,and a Corporate Finance Controller in the head office, overseeing investments at 4 majorgeo's with the title of "Country Manager".We have built SuccessFactors from scratch over the last 6 years with 3 things in mind:1. A passion and ambition to Change the world, increasing productivity by 50%worldwide. A new Industrial Revolution, managing people for performance, pleasureand respect in their work, through stronger alignment, engagement, dialogue,collaboration, career-planning and pay for performance, delivered in an affordablesurprisingly exciting application over the web 100%, to give ease of use andproliferation.2. Build a collaborative and accountable meritocracy with no jerks.3. Insisting on Measurable Customer Success as a higher priority than anything else.The company now has > 700 people, > 2,500+ customers, > 60+ industries and 4.5+million users, and we outpaced the industry every year for 5 years straight, growing 99%CAGR. Most importantly our customers, and users, in 185 countries and 31 languages, arereally using our applications for objectively assessing, promoting, training, recruiting,developing, and compensating their staff. Therefore we have an astounding renewal rate.I have a Masters of Science from Stanford Graduate School of Business, in CA, where I wasa Sloan Fellow, and an undergrad from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Myfavorite classes were in new ventures, economics, psychology, statistics (game theory isfun), programming (dbase 2 and Pascal..!) and studying consumer behavior. I am lucky,and work hard to get luckier. I am often wrong, but seldom in doubt.Home Town: Copenhagen, Denmark - Now adopted a new home in Silicon Valley, USA,overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Other Interests: Playing Squash (fast, hard, intelligent andsurprising), hiking, thoughtful, ambitious, and great books, painting, movies andarchitecture, my family and surprising, passionate, loving, loyal and game changingfriends across the world.
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Keith Devlin, Professor, Executive Director H-STAR, StanfordDr. Keith Devlin is a co-founder and Executive Director ofthe university'sH-STARinstitute, a Consulting Professorin theDepartment of Mathematics,a co-founder of theStanfordMedia Xresearch network, and a SeniorResearcher atCSLI.He is a World Economic Forum Fellowand a Fellow of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science.
His current research is focused on the use of different media to teach and communicatemathematics to diverse audiences. He also works on the design of information/reasoningsystems for intelligence analysis. Other research interests include: theory of information,models of reasoning, applications of mathematical techniques in the study ofcommunication, and mathematical cognition.
He has written 28 books and over 80 published research articles. Recipient of thePythagoras Prize, the Peano Prize, the Carl Sagan Award, and the Joint Policy Board forMathematics Communications Award. He is "the Math Guy" on National Public Radio.
The Danish connection:As part of the partnership agreement between H-STAR and Innovation Center Denmark,the center has acquired three so-called “Visiting Slots” for PhD´s and researchers for aduration of 36 months.
8 Danish researchers will carry out their research at Stanford through H-STAR during2009. Currently, only one researcher is at Stanford and most will come in the fall 2009.
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Byron Reeves, Professor, Co-director, H-STAR, StanfordProfessor Byron Reeves is the Paul C. Edwards Professor ofCommunication, Co-Director, H-STAR (Human Sciences andTechnology Advanced Research) and Faculty Director,Media XPartners Program at Stanford UniversityByron Reeves received a B.F.A. in graphic design from SouthernMethodist University and his M.A. and a Ph.D. in communicationfrom Michigan State University.
Prior to joining Stanford in 1985, he taught at the University of Wisconsin where he wasdirector of graduate studies and associate chair of the Mass Communication ResearchCenter.
He teaches courses in mass communication theory and research, with particular emphasison psychological processing of interactive media. His research includes messageprocessing, social cognition, and social and emotion responses to media, and has beenpublished in books of collected studies as well as such journals asHuman CommunicationResearch, Journal of Social Issues, Journal of Broadcasting, and Journalism Quarterly.He isco-author ofThe Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Television, and New MediaLike Real People and Places(Cambridge University Press).
His research has been the basis for a number of new media products for companies suchas Microsoft, IBM, and Hewlett-Packard, in the areas of voice interfaces, automateddialogue systems and conversational agents. He is currently working on the applicationsof multi-player game technology to learning and the conduct of serious work.
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Jeremy Bailenson, Ass. professor, Director, Virtual Human Interaction Lab,Stanford
Jeremy Bailenson is assistant Professor of Communication,Director, Graduate Program in Co-terminal Media Studies,Director, Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL), and AssistantProfessor of Symbolic Systemsby courtesy.Bailenson is founding director of Stanford University'sVirtualHuman Interaction Laband an assistant professor in the Dep. ofCommunication at Stanford. He earned a B.A. cum laude from the University of Michiganin 1994 and a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology from Northwestern University in 1999. Afterreceiving his doctorate, he spent four years at the Research Center for VirtualEnvironments and Behavior at the University of California, Santa Barbara as a Post-Doctoral Fellow and then an Assistant Research Professor.Bailenson's main area of interest is the phenomenon of digital human representation,especially in the context of immersive virtual reality. He explores the manner in whichpeople are able to represent themselves when the physical constraints of body andveridically-rendered behaviors are removed. Furthermore, he designs and studiescollaborative virtual reality systems that allow physically remote individuals to meet invirtual space, and explores the manner in which these systems change the nature ofverbal and nonverbal interaction.His findings have been published in over 70 academic papers in the fields ofcommunication, computer science, education, law, political science, and psychology. Hiswork has been consistently funded by the National Science Foundation for over a decade,and he also receives grants from various Silicon Valley and international corporations.Bailenson consults regularly for government agencies including the Army, theDepartment of Defense, the National Research Council, and the National Institute ofHealth on policy issues surrounding virtual reality.
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Leonid G. Kazovsky, Professor, Electrical Engineering, StanfordDr. Leonid G. Kazovsky is Professor of Electrical Engineering atStanford University since 1990. After joining Stanford, Prof.Kazovsky founded Photonics Networking Research Laboratory(PNRL). He leads PNRL since then. Prior to joining Stanford,Prof. Kazovsky was with Bellcore (now Telcordia) doingresearch on WDM, high-speed and coherent optical fibercommunication systems.While on Bellcore assignments or Stanford sabbaticals, Prof.Kazovsky worked at the Heinrich Hertz Institute, Berlin,Germany; Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, Bristol, England; and TechnicalUniversity of Eindhoven, the Netherland.Through research contracts, consulting engagements, and other arrangements, Prof.Kazovsky worked with many inductrial companies and U.S. Government agenciesincluding Sprint, DEC, GTE, AT&T, IVP, Lucent, Hitachi, KDD, Furukawa, Fujitsu,Optivision, and Perimeter on the industrial side; and NSF, DARPA, Air Force, Navy, Army,and BMDO on the government side. He also worked extensively with many leading VCsand intellectual property law firms.In 1998-99, Prof. Kazovsky took a one-year leave from Stanford University and launched astart-up company now known as Alidian Networks. He serves on the Board of Directorsof that company. Prof. Kazovksy also serves, on a consulting basis, as a Venture Partnerwith ICP, a leading southern California venture capital company.Prof. Kazovsky authored or co-authored two books, some 150 journal technical papers,and a similar amount of conference papers. He is a Fellow of IEEE and a Fellow of OSA.The Danish connection: Danish – US workshop on photonicsStrong relations already exist between researchers at The Photonics and NetworkingResearch Laboratory (PNRL) at Stanford University and at DTU Fotonik, Dep. of PhotonicsEngineering. Innovation Center Denmark wants to build on this relationship by puttingtogether a workshop with the researchers also bringing in other Danish researchenvironments from Aalborg University and possible other Danish universities as well asindustry from Silicon Valley and Denmark. Approx. 60 participants are expected.The goal of the workshop is: 1) to provide a common platform where Danish and USresearchers can get to know each other and present research projects in order to engagein future mutual research projects, 2) provide participants with insights and access togroundbreaking research within this field, and 3) provide access to the DK and SiliconValley industry with an interest in this research area.
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Charles House, Executive Director of Media X, StanfordCharles "Chuck" House is the executive director of Media X,Stanford University's membership research program on media andtechnology. He is also a senior research scholar there, continuinghis work in technology-enabled communications, collaboration,and community.
Previously, he was the director of Societal Impact of Technology, for Intel Corporation. Hehas been deeply involved with questions of technology's effect on society, and is currentlyfocused on issues surrounding the attributes and impact of software technologies,particularly distance learning and collaboration using multimediated Web networking. Hewas instrumental in establishing the new Center for Information Technologies and Societyat the University of California, Santa Barbara, and serves as Advisory Chair.
Earlier, Chuck was senior vice president of multi-media communication research forDialogic (acquired by Intel in 1999), and also President of Spectron Microsystems (sold toTexas Instruments). Chuck was part of the IPO executive team at Veritas Software, andsenior vice president of R&D at Informix Software during the very successful turnaroundyears of 1991-93. He also spent 29 years at Hewlett-Packard in a variety of managementand technical roles, including five years as corporate engineering director.
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Henrik Bennetsen, Associate Director, The Stanford Humanities Lab, StanfordHenrik Bennetsen is the associate director of the StanfordHumanities Lab. He maintains a strong interest in virtual worldsand open source technology. Currently Henrik is heading out theSpeed Limits research project, a collaboration with the DanishBornholm’s Kunstmuseum to explore artistic expression inside avirtual space.
Previously he lead the Lifesquared research project. The idea was to explore building a 3Dimmersive archive of the art of Lynn Hershman inside the virtual world of Second Life.The work was recently shown at The Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal and is planned forexhibition the SFMOMA in 2008. In 2007 he co-founded the Stanford Open Source Labthat has since grown to about 60 members from across the Stanford community. In Fall2006 he was a part of the Stanford course The Human and The Machine that used SecondLife as a teaching tool.
Henrik has a MSc. In Media Technology and games from the IT University of Copenhagenand a BSc. in Medialogy from Aalborg University.
Before his return to the world of academia Henrik was a professional musician and stillhas a strong side interest in creative self expression augmented by technology.Born and raised in Denmark where he lived for most of his life until he relocated to SanFrancisco in 2005.
The Danish connection: Conferences and workshops at StanfordInnovation Center Denmark co-sponsors and co-organizes a conference on Virtual Worldsand open source platformsMetaverse Uat Stanford in May 2009. The main purpose of thisconference is to define a strategy for advancing open source platforms and explore theirpotential in a broad variety of contexts, including scientific research, education, privateenterprise, and cultural programming. A strong Danish role in the conference securesDanish professors as presenters on the conferences and the potential for future researchcollaborations.
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Kim Klyver, Assistant professor SCANCOR, StanfordKim is Assistant Professor at University of Southern Denmark and iscurrently at Stanford through a one-yearpost.doc. fellow programthrough SCANCOR.SCANCORSCANCOR - The Scandinavian Consortium for Organizational Research- was founded on September 15, 1988. The idea behind SCANCOR was to create afoundation for internationalizing research and education in organization and leadership.Through cooperation among Scandinavian business schools and universities, SCANCORhopes to promote an international perspective in research and education, as well as tostrengthen ties among Scandinavian researchers and encourage joint research projects.On March 10, 1989, SCANCOR established a research base at Stanford University inCalifornia, providing Scandinavian researchers with the facilities to work in aninternational research environment.Innovation Center Denmark co-sponsored and co-organized SCANCOR’s 20th anniversaryconference in November 2008 and collaborates with SCANCOR on a ad hoc basis.The fellowship programThe fellowship is open for high-quality researchers in Denmark, Finland, Norway andSweden working in the fields of management, organization studies, sociology, education,political science, and other social sciences. We especially encourage applications fromresearchers working on the following topics: organizational learning and design, user-driven innovation, forms of open innovation, clean technologies, globalization, and well-being in society. The Scancor Postdoctoral Fellowship program will award fourfellowships – one fellow from each participating Nordic country. Kim Klyver is the DanishparticipantResearch areaKim Klyver’s research field is entrepreneurship and the importance of social networks. Hehas published more than 80 articles on this topic and recently received the EmeraldLiteratis Highly Commended Award for his article "Shifting family involvement during theentrepreneurial process”.Kim has also for numerous years been a shareholder and part of the management groupat Crazy Daisy Vejle, which is an entertainment centre with around 70 employees and ayearly turnover over 3.000.000 Australian Dollars. My main responsibility was humanresource management and entertainment.
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James D. Plummer, Professor, Dean, School of Engineering, StanfordJim Plummer was born in Toronto, Canada. He obtained his BS degreefrom UCLA and his MS and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering fromStanford University in 1966, 1967, and 1971, respectively. From 1971to 1978, he was a research staff member in the Integrated Circuits Labat Stanford. He joined the Stanford faculty in 1978 as an associateprofessor and became professor of electrical engineering in 1983. Hiscareer at Stanford has included serving as director of the IC Laboratory,senior associate dean in the School of Engineering, and chair of theElectrical Engineering Department. He is currently the Frederick Emmons Terman Deanof the School of Engineering. He also holds the John Fluke Professorship in ElectricalEngineering.Plummer has worked in a variety of areas in the broad field of silicon devices andtechnology. Much of his early work focused on high-voltage ICs and on high-voltage devicestructures. He and his group made important contributions to integrating CMOS logic andhigh-voltage lateral DMOS devices on the same chip and demonstrated circuits operatingat several hundred volts. This work also led to several power MOS device concepts such asthe IGBT which have become important power switching devices.Throughout the 1980s and '90s, a major focus of his work was on silicon processmodeling. This work involved many students and other faculty, particularly Professor BobDutton, and resulted in the development of several generations of SUPREM, which hasbecome the standard process modeling tool used worldwide today. His recent work hasfocused on nanoscale silicon devices for logic and memory and has demonstrated newdevice concepts such as the TRAM thyristor based memory cell and the IMOS device.Plummer is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the IEEE. Hehas received many awards for his research, including the 1991 Solid State Science andTechnology Award from the Electrochemical Society, the 2001 Semiconductor IndustryAssociation University Research Award, and the IEEE Third Millennium Medal. He hasgraduated more than 80 PhD students with whom he has published more than 400journal papers and conference presentations. His recent textbook, “Silicon VLSITechnology – Fundamentals, Practice and Modeling,” is used by many universities aroundthe world. He has also received three teaching awards at Stanford. He serves on the Boardof Directors and on the technical advisory boards of several public and start-upcompanies and was one of the founders of T-RAM.Plummer directed the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility from 1994 to 2000 and receivedan NSF commendation in 2000 for national leadership in building the NNUN, a consortiumof five universities who opened their nanofabrication facilities as national resources forindustry and for students from around the nation. Jim and his wife Patti live in PortolaValley with their two daughters, Katie and Julie.
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Paul K. Wright, Professor, Director of CITRIS, UC BerkeleyPaul K. Wright is the Director of CITRIS -- the Center forInformation Technology Research in the Interest of Society. Itserves four UC campuses and hosts many multi-disciplinaryprojects on large societal problems such as energy and theenvironment; IT for healthcare; and intelligent infrastructuressuch as: public safety, water management and sustainability.He is a professor in the mechanical engineering department, and holds the A. MartinBerlin Chair. He is also a co-director of the Berkeley Manufacturing Institute (BMI) and co-director of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC). From 1995 to 2005 was theco-chair of the Management of Technology Program (a joint program with the Haas Schoolof Business).Born in London, he obtained his degrees from the University of Birmingham, England andcame to the United States in 1979 following appointments at the University of Auckland,New Zealand and Cambridge University England.He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering; a Fellow of the American Societyof Mechanical Engineers; and a Fellow of the Society of Manufacturing EngineersResearch Interests: Energy scavenging and storage; Smart materials; Design andmanufacturing for micro-integration of 'intelligent objects'; Design of wireless sensorsystems. Application areas include: Energy efficiency and demand response; Firstresponder applications; Medical products. He is credited for the invention of the firstopen-architecture control of manufacturing systems, and in the “CyberCut/CyberBuild”project during the 1990s for the development of Internet-based CAD/CAM systems.
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Shankar S. Sastry, Professor, Dean of the College of Engineering, UC BerkeleyDean of the College of Engineering, professor of ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science, professor of Bioengineering,NipponElectronicsCorporation(NEC)Distinguished
Professorship in the College of Engineering and the Walter A. HaasSchool of Business.
He received his B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology,Bombay, 1977, a M.S. in EECS, M.A. in Mathematics and Ph.D. in EECS from UC Berkeley,1979, 1980, and 1981 respectively. S. Shankar Sastry is currently dean of the College ofEngineering.
He was formerly the Director of CITRIS (Center for Information Technology Research inthe Interest of Society) and the Banatao Institute @ CITRIS Berkeley. He served as chair ofthe EECS department from January, 2001 through June 2004. In 2000, he served asDirector of the Information Technology Office at DARPA. From 1996-1999, he was theDirector of the Electronics Research Laboratory at Berkeley, an organized research uniton the Berkeley campus conducting research in computer sciences and all aspects ofelectrical engineering.
He is the NEC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencesand holds faculty appointments in the Departments of Bioengineering, EECS andMechanical Engineering.
Prior to joining the EECS faculty in 1983 he was a professor at MIT.
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Gary L. Baldwin, PhD, Director of Special Projects, CITRIS, UC BerkeleyDr. Gary L. Baldwin received his B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees inElectrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, in 1966, 1967, and 1970, respectively.
Dr. Baldwin has extensive experience in the corporate arena,holding technical and management positions at Bell TelephoneLaboratories in Holmdel, New Jersey, and Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto,California.
A former Acting Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at UC Berkeley, Dr. Baldwinhas served as the Executive Director of the Gigascale Silicon Research Center from 1999until 2003. Dr. Baldwin served as the Executive Director of CITRIS from 2003 until 2008and as the Assistant Dean for Industrial Relations in the College of Engineering atBerkeley.
The Danish connection: Innovation Center Denmark entry personGary L. Baldwin is responsible for the Danish membership of CITRIS and is recentlyappointed as a member at Innovation Center Denmark’s Advisory Board. Through themembership Denmark will send researchers to UC Berkeley in 2010 and other CITRISuniversities as well as Denmark and CITRIS have and will put together workshops ofmutual interest.
IN 2010 Denmark will have at least three researchers at CITRIS through the DASTI-CITRISvisiting researcher program. The researchers will work together with hosts at UCBerkeley and UC Davis. Gary Baldwin is also responsible for the visiting scholar program.
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Ravi Nemana, Executive Director Service science, CITRIS, UC BerkeleyRavi Nemana has a bachelor degree from University of Chicago and a MBAfrom UC Davis. Nemana is the executive Director for a new initiative atCITRIS: Service science, Management, and Engineering (SSME). In shortthis is a new academic curriculum and research area. It aims to improvethe performance of services through the scientific study of theconfigurations of people, technology and business. The goal is to improve thepredictability, productivity and quality of services by applying scientific, management andengineering disciplines to services.
What are services? Innovation?Nonmaterial equivalent of “goods”Things of economic value that you can’t “kick”oEverything from food-service to financial advice and a great deal inbetweenoParticularly interested in complex business services (IT-enabled,knowledge intensive)Firms, machines, and/or individuals can be service providers Firms can becomposed of service componentsValue and competitiveness comes from the chains and interrelationships of theservice componentsService Innovation creates new value (chains)INNOVATION = INVENTION + VALUE
The Danish connection: Innovation in Services Conference - Service of HealthcareThis conference, which took place in the fall 2008, asked the deceptively simple question“How can we improve the Service of healthcare?” This topic was examined from a varietyof viewpoints including the emerging field of services science, engineering, management,and the field of health services research. Innovation Center Denmark together with amongothers IBM, TEKES (Finland) and CITRIS (Ravi Nemana) put this conference together andOtto Larsen, Deputy Director General, National Board of Health and Thomas RiisgaardHansen, PhD, University of Aarhus were the two Danish speakers at the workshop. RaviNemana has also been in Denmark where he spoke at DEA´s annual conference.
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Carolyn Remick, Executive Director, The Berkeley Water Center, UC BerkeleyThe Berkeley Water Center promotes and supports collaborative, water-related researchwithin the Berkeley research community. Our external partners - industry, government,and non-profits - contribute to the vision of the research and benefit from the outcomes,particularly as the research is applied to improve public health and environmentalconditions.
Carolyn Remick brings to the Berkeley Water Center more that 15 years of experienceworking on California and Nevada water issues. She has held senior managementpositions at non-profit organizations and consulting firms. Her areas of expertise areinter-agency coordination on habitat restoration and developing incentives for habitatand water quality improvements on private lands.
Carolyn was raised in Oakland, California. She received her B.S. degree from U.C.Berkeley's College of Natural Resources and M.S. degree in Geography from the Universityof Nevada.
The Danish connection: Cross-cutting “Water Solutions Workshop” in CaliforniaThis cross-cutting activity was organized by Innovation Center Denmark and UC Berkeley(The Berkeley Water Center) to support profiling of Danish water competenciesinternationally. The workshop took place 23-24th October 2008. Around 10 Danishenterprises as well as selected Dabish researches participated in the workshop.
With the increasing severity of California’s water crisis and tremendous new investmentopportunities in disruptive water technologies, this joint workshop provided the settingto grow networks between leading innovative companies and research in California andDenmark, form the basis for new business partnerships and collaborative R&D, and sharebest practices of public and private sector partnerships for water technologydevelopment and commercialization.
A number of connections and joint (business and research) development projects wereestablished between Danish and Californian companies and organizations.
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Heinz Frei, Deputy Director, Helios Solar Energy Research Center, UC BerkeleyHelios is a joint effort of Berkeley Lab and the University ofCalifornia at Berkeley to develop methods of storing and utilizingsolar energy. Through Helios, the two Berkeley institutions, inpartnership with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, wasrecently awarded a 500 million dollar grant by the petroleumcompany BP to find ways of creating transportation fuel frombiomass. UC Berkeley and its partners were selected in large partbecause of the quality of their energy-related research and theirexcellent track records managing large and complex research projects delivering scientificand technological breakthroughs that can be deployed in the real world.Heinz Frei: “The goal of our research is to develop robust artificial systems for thesynthesis of fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide and water using sunlight as energysource. Our approach is to assemble well-defined inorganic polynuclear units innanoporous silica materials that function as visible light photocatalysts for CO2 reductionor H2O oxidation.”The Danish connection: Danish-Californian workshop on Design of CatalyticMaterialsIn 2008 Innovation Center Denmark and The Rational Design of Catalytic Materials at theU.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory brought Danishscientists together with their American counterparts in a quest to create transportationfuels of the future.Nobel Prize winner, Steven Chu, (now former) director of Berkeley Lab, opened theconference by explaining how new catalytic methods are at the heart of energy storageand will be the long term solution for transportation fuels. He was excited to be workingwith Denmark on this as the country has long been a leader of research and developmentin renewable energy sources."Look how Denmark made wind energy commercially viable. As a country it is small butits impact on renewable energy is much bigger than the size of its population," he said.The conference, with 140 scientists attending, kicked off concrete talks on how the Heliosproject and the Danish scientific community can work together.Professor Jens Nørskov with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) has beenworking with catalysis scientists is excited to enter into a more formalized cooperationwith the Helios project. “I anticipate that up to 100 participants from DTU, including PhDstudents, could somehow be affiliated with the Helios project in the future,” he said.
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Henrik Vibe Scheller, Professor, Director of Cell Wall Biosynthesis, JBEIThe Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) has recently appointed theDanish professor Henrik V. Scheller as Program Director of CellWall Biosynthesis. Scheller came from a position as professor inPlant Molecular Biology at KU-LIFE.Scheller's research for JBEI focuses on the identification of glycosyltransferases and other enzymes involved in cell wall biosynthesisand determining their biochemical function. The obtainedknowledge of the enzymes will be used to generate modified plants that are potentiallymore suitable for biofuel production.JBEI is a new San Francisco Bay Area scientific partnership led by Lawrence BerkeleyNational Laboratory (LBNL) and including the Sandia National Laboratories (Sandia), theUniversity of California campuses of UC Berkeley and UC Davis, the Carnegie Institutionfor Science and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).JBEI is one of three new U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored Bioenergy ResearchCenters (BRCs). The budget is USD 135 million for each center. JBEI’s primary scientificmission is to advance the development of the next generation of biofuels – liquid fuelsderived from the solar energy stored in plant biomass.The Danish connection: Danish – US workshop on future biofuelsIn an attempt to join forces between US and Danish experts to advance the developmentof plants as "Green Factories" including the next generation of biofuels, US-Danishworkshop on Synthetic Biology will be held from 23rd to 25th of July 2009. The workshopis very timely with the newly started Joint BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) being a leadingresearch center for syntetic biology and the newly granted UNIK program with the title:Synthetic Biology.UNIK is an initiative from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation in Denmarkto support new ambitious elite research initiatives and to support synergies and moreresearch collaboration. The UNIK Synthetic Biology will bridge the gab between PlantBiology and Nanotechnology. Head of UNIK Synthetic Biology is Professor ThomasBjørnholm, KU, and he and several key scientists within the initiative will participate inthe workshop.The workshop is organized by Innovation Center Denmark in collaboration withDeparment of Plant Biology and Biotechnology, University of Copenhagen. The workshopis supported by The Strategic Research Council, Denmark. Research groups from theDanish universities Aarhus University, Denmarks Technical University, AalborgUniversity, and University of Copenhagen have all expressed their interest to participatein the workshop.
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Maps & Driving Directions
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Facts about Silicon Valley (2007)3,888 km/sq3,550 km/sq)
Inhabitants: 2.49 million(38% foreign born)Total average income:Per capita income:Median household income:Jobs: 1.381.800 millionGDP:California:Denmark:$1446 billion$212 billion$73.300$53,633$84,987
Adult education attainment
Ethnic composition41%28%25%3%<1%White, non-HispanicAsian, non-HispanicHispanic, 3% otherBlack-non-HispanicAmerican Indian, Alaskan Native
BackgroundSilicon Valley is the southern part of the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California inthe United States. The term originally referred to the region's large number of silicon chipinnovators and manufacturers, but eventually came to refer to all the high tech businessesin the area.
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Silicon Valley encompasses the northern part of Santa Clara Valley and adjacentcommunities in the southern parts of the San Francisco Peninsula and East Bay. It reachesapproximately from Menlo Park (on the Peninsula) and the Fremont/Newark area in theEast Bay down through San Jose, centered roughly on Sunnyvale. The Highway 17corridor through the Santa Cruz Mountains into Scotts Valley and Santa Cruz in Santa CruzCounty is sometimes considered a part of Silicon Valley.Silicon Valley hosts an extraordinary set of laboratories and research institutions whichfuel local innovation. And with the world’s highest concentration of venture capital (shareof all US venture capital investment is 26%, up from 18% a decade ago) and a densenetwork of supporting industries, the Silicon Valley innovation “habitat” is uniquelypositioned to nurture entrepreneurial activity.In the years since the dot-com collapse, Silicon Valley has solidified its position as a globalcenter for creativity in business and technology. Silicon Valley has long been effective atattracting entrepreneurs, incubating new companies, creating new products and servicesand introducing entirely new business models. The region also has a documented, well-established infrastructure of financial, legal, business and other start-up expertise.Silicon Valley has a much higher concentration of core design, engineering, scientific andbusiness management talent than other regions of the US. This talent group drives thecreation of new ideas, methods, products and services, and business models that produceeconomic value and prosperity. This group comprises 23% of our cluster employment and14% of total regional employment – well above comparable regions such as Austin,Seattle, and San Diego (all ~8-9%), and the nation overall (2%).WeatherSilicon Valley enjoys a pleasant year-round climate with temperatures never getting tooseverely hot or too cold. The lows in the winter months hover around the 40s, while thehighs of the afternoon crawl into the 50s/low-60s. Spring and late fall tend to have acomfortable average high of 65 degrees, getting down to a night low of about 45 degrees.Late summer and early fall temperatures can get up to the low 80s, with lows averaging56 degrees. There's always a risk of fog in Silicon Valley, especially in May and June, but asa rule of thumb the climate is seldom something to worry about.
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UniversitiesSilicon Valley encompasses a range of top-tier universities engaged in innovative researchand development, including:Stanford UniversitySan Jose State UniversityUniversity of California, BerkeleyUniversity of California, DavisUniversity of California, MercedUniversity of California, Santa CruzSanta Clara UniversityCalifornia State University, East BayCarnegie Mellon University (West Coast Campus)
Educational Attainment of Silicon Valley Adults82% hold high school diplomas41% hold bachelor’s degreeUS average adults holding bachelor’s degree: 29%60% more engineering and science degrees areconferred in Silicon Valley, per capita, than inCalifornia.
Employee Demographic, Wage, and Product53% of engineers and scientists in industry clustersare foreign born.Silicon Valley per capita income is 1.55 timesgreater than the nation.Average cluster wage in Silicon Valley is 75% higher than the US average clusterwage.Silicon Valley has substantially increased its productivity advantage of the US as awhole, outpacing the national average by 31% in 2004, up from 22% in 1994.Value-added by Silicon Valley employees increased from 2004-05 at more than twicethe national rate.
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Core Technology ClustersThe semiconductor and semiconductor equipment manufacturing, as well as thecomputer and communications hardware manufacturing clusters are over ten times moreconcentrated than the nation, and the biomedical cluster is over three times moreconcentrated than the nation.In recent years, the creative and innovation services cluster has shown remarkablegrowth. The cluster includes professional services firms in areas such as research anddevelopment, scientific and technical consulting, engineering services, and industrialdesign. It was the fourth largest cluster in the region in 2001; today, it is the secondlargest cluster – behind only software. Moreover, creative and innovation services havethe largest number of firms of any cluster (6, 565), adding 3% more firms over the 2001-2005 periods.
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CleantechIn Cleantech VC investment in 2007, Silicon Valley alone accounted for 62% of Californiaand 21% of U.S. investment. Over 2007, investment in the Valley expanded by 94% and inthe rest of the State only by 7%. The bulk of this investment was in energy generationfollowed by transportation.
PatentsThe share of patents granted to Silicon Valley inventors increased at a faster rate during2003-2004 than any period since 1997-1998. In 2004, 47% of California patents weregranted to Silicon Valley, and 11% of all patents in the United States were granted toSilicon Valley, up from 5% a decade ago. Patents per capita have more than tripled, from114 to 377 per 100,000 residents between 1994 and 2004.
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CompetitivenessThe competitiveness of high-cost regions depends on the ability to add value in new andcreative ways. Silicon Valley’s competitive edge is its ability to create new ideas, methods,product designs, services and businesses based on its engineering, science, andmanagement expertise.As the global community grows, not only will China, India and other developing countriesbe able to do things once exclusive to SV, but they will also demand more products andservices. This means they will be large and growing markets for Silicon Valley’s ideaeconomy, bringing prosperity to our region and creating jobs for our residents.
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Facts USA
GeografiHovedstadArealIndbyggertalBefolkningWashington D.C. (572.000 indbyggere)9,6 mio. km2(Danmark 43.000)300 mio.68 pct. af europæisk afstamning, 14 pct. af latinamerikanskafstamning, 13 pct. sorte, 5 pct. øvrige.SprogReligionEngelsk (ikke officielt)Ingen statsreligion. (86 pct. identificerer sig med en religiøsretning, heraf 89 pct. kristne, 2 pct. jøder, under 1 pct. muslimer)
ØkonomiBNI pr. capita46.859 dollars (2008)
Vækst i BNP pr. capita -6,2 pct. (2008 fjerde kvartal), 0,0 pct. (skøn 2009)Valuta1 US Dollar = 5.61379 DKK (pr. 1. maj 2009)
RegeringStatsoverhovedUdenrigsministerVicepræsidentForsvarsministerPræsident Barack Hussein ObamaHillary ClintonJoe BidenRobert M. Gates
Indenrigspolitisk situationUSA er et præsidentielt demokrati. USA har to store partier: demokraterne ogrepublikanerne. Valgsystemet er flertalsvalg i enkeltmandskredse.Siden den 20. januar 2009 har præsidenten været Barack Obama. Den førsteafroamerikanske præsident. Efter det amerikanske kongresvalg 2006, sidderDemokraterne på flertallet af pladserne i både Repræsentanternes Hus og Senatet forførste gang siden 1994, bortset fra et demokratisk flertal i Senatet i 2001–2002.Udenrigsforhold og militærUSA har en enorm global økonomisk, politisk og militær indflydelse, som gør landetsudenrigspolitik genstand for stor bevågenhed og diskussion over hele verden. Næsten allelande har ambassader i Washington, D.C., og konsulater rundt omkring i landet. Cuba,Iran, Nordkorea og Sudan har dog ingen formelle diplomatiske forbindelser til USA. USAvar et af de stiftende medlemmer af de Forenede Nationer (og er permanent medlem afSikkerhedsrådet), blandt mange andre internationale organisationer.USA's militær består af 1,4 millioner mand i aktiv tjeneste, sammen med flere hundredetusinde både i reserven og nationalgarden. Tjeneste i militæret er frivillig, selvom der dog
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kan være værnepligt gennem Selective Service System i krigstid. Man mener at USA harverdens stærkeste militær, delvist på grund af størrelsen på dets militærbudget;Amerikanske udgifter til forsvaret blev i 2005 vurderet til at være større end de næste 14største nationale forsvarsbudgetter tilsammen, selvom USA's militærbudget kun eromkring 4% af landets BNI per indbygger. USA's militær opretholder over 700 baser ogfaciliteter. Det har også baser på alle kontinenter, bortset fra Antarktis.Administrative opdelingerDer er i USA 50 delstater, de 48 delstater som grænser op til hinanden — alle bortset fraAlaska og Hawaii — kaldes også det kontinentale USA. Nogle betragter Alaska som en afde "kontinentale" delstater, fordi den er en del af det nordamerikanske fastland, selvomden er adskilt fra de andre stater af Canada.USA omfatter også flere andre territorier og distrikter, deriblandt det føderale distriktDistrict of Columbia — som har nationens hovedstad, Washington — og flere isoleredeområder rundt om i verden, bedst kendte er amerikansk Samoa, Guam, Nordmaranerne,Puerto Rico og De Amerikanske Jomfruøer (De dansk-vestindiske øer).Økonomisk situationNew York Stock Exchange på Wall Street i New York, er symbol på USA's rolle som en storglobal finansiel magt.USA er den største økonomi i verden med et bruttonationalprodukt (BNP) i 2005 på12.760 mia. dollars. De seneste år er væksten tiltaget idet investeringsaktiviteten ertiltaget. En kraftig indenlandsk efterspørgsel kombineret med svagere vækst i resten afverden har dog givet sig udslag i store underskud på betalingsbalancen. Sammen medstore offentlige underskud og en høj gældsætning i husholdningerne har det medførtbetydelig bekymring i mange internationale organisationer og investeringsbanker.Fortsatte høje produktivitetsstigninger kombineret med en stabil indvandring giver etlangsigtet potentiale for den økonomiske vækst på 3,0 pct.Budgetunderskuddet som følge af udgifter til de militære indsatser i Irak og Afghanistansamt genopbygningen efter orkankatastrofen har ikke ændret ved det generellevækstbillede. Bush-administrationen fastholder USA’s frihandelspolitiske linje. USA erDanmarks fjerdestørste eksportmarked. Den danske eksport til USA er koncentreret omindustrivarer. Den vigtigste varegruppe for den danske eksport til USA er medicinske ogfarmaceutiske produkter. Den danske vareimport fra USA har også oplevet negativevækstrater i de senere år. Maskiner og transportmidler udgør ca. halvdelen af densamlede danske import fra USA.Den danske ambassade i Washington[email protected]www.denmarkemb.org
LinksDet Hvide Hus: www.whitehouse.govRedigeret 1. maj 2009
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200 Page Mill RdSuite 100Palo Alto, CA 94306United States
Tel: +1 650 543 3180Fax: +1 650 327 2522
Website:www.innovationcenterdenmark.comEmail:[email protected]
Facilitate, connect, innovate!Innovation Center Denmark facilitates the entry of technology based Danish companies into Silicon Valley,connects research, capital and companies, innovates business models and market strategies and deliversinspiration that drives innovation. Innovation Center Denmark is a joint effort between The Ministry of ForeignAffairs and the Ministry of Science and Technology and a new type of commercial mission located intechnological hot spots around the world. The next Innovation Centers open in Shanghai in September 2007and in Munich early 2008.
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