Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik (UUI) Alm. del

Samling: 2008-09

Bilag 119

Orientering om udgivelsen af Udlændingeservices rapport ”Cooperation with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and other related matters (NAPTIP), Report from the Danish Immigration Service's fact-finding mission to Abuja, Nigeri


Dokumentdato: 03-04-2009
Modtaget: 03-04-2009
Omdelt: 03-04-2009

Orientering om udgivelsen af Udlændingeservices rapport ”Cooperation with the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and other related matters (NAPTIP), Report from the Danish Immigration Service's fact-finding mission to Abuja, Nigeri

Orienterings brev UUI om factfinding rapport Nigeria - 03042009 (pdf-version)