Udenrigsudvalget 2008-09
URU Alm.del Bilag 240
Hon. Thor PedersenSpeaker of the ParliamentDenmarkFax: +[email protected]Amsterdam, 16 June 2009RE: Swedish EU Presidency Seminar “African-European Parliamentary Dialogueon Climate, Food Security and Development”. Stockholm, 19-21 August 2009070/09-PG/JNS/PIHonourable Speaker,It is our pleasure to invite you or your representative herewith to attend AWEPA EUPresidency Seminar on Africa:“African-European Parliamentary Dialogue on Climate,Food Security and Development”AWEPA International, together with its Section in the Swedish Parliament, is organisingthis EU Presidency Seminar which will include sessions in the Swedish Parliament and aside-event during the World Water Week in Stockholm. The World Water Week will be heldin Stockholm 16-22 August 2009, and is organised by Stockholm International WaterInstitute (SIWI).The EU Presidency Seminar on Africa will take place in Stockholm, Sweden 19-21 August2009. The focus of this Seminar will be to sensitise parliamentarians on the topics ofClimate Change and to mobilise Members of Parliament to scrutinise aid flows to Africa inorder to enhance the effectiveness of development aid.Please find attached the Seminar’s terms of reference and the draft programme for yourinformation. A participation form is also attached to this letter, and we would be grateful ifit could return it as soon as possible, no later than 26 June, to AWEPA Headquarters at thefollowing fax number: +31 20 622 0130 or by email to [email protected].We hope to receive a positive response to our invitation and look forward to welcomingyou in Stockholm.Yours sincerely,
Jan Nico ScholtenPresident
Pär GranstedtSecretary General
www.awepa.orgInternationalPrins Hendrikkade 48-G, 1012 AC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Phone 31.20.5245678,Fax 31.20.6220130, E-mail [email protected], Chamber of Commerce # 34106722BrusselsBujumburaCape TownKampalaE-mail [email protected]KigaliE-mail [email protected]E-mail [email protected]KinshasaE-mail [email protected]E-mail [email protected]MaputoE-mail [email protected]E-mail [email protected]NairobiE-mail [email protected]