Udenrigsudvalget 2008-09
URU Alm.del Bilag 223
DANIDA DEVELOPMENT DAYS 2009Danida Development Days 2009 (DDD-09) will take place 8-9 June 2009 in EigtvedsPakhus in CopenhagenEvery year in June the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosts an event aimed at theDanish development community – the so called Danida Development Days (DDD) – withthe overall objective to share knowledge and lessons learned regarding priority areas ofdevelopment co-operation and to strengthen the quality of the dialogue and networkingwithin the development community.This year the focus of the DDD will be on the initiatives and recommendations of the AfricaCommission, established by the Danish Prime Minister in 2008(http://www.africacommission.um.dk/en). Over two days, June 8 and 9, 2009, highlyrenowned international development professionals and academics as well asrepresentatives from the financial and business sector, many of whom have been directlyinvolved in the work of the Commission, will gather to discuss “The Africa Commission –Making the Recommendations a Reality”.The Danish Minister for Development Ms. Ulla Tørnæs will participate in the event. In aninformal atmosphere, both days will evolve around three initial keynote speeches – byCommissioners and other high-level representatives from African and internationalagencies, research institutions and the private sector – followed by parallel sessions withpanel discussions based on targeted interventions by two presenters and a discussantfocusing on the five priority areas of the Africa Commission and on some of the cross-cutting issues:
Post-primary education and research;Benchmarks for African competitiveness;Access to sustainable energy;Unleashing African entrepreneurship;Finance for SMEs;Advancing the economic empowerment of women;Agriculture as a vehicle for sustained economic growth; andGood governance as a prerequisite for economic growth and development.


Eigtveds Pakhus (Ministry of Foreign Affairs).


To participate please send an email to[email protected]stating your name,organisation and session preference(s),

not later than Friday, 29th May, 2009.

You are welcome to register for more than one session. However, please note that due tolimited space and a wish to accommodate as many diverse groups as possible in eachsession, we may have to impose limitations on participation.


Esben Sønderstrup