Udenrigsudvalget 2008-09
URU Alm.del Bilag 165
JIC 2009– Preliminary Program(subject to alterations – updated in March 10th, 2009)
Sunday-June 07th9:00 - 10:30hSession 1 – Armed conflicts around the world todayAn overview of the main armed conflicts of the present and its humanitarian, political and economical costs.10:30 - 11:00h- Coffee break11:00 - 12:30hSession 2 – Communication versus PropagandaAn analysis of the criteria used by international news agencies to choose the information broadcasted (specificallyin terms of armed conflicts).12:30 - 14:00h- Recess14:00 - 15:30hSession 3 – Land and Peace in the Middle EastAn issue of security, size and significance.15:30 - 16:00h- Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30hSession 4 – Justice SystemInternational mechanisms to regulate the conflicts among nations.
Monday, June 8th9:00 - 10:30hSession 5 – Food SecurityAn analysis of the perspectives of risk and opportunity concerning food production and distribution.10:30 - 11:00h- Coffee break11:00 - 12:30hSession 6 – Energy crisis and new alternativesThe social and economical implications of the energy crisis and innovative alternatives to overcome the obstacles.12:30 - 14:00h- Recess14:00 - 15:30hSession 7 – Political engagement for the consolidation of democracyHow education aimed at people's political engagement can play a major role in consolidating real democracy.15:30 - 16:00h- Coffee Break16:00 - 17:30hSession 8 – Solidarity in the midst of the world economic crisisAn overview of new practices which may contribute for the development of individuals and nations
Tuesday, June 9thMorningMeeting at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs(participations restricted to political authorities, members of the Judiciary and scholars)Luncheon at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign AffairsAfternoonMeeting at the Knesset (Israeli Parliament)
Wednesday, June 10thDay devoted to Technical visits20:00 -Handing of the participation certificates
Thursday, June 11th

Morning and Afternoon

Inter-religious DialogueParticipation of distinguished leaders of different religions
Organization of the EventEach theme will be introduced by a spokesperson, who will give a forty minutes lecture. During this first presentation,audience members who wish to contribute to the theme, may apply to do so. After the introduction, there will be a fiftyminutes window, for various contributions from the audience members, each of which will be allowed three minutes(extensible to five) to expose their views and/or experience upon the given subjects. These short interventions will followthe order of application, until all slots are occupied.Any given doubts about the established procedure, please contact the organizing committee:[email protected]