Annex 1:


Mainstreaming Gender Perspectives into Disaster Risk Reduction


Beijing, 20-22 April, 2008



In recent years, different parts of the world have experienced an increased impact of disasters, which have taken lives, destroyed livelihoods and damaged socio-economic development.  The trends in increasing disasters and disaster losses have clearly challenged the limited capacity of the national and international communities to respond to the needs of disaster-affected populations. Today, a large number of people are still feeling the pain and suffering from past disasters, such as the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, Cyclone Nargis in 2008, Africa drought in 2006, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.


To prevent the loss of lives and protect socio-economic development, a growing number of international bodies, governments, academics, and civil society organizations are searching for ways to reduce people’s vulnerabilities to disasters. At the 2005 World Conference on Disaster Reduction (WCDR), 168 governments from around the world adopted the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA), which aims to build the resilience of nations and communities to disasters by 2015.


In order to implement the HFA, the UN has increased its leadership in disaster risk reduction through enhanced coordination. 126 governments have designated official focal points for the HFA. Some 46 countries have established multi-stakeholder national platforms. The ISDR System and Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction have become the main vehicles to keep the momentum gained in disaster risk reduction going. Most governments have submitted their second national reports on progress made in their country in implementing the HFA.  These reports will be used as an input to preparations for the second session of the Global Platform for disaster risk reduction to be held in Geneva during the week of 15-19 June 2009.


Recently, gender perspectives have received more attention from various stakeholders due to consistent global advocacy and awareness-raising efforts that highlighted the importance of gender equality in disaster risk reduction. The relationship between disaster risk reduction and gender issues became apparent during the first session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction. Since that time, gender perspectives have been incorporated into the two major UN publications related to the HFA: Words into Action and the Global Report on Disaster Risk Reduction.


However, progress in mainstreaming gender into disaster risk reduction remains inadequate. Gender considerations are still largely marginalized from the DRR process. Based on information provided in national reports on disaster risk reduction, such marginalization of women is especially true at the national level. In daily realities, women are key victims as well as resilient forces to natural disasters. However, in disaster management and actions, women’s voices are lost or inadequately addressed. In disaster reduction strategies and actions, women and gender equality issues are marginalized, leading to ineffective relief, rise in violations of women’s rights including violence against women, and compromises in results of disaster reduction activities. Unfortunately, women are more likely to be regarded as a vulnerable group, rather than as leaders and contributors to building disaster resilience at national and local levels.  


Both gender and DRR are cross-cutting development issues. To achieve sustainable development, it is win-win option for governments and other stakeholders to mainstream gender perspectives into DRR and vice versa. This will not only contribute to making nations and communities more resilient to disasters, but also help address gender inequality in a comprehensive manner by promoting gender equality in the political, social, technical, developmental and humanitarian aspects of disaster risk reduction.


In addition to political commitment, the successful mainstreaming of gender perspectives into disaster risk reduction requires good understanding and capacity of both issues.  However, the widespread lack of understanding, political accountability and capacity on gender and disaster risk reduction poses great challenges to the national governments and international community to mainstream gender perspectives in disaster risk reduction.


To address this issue, the All China Women’s Federation, together with the  United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, will organize the first International Conference on Mainstreaming Gender into Disaster Risk Reduction in Beijing on 20-22 April 2009.   




International Conference on Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction


Time: April 20-22, 2009


Place: Beijing, China


Organizers: All-China Women’s Federation


         Secretariat of United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction


Co-host: Ministry of Civil Affairs of China



§         To review the progress made and challenges faced in mainstreaming gender in DRR;

§         To share knowledge, experiences and good practices in gender and DRR;

§         To discuss the major issues related to linking disaster risk reduction with poverty reduction, climate change adaptation, community development and policy making  from gender perspectives;

§         To recommend actions needed to mainstream gender into disaster risk reduction process by the end of 2015. 


Expected Results:


The Conference will expect participants and participating organizations to:


l        Achieve a good understanding of the opportunities and challenges of mainstreaming gender into DRR;

l        Increase their understanding and knowledge about win-win opportunities in gender-sensitive DRR related to poverty reduction, climate change adaptation, community development and policy-making;

l        Agree to a set of priorities for mainstreaming gender into DRR;

l        Demonstrate a clear commitment in implementing the results of the Conference. 


Theme: Gender and Disaster Risk Reduction



l        Women’s participation in disaster risk reduction and related decision-making

l        Integration of women’s perspectives in disaster reduction activities

l        Gender equality and community resilience to disasters

l        Women and disaster relief


Meeting Language: The meeting will be held in Chinese and English. The host organization, All China Women’s Federation, will provide simultaneous translation services.


Expenses: participants are to shoulder their own international travel and accommodation in Beijing


Meeting Venue: Jianguo Garden Hotel, Beijing, China

                           17, Jianguomennei Street, Beijing


Hotel: the recommended hotel is Jianguo Garden Hotel with preferential rates for conference participants. Please see attached hotel reservation form for details.


Registration: please kindly provide a copy of your photo through email or post on the submission of your registration form.


Preparatory Requirements

To ensure active participation and to achieve the expected results of the Conference, each participant will be provided international documents upon confirmation of attendance and provision of email addresses. This will allow for the efficient use of time during the conference and will contribute to stimulating lively and productive discussions. All participants are also kindly advised to make use of domestic technical resources available.


Tentative Program


19 April


20 April



Opening Ceremony


  • Welcome Remark by Chinese government/ parliament leader
  • Message from Under Secretary General of the UN (TBC)
  • Address by the UN Assistant-Secretary General for Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Address by Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of China
  • Huang Qingyi, Vice-President and First Member of the secretariat of the ACWF declares the opening



Tea and Coffee Break


Panel 1:

Policy changes and decision-making transforms for  gender, disaster management and disaster risk reduction  


Presentations followed by Questions & Answers

  12:15 – 14:00

Lunch Break


Panel 2:

Gender, disaster risk reduction  and poverty relief


Presentations followed by Questions & Answers

16:00-16: 15

Tea and Coffee Break

16: 15-18:00

Panel 3:

Gender perspectives in risk reduction and climate change adaptation


Presentations followed by Questions & Answers

  19:30 – 21:00


21 April



Panel 4

Equal participation of men and women in building community resilience to disasters


Presentations followed by Questions & Answers


Tea and coffee break

  10: 45- 1 2: 00

Panel 4:  (cont.)


Lunch Break


Group discussions on recommendations for mainstreaming gender perspectives in disaster risk reduction at national and local levels


Tea and coffee break


Group discussions (cont.)

22 April



Panel 5

Women and Post-Disaster Relief and Reconstruction: one year after Wenchuan Earthquake (China)

Presentations followed by Questions & Answers


Tea break


  • Plenary discussion of the Beijing Proposal for Action
  • Adoption of Beijing Proposal for Action


Closing Ceremony

  • Closing Remarks by Meng Xiaosi
  • Closing Remarks by ISDR Director
  • Note of thanks by participants




Visit to Beijing Olympics Sites or Free

23 April
