Udenrigsudvalget 2008-09, Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2008-09, Europarådet 2008-09
URU Alm.del Bilag 252, UPN Alm.del Bilag 82, ERD Alm.del Bilag 21
Falun Gong:10 years of persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)Falun Gong Denmark urges all Governments to supporta most significant appeal for human rights in the 21stcentury

A beneficial spiritual cultivation practice around the world

Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is a peaceful spiritual cultivation practice forself-improvement based on the principles of “Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.” Itwas introduced to the public by its founder Mr. Li Hongzhi, in May, 1992 in China. Due to itsbeneficial effects in uplifting human morality and improving health, the practice quicklyspread inside China and around the world. According to a survey conducted by the Chineseregime by January 1999 there were between 70 and 100 million people practicing Falun Gong.To date, Falun Gong is practiced in 114 countries or regions, regardless of race, gender andsocial strata. Its books have been translated into more than 30 languages, and Falun Dafa hasreceived over 1,500 items of awards or recognitions for its positive impact on individuals andcommunities in many locations around the world, also in China before 1999.

Ten Years of Brutal Persecution by the Chinese Communist Regime

Falun Dafa was initially welcomed by the Chinese authorities for its health benefits whichaccording to officials were saving the health system billions ofyuana year. Many highranking individuals in the government and the armed forces embraced the practice. When thenewly published main text of Falun Dafa,Zhuan Falun,topped the bestseller lists in 1996several communist hardliners became concerned that the Party’s pseudo Marxist ideologycould never successfully compete with a profound spirituality that was firmly grounded intraditional Chinese culture and rapidly capturing the hearts and minds of the populace.Former Chinese state leader Jiang Zemin considered the large group of practitioners as athreat and took its vast popularity as a personal insult. Regardless of the opposition from mostof the members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC CentralCommittee, on July 20, 1999 Jiang insisted on launching the nationwide genocidal crackdown.Jiang openly declared his intention “to eradicate Falun Gong” – a goal he boasted would beachieved in three months.Since then, millions of peaceful practitioners’ basic rights and freedom endowed by ChineseConstitution have been unlawfully deprived of. Although Jiang stepped down in March 2003,the accomplices and his followers participating in the persecution still persistently carry outthis genocidal persecution to date for fear that they would be punished if Falun Gong isvindicated.Over the past 10 years, the Chinese Communists regime has utilized its entire nationalmachine to persecute apolitical Falun Gong practitioners merely for their belief, hittingmillions of people. The United NationsRapporteuron torture Dr. Manfred Nowak estimated,following his visit to China in November 2005, that well over half of all inmates in Chineseforced labor camps are Falun Gong practitioners.
The atrocious crackdown includes illegal arrests, cruel torture and brutal killings. Thesituation is in some ways as serious as the Great Cultural Revolution. Based on first handmessages from Mainland China detailed documentation shows that as of July 1, 2009, 3,287Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted to death in the past ten years. This figure iswidely believed to be merely the tip of the iceberg. Numerous others are still incarceratedunder cruel torture.To counter the activities of Falun Gong practitioners clarifying the facts of the atrocities, theChinese regime has extended its persecution to overseas through its embassies and consulates.The actions include distributing hate inciting material to officials, violent assaults, verbalabuses, destruction of properties, telephone harassments, etc.

Organ Harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in prison

The world was shocked by the report about the Chinese regime harvesting organs from livingFalun Gong practitioners to supply a profitable trade in organ transplants.According to the reports of United Nations SpecialRapporteuron Torture, Dr. ManfredNowak, and United Nations SpecialRapporteuron Freedom of Religion or Belief, Ms. AsmaJahangir, China has conspicuously failed to respond to the request for conducting a thoroughinvestigation into the allegations that a large number of perfectly-matched organs werequickly available in China for money, that there were many more organ transplants thanidentifiable sources of organs, and that there is a correlation between a sudden rise in organtransplants and the suppression of Falun Gong.

Widely support from the international society

After the Chinese regime’s crackdown on Falun Gong, the annual human right reportspublished by the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States and other renownedinternational human rights organizations, including the United Nations Commission onHuman Rights, Amnesty International, Freedom House, and Human Rights Watch, indicatethat the persecution against the peaceful cultivation practice of Falun Gong is still very severe,and its practitioners’ lives, bodies and properties are seriously endangered.In the past ten years, to stop the persecution, Falun Gong practitioners have persistentlylaunched various activities around the world to expose the Chinese regime’s bloodypersecution. After knowing the facts about Falun Gong, more and more internationalorganizations and individuals have voiced their support and called on the Chinese regime toimmediately stop the persecution. More than 400 politicians, lawyers, medical doctors,journalists and other social elites from the five continents have established the Coalition toInvestigate the Persecution of Falun Gong in China (CIPFG) to investigate the Chineseregime’s atrocity of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners to fuel the highlyprofitable transplant industry.

Millions renounce the CCP

A massive CCP-quitting wave was triggered by the "NineCommentaries on the ChineseCommunist Party",published by the Epoch Times newspaper at the end of 2004. To date thishas resulted in about 57 million Chinese people renouncing their membership in the CCP andits affiliated organizations. Violent demonstrations have become a regular occurrence acrossChina in recent years, and this unprecedented phenomenon seems to be irresistible like a-2-
snowball.In other words, we may be at a critical historical juncture, and the CCP may be destined to asudden collapse like in Eastern Europe. Who did predict the fall of the Berlin Wall?We ask if only a disintegration of the inhuman CCP can completely stop this ten-year-longgenocidal persecution and restore humanity and justice.

Help stop the persecution of Falun Gong in China

At this critical time, we call upon all governments to set a good example of humanity byhelping to stop the Chinese regime’s coercion – by coming forward together with othercountries to urge the Chinese regime to comply with international human rights conventionsand completely put an end to the genocidal persecution against Falun Gong in China.Since the creation of the world, human beings have respected and believed in higher truths.They have believed that good begets good and evil leads to evil.As Falun Dafa practitioners, we sincerely appeal to our government to help the peaceful andnon-political Falun Gong practitioners timely so as to put an end to the Chinese regime’spersecution and restore their human rights.We believe that our government’s deeds of upholding human rights and helping to stop thepersecution of Falun Gong will be remembered forever. We also believe that this noble actwill have a positive effect for the future of our country.Sincerely,
Lingnan WuChairmanFalun Gong DenmarkDanish Association for Falun DafaThis statement is jointly signed by the following Falun Gong associations around the globeRegionEuropeAustriaM. SchrottPresidentCountriesName andOfficial TitleSignatures
N. ScholsPresident
the CzechRepublic
V. SunovaChairman
S. SuontakanenChairman
A. TongPresident
M. Y. NgPresident
K. TsolisPresident
P. HoubenPresident
Alfredo FavaPresidente
A. AboltinsChairman
R. PasdarPresidentP. GiersenPresidentM.A. TomaszKowalski -ChairmanA. SturdzaPresident
P. JiePresident
C. ChooChairmanB.QiPresident
NorthAmericaCanadaX. LiPresident
WashingtonDC, USA
S. NiehVice President-5-
S. YangPresident
SouthAmericaArgentinaL. FuPresident
S. YingPresident
AsiaHong KongH. C. KanChairman
L. KurniawanRepresentative
S. RaoPresident
T. MasaakiChairman
K. H. DaePresident
Y. LinRepresentative
S. YangChairmanW. K. NgPresident
C.H. ChangChairmanY. ZhongRepresentative
AustraliaSydneyMelbourneL. ZhaoPresidentJ. XiaoPresidentW. LuoPresident
AfricaSouth AfricaJ. LiuChair