Sundhedsudvalget 2008-09
SUU Alm.del Bilag 549
Geneva, 30 June 2009IPU Regional Seminar on HIV and AIDSAthens, Greece, 25 and 26 September 2009
Dear Madam Speaker,Dear Mr. Speaker,It is our great pleasure to invite your parliament to the Regional Seminar on HIV and AIDS,which will be held on 25 and 26 September 2009 in Athens, Greece. This important event isbeing organized jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, the Hellenic Parliament and theHellenic Center for Infectious Disease Control (KEELPNO).The seminar is part of a series of regional training events that the IPU launched in theaftermath of the first Global Parliamentary Meeting on HIV/AIDS. Members of parliamentinvolved in development and oversight of HIV-related legislation are the target audience ofthese seminars.The European seminar is intended for all parliaments belonging to the IPU Twelve Plus Group.It will discuss the role of parliaments in dealing with HIV in accordance with ethical norms andhuman rights standards. Within this broad topic, the participants will focus on immediate andlong-term responses that address HIV prevalence among the populations at higher risk fromHIV. The discussions will draw on the IPU Handbook for Parliamentarians on HIV and AIDS andthe Conclusions of the Global Meeting. The languages of the seminar will be English, Frenchand Greek.We would be grateful if you could encourage members of your parliament who work in thesphere of HIV and AIDS to attend the regional seminar. We are pleased to attach the draftprogram and a registration form, which should be completed and returned to the HellenicParliament and the IPU Secretariat as soon as possible. Information will follow shortly aboutthe precise venue and hotel arrangements.
Yours sincerely,
Elsa PapademetriouVice PresidentHellenic Parliament
Anders B. JohnssonSecretary GeneralIPU
John PierroutsakosPresidentKEELPNO