Institutet för mervärdesskatterättslig forskning

vid juridiska fakulteten, Stockholms universitet

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Value Added Tax and Direct Taxation – Similarities and Differences

International Network for Tax Research (INTR) Conference
March 26 – 28, 2009

Organized by the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law, WU, Vienna and the Institute for VAT Research at Stockholm University







Academic Title:           

Gender:                    c male      c female      




ZIP-Code:                         Â Â  City:                         Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â  Country:             

Phone:                               Â Â  Fax:                                               E-mail:                



University diploma (please indicate also where you studied):      



Company/University/Organization/Affiliation (please indicate where you are presently working):                                         




I apply for being admitted as participant on my own expense                               c yes     c no

Þ          Please transfer the participation fee of EUR 1.000,- to the bank account specified in the invoice.  You will receive the invoice by registered mail.    (payment deadline: February 28, 2009)

Þ        Please indicate here the exact name and address to be shown on the invoice:








I am a researcher who is exclusively employed by an academic institution and  apply for a waiver of the participation fee:                                                       c yes                         c no

Þ          Please enclose a letter stating the reasons for this request and the relevance of the conference topic for your research work plus a recent publication list.


Please return this form by e-mail to Ms. Renée Pestuka ( [email protected] ) or by fax: 0043/1/313 36 730



Date: ……………….                     Signature: …………………………………