Det Politisk-Økonomiske Udvalg 2008-09
PØU Alm.del Bilag 111
NEWSLETTEREUROPEANPARLIAMENTCOMMITTEE ONWOMEN'SRIGHTS ANDGENDEREQUALITY- September 2009 -COMMITTEE IN THE 7TH PARLIAMENTARYTERMThe committee was constituted on 16July 2009, with Ms Eva-Britt Svensson(GUE/NGL, SV) as Chairwoman, MsLívia Járóka (EPP, HU), Ms EditeEstrela (S-D, PT), Ms ElisabethMorin-Chartier (EPP, FR) and MsBarbara Matera (EPP, IT) as Vice-Chairs.The committee consists of 35full Members.***
EXCHANGE OF VIEWSImprovements in the safety and health at work of preg-nant workers and workers who have recently given birthor are breastfeedingFirst exchange of views in the 7th legislature on EditeEstrela's report. The report was referred back to the FEMMcommittee by Plenary on 6 May 2009 upon a request fromthe EPP-ED group (347 in favour, 256 against, 10 absten-tions). Amongst the hot issues to be discussed in the com-mittee is the extension of the duration of maternity leave toat least 20 weeks, the full salary for the weeks after givingbirth, and the introduction of a clause on the paternity leaveto be compulsory minimum two weeks after the birth of thechild.Rapporteur:Edite Estrela(S-D)
Eva-Britt Svensson
SEPTEMBER MEETING AGENDA IN BRIEF2010 budget: Section III - CommissionImprovements in the safety and health at work ofpregnant workers and workers who have recentlygiven birth or are breastfeedingWork programme of the Swedish PresidencyCommittee work programme from September 2009to December 2010Details of the meeting:
WORK PROGRAMME OF THE SWEDISHPRESIDENCY OF THE EUPresentation by Ms Nyamko Sabuni, Minister for Inte-gration and Gender Equality, Presidency-in-office, fol-lowed by an exchange of views(This item can be followed live on-line as from 15.00 by clickinghere.)The Swedish Presidency aims atstrengthening gender equality and im-proving protection against discriminationwith a view on tackling short- and long-term challenges of the EU. In order toboost the EU's utilisation of the potentialof both women and men, the work willfocus on the importance of gender equality for economicgrowth and employment. Progress in the area of genderequality will contribute to a society characterised by socialcohesion, high employment and sustainable economicgrowth.Other important issues include initiatives to counter men’sviolence against women and following up the UN actionplan for gender equality, the Beijing Platform for Action byreporting on the developments in Member States over thelast five years.Decisions are expected on two draft directives reconcilingwork and family life and providing increased health andsafety protection: equal treatment of self-employed womenand men (Lulling report) and measures to improve healthand safety in the workplace for workers who are pregnant,have recently given birth or are breastfeeding (Estrela re-port).Furthermore the Presidency will work to ensure that deci-sions can be taken on the directive on the equal treatment ofpersons irrespective of religion or belief, disability, age orsexual orientation.
Tuesday 1


September10.30 - 12.30 / 15.00 - 18.30Meeting room: ASP 3E2Live web streaming of the meeting from 15.00 here.***
DRAFT OPINION - Consideration and vote2010 budget: Section III - CommissionDuring its meeting on 16 July, FEMM Coordinators decidedto reconfirm Ms Edit Bauer (EPP) as Draftsperson for theopinion on Budget 2010. The deadline for tabling amend-ments to the draft opinion and the draft budget was 12 Au-gust at 12.00. Members of the FEMM committee tabled 28amendments on the budget opinion and 17 amendments onthe draft budget. Their consideration and vote will take placeduring the committee meeting on 1 September.The deadline for re-tabling FEMM amendments not adoptedby BUDG committee to the Plenary is set on 15 October2010.Draftsperson:Edit Bauer(EPP)
Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality is responsible for:- Definition, promotion and protection of women's rights in the Union and related Community measures;- The promotion of women's rights in third countries;- Equal opportunities policy, including equality between men and women with regard to labour market opportunities and treatment at work;- The removal of all forms of discrimination based on sex;- The implementation and further development of gender mainstreaming in all policy sectors;- The follow-up and implementation of international agreements and conventions involving the rights of women;- Information policy on women.
COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME -SEPTEMBER 2009 - DECEMBER 2010In the frame of an exchange of views, Members will have thechance to contribute with ideas, suggestions and remarks toestablishing a prospective work programme for the commit-tee until December 2010. The scope of the programme shallinclude activities, such as public hearings, workshops, delega-tion visits and the International Women's Day. Own initia-tive reports, resolutions, studies, notes and briefings will alsobe prepared along the guidelines set up in the adopted workprogramme.***
THE COMMITTEE WILL VOTE ON:- Draft opinion on2010 Budget - Section III - Commis-sionDraftsperson:Edit Bauer(EPP)
Details of the next meeting
Tuesday 29 September 2009 (15.00-18.30)Wednesday 30 September 2009 (9.00-12.30)***
For more information, please contactFEMM secretariat: - tel: + 32 (0) 2 28 43773 - e-mail:[email protected]FEMM website: to committee meeting documents: