OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2008-09
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 51
General Information
ATHENS, GREECE9 - 12 October 2009
PROGRAMMEFriday, 9 October 2009Saturday, 10 October 2009Sunday, 11 October 2009Monday, 12 October 2009ConferenceConference (cont.):Standing Committee:morningafternoon
Forum for the Mediterranean: half dayCultural Programme
A detailed programme will be distributed to all delegations in due time.VENUE OF MEETINGSAll meetings will take place at:DIVANI APOLLON PALACE & SPA HOTEL10 Ag. Nikolaou & Iliou Str.166 71 Athens-Vouliagmeni-GreeceTel. +30 210 8911100,Fax: +30 210 9658010www.divanis.gr
HELLENIC PARLIAMENT – CONFERENCE SECRETARIATMrs. Maria APOSTOLOUHead of European Relations DirectorateHellenic ParliamentTel.: +30 210 367 3279Fax: +30 210 367 3270Dr. Miltiadis MAKRIYANNISHead of European Organization DepartmentHellenic ParliamentTel: +30 210 367 3277Fax: +30 210 367 3270e-mail:[email protected]
Ms Chara PAPAZOUDISecretary of the Hellenic Delegation to the OSCE PAEuropean Relations DepartmentHellenic ParliamentTel: +30 210 367 3265Fax: +30 210 367 3270e-mail:[email protected]
INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT OSCE PAMs Odile LELARGEConference Co-ordinatorOSCE Parliamentary AssemblyTel: +45 33 37 80 34Fax: +45 33 37 80 30e-mail:[email protected]
ACCOMMODATIONBlock booking at preferential rates for participants has been made at theDivani Apollon Palace & Spa Hotel (5*)and theAmarilia Hotel (4*),which is situated opposite Divani Apollon Palace and Spa Hotel. For details,see Hotel Reservation form.DIVANI APOLLONPALACE & SPA HOTEL10 Ag. Nikolaou & Iliou Str.166 71 Athens-VouliagmeniFax: +30 210 9658010Tel. +30 210 8911100E-mail: [email protected]www.divanis.grAMARILIA HOTEL13 Agiou Nikolaou str.16671 Athens-VouliagmeniFax: +30 210 8955790Tel. +30 210 8990391E-mail: [email protected]www.amarilia.gr
Reservations should be made directly with the hotel using the attached HotelReservation Formnot later than 20


July 2009.
A copy should be forwarded to the International Secretariat in Copenhagen toMs Odile Lelarge,Conference Coordinator: Fax: + 45 33 37 80 30; e-mail:[email protected],and toMs Chara Papazoudi,Secretary of the HellenicDelegationtotheOSCEPA,HellenicParliament,e-mail:[email protected], Fax: +30 210 367 3270.All payments for accommodation are to be made directly to the hotel upondeparture.Credit card details are required for booking confirmation.Bookings received after the deadline will be subject to availability.Participants are asked to read carefully the term of the cancellation policy thatapplies to the hotel they have chosen.REGISTRATION AND INFORMATION DESKThe registration and information desk will be open at the “Divani ApollonPalace & Spa Hotel” at the Central Lobby.Opening Hours:Thursday, October 8 from 14:00 to 20:00Friday, October 9, from 09:00 to 18:00
All participants are kindly requested to register at this desk where they willreceive their identification badge. Participants will be required to show someofficial identification when registering (a passport or identity card).A provisional List of Participants will be distributed. In order to enable theInternational Secretariat of the OSCE PA to issue the final list and to ensurethe accuracy of its contents, national delegations are kindly requested toindicate any corrections to the provisional list at the Registration Desk.TRANSPORTATIONTransportation from and to the “El. Venizelos” Athens Airport, as well associal events and the cultural programme, will be provided by the HellenicParliament.When leaving the aircraft upon landing in Athens, participants will be guided totheHall for Official Delegations/VIP.There will be a desk at Athens Airport (VIP lounge) with the OSCE PA logowhere delegates can meet to be led to the buses. Please note thattransportation will be available only on the arrival dates of 8 and 9 October, aswell as on the departure dates of 12 and 13 October.4
IDENTIFICATIONFor security purposes, participants are requested to wear their identity badgesat all meetings and social functions. Name badges will be needed for access toall conference events.Loss of identity badges should be reported immediately to the conferencestaff.ACCOMPANING PERSONS PROGRAMMEA programme for accompanying persons has been arranged while delegatesare engaged in conference sessions. A detailed programme will be announcedin due time.Accompanying persons may participate to all lunches and dinners organizedby Hellenic Parliament.VISASDelegates, parliamentarians, staff and accompanying persons attending theconference from countries outside of the European Union are advised to checkon the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to see if they need an entry visa(www.mfa.gr) and contact, if necessary, their nearest Greek Embassy or GreekConsulate for further assistance. Delegates must clearly state that they areattending the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Meetings on their applicationform. Visas will be issued free of charge.DOCUMENTATION/PHOTOCOPYING SERVICESMaterial related to all meetings will be given out at registration. The hostparliament will assist delegates in photocopying their speeches anddocuments. Delegations are strongly recommended to have their speechesreproduced in six copies and transmitted in advance through the secretariat tothe interpreter’s booths.INTERPRETATIONInterpretation will be provided in all six official OSCE languages as well as inGreek. No translation service will be available.INSURANCEPersonal and medical insurance is the responsibility of individual participants.The Hellenic Parliament will not be responsible for any loss of luggage,currency or personal effects, or any medical costs.
MEDICAL FACILITIESMedical assistance will be available throughout the meetings.PHOTOGRAPHSPhotographs taken during the meetings will be sent from the HellenicParliament, after request by the Delegations.CURRENCYThe currency unit in Greece is the Euro (€).Currency exchange is available at the Reception Desk of the hotels.ATMs (Instant Cash Machines) are located in the premises of the “DivaniApollon Palace & Spa Hotel”.OTHER SERVICESA travel and tourist information desk will be available to participants at the“Divani Apollon Palace & Spa Hotel”, outside the Conference Hall.Telephone, fax and internet facilities will be reserved for the press and staff.CULTURAL PROGRAMMEOn Monday October 12, 2009, the participants will be taken on a culturalprogramme. A detailed programme will be distributed to all delegations in duetime.WEATHERThe weather in Athens is generally sunny in this time of the year with averagedaily temperatures around 18-22C.