OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2008-09
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 38
The OSCE PA Budget Compared
April 2009
- Office of the President -
Since being elected as President in July 2008, I have worked to strengthenthe role of the Parliamentary Assembly as a vital OSCE Institution. Inparticular, I am pleased that during my Presidency the Assembly continuesto serve as a forum for open debate on the most important issues facing theOSCE region; the Crisis in Georgia (September 2008), European SecurityArchitecture proposals (February 2009), World Financial Crisis (May 2009).I strongly believe in the work of our Organization. The OSCE ParliamentaryAssembly has a pivotal role in the future of the whole Organization:promoting the dialogue between all participating States in an inclusivemanner, ensuring the respect for the OSCE founding principles and workingfor the resolution of all forms of conflicts. This has been our task during thelast 17 years.The OSCE PA was built with the effort of each one of our NationalParliaments. However, I must underline the work of the Secretariat and ofSecretary General Spencer Oliver in particular. Thanks to him and to ourTreasurers the PA has been presenting a succession of balanced budgets.With a small staff of just 16 persons, our Parliamentary Assemblyparticipates every year in a number of election observation missions,organizes the Annual Session, the Winter Meeting and the Fall Meetingsand is also engaged in other relevant activities and field visits. This is not tomention support for other activities such as presidential trips.
During the last year I had the opportunity to work almost on a daily basiswith the International Secretariat and to experience their professionalismand enthusiasm.When we compare the total budget, number of staff and staff expensesbetween the OSCE PA and other Parliamentary Organizations we can havea better idea of the effectiveness of our work.2
In terms of election observation each national parliament pays for theexpenses of each one of its members. If we take in consideration theelection observation activities in the ODIHR budget (5.974.200 EUR, i.e.,more than two times the total budget of the OSCE PA) we have to thinkabout the results they achieve, especially in relation to the results of ourown work in the field.When compared to other inter-parliamentary bodies, the OSCEParliamentary Assembly has the smallest budget and the smallest staff(with the exception of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterraneanwhich is newly formed).
If we compare the staff expenses in percentage of the total budget thedifference is even bigger. We are clearly the most cost effective Assembly.As for the OSCE governmental side’s budget recently approved in thePermanent Council in Vienna, we notice that, year after year, there is adecrease: 164.168.200 EUR in 2008 and 156.375.200 for 2009.The OSCE is a vital Organization for the European security. And although68.5% of the OSCE budget (107.361.800 EUR) is committed to the work inthe field, this cutting of capacity will affect the daily work of ourOrganization, its programs and initiatives in a time when this effort is moreneeded.
João Soares
PACE – Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of EuropeNATO PA – North Atlantic Treaty Organization Parliamentary AssemblyWEU A – Western European Union AssemblyPAM – Parliamentary Assembly of the MediterraneanIPU – Inter-Parliamentary Union