OSCEs parlamentariske Forsamling 2008-09
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 35
AS (09) DRS 2 EOriginal: ENGLISH
SECOND COMMITTEE DRAFT RESOLUTIONRapporteur Mr. Ivor Callely (Ireland)1. Deeply concerned about the devastating effects the current global financial crisis ishaving in the OSCE area including the fall of several governments as well as creatingsocial unrest, which in some cases has led to violence;2. Noting that the current financial crisis has led to world recession and was generated bythe financial system itself and caused by an overstretch of financial speculation and a lackof financial regulations as well as lax governmental oversight of financial markets;
3. Reaffirming that the current financial crisis affects all three dimensions of security asdescribed in theHelsinki Final Actof 1975;4. Recalling theOSCE Strategy Document for the Economic and Environmental Dimensionadopted by the Ministerial Council of the OSCE at its meeting in Maastricht in December2003;5. Recalling the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Astana Declaration which noted that“without economic growth there can be no peace or security”;6. Recalling the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly’s Economic Conference on theWorldFinancial Crisisheld in Dublin, Ireland from 27 to 29 May 2009;7. Emphasizing the historical link between economic difficulty and political extremism,xenophobia, nationalism, political instability and international turmoil;8. Condemning the attempts of some governments to introduce protectionist and economicnationalist measures in response to the crisis;9. Recalling that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights affirms that “Everyone has theright to work” and to “protection against unemployment”;10. Acknowledging that Democracy, the rule of law and Human Rights are ultimately linkedto open markets and open economies;11. Recognizing that the current economic crisis disproportionately affects the mostvulnerable members of society, including immigrants, minorities, women and youth;The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly,12. Calls for greater co-ordination amongst OSCE participating States in the development ofa coherent response to the crisis;
13. Supports the recommendations of the United NationsStiglitz Commissioncalling for aglobal economic co-ordination council at the level of the General Assembly or theSecurity Council and a new global reserve system;14. Supports the initiative of the World Bank to establish a vulnerability fund to helpdeveloping countries focusing on safety net programmes, investments in infrastructureand support for small and medium-sized enterprises;15. Supports the initiative of the Group of Twenty (G-20) to create a Financial StabilityForum to globally coordinate regulation and a stronger role for the IMF in lending todistressed countries;16. Calls for participating States to refrain from protectionist and economic nationalistmeasures and rescind those that have been implemented;17. Emphasizes that economic recovery initiatives should not undermine efforts to promoteenvironmental sustainability, in particular efforts to curb climate change;18. Encourages participating States to invest in and support environmentally friendlyindustries, including the development of energy efficiency and renewable energies;19. Invites the international community and international financial institutions to considerholding an international conference with the goal of establishing the bases for a newglobal financial infrastructure that includes the reform of the International MonetaryFund (IMF) and the establishment of more efficient global financial rules;20. Welcomes the conclusions of the 17thAnnual OSCE Economic and Environmental Forumdevoted to “Migrationmanagement and its linkages with economic, social andenvironmental policies to the benefit of stability and security in the OSCE region”;21. Stresses that policy proposals must include a gender perspective in the solutions of theglobal crisis and Welcomes the decision of the Commission for the Status of Women(CSW) to address the emerging issue “GenderPerspectives of the Financial Crisis”at its53rdSession held in New York in March 2009;22. Calls for the Kazakh Chairmanship of the OSCE in 2010 and for the Office of the OSCEEconomic and Environmental Co-ordinator to include and address the consequences ofthe current financial and economic crisis in the OSCE area at the 18thAnnual OSCEEconomic and Environmental Forum and its preparatory conferences in 2010;23. Encourages national Parliaments to ensure that national budgets continue to enableparliamentarians to engage in international activities by providing the necessary funds forparliamentarians to attend, participate and contribute in the work of internationalparliamentary assemblies and other international relevant international parliamentaryevents.