Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2008-09
MPU Alm.del Bilag 776
Climate change andthe shipping industryof tomorrowMaritime event at NordicClimate Solutions,September 9, 20091 – 2.30 pm (Room 16)Deloitte is organizing a maritime event to take placeat the Nordic Climate Solutions Conference in Co-penhagen (Bella Centre), September 9.The event is organized in collaboration with theDanish Shipowners’ Association and includes pre-and post-COP15 perspectives on the opportunitiesand challenges for the shipping industry.The event is directed towards political decision-makers, shipping companies, NGOs, conferenceparticipants and members of the press.Context and purposeA recent study commissioned by the InternationalMaritime Organization (IMO) estimated that shipsengaged in international trade contributed about 2.7per cent of the world's anthropogenic CO2 emis-sions in 2007 (*).The study also found that emission reductions arefeasible through technical and operational meas-ures, as well as through the introduction of market-based instruments.However, in the absence of global policies to con-trol greenhouse gas emissions from internationalshipping, the emissions may increase significantlyover the next decades due to the expected growthin international seaborne trade – despite the pre-sent economic downturn.Danish shipping companies work proactivelythrough national and international organizations toreduce CO2 emissions and other air pollutants frominternational shipping. It is vital to the industry thatsolutions are global in nature and apply to all, inde-pendently of the flag state. The IMO thereforewishes to continue its work on regulating the CO2emissions from international shipping.
(*) Prevention of AirPollution from Ships,Second IMO GHGStudy 2009.
A proposal by the Danish Maritime Authority sug-gests that the best and most efficient solution willbe the development of an International Fund forGreenhouse Gas Emissions from Ships for ad-dressing the global climate problems, as well asproviding incentives for research and development.The purpose of the event is to engage variousstakeholders in these and related issues concern-ing “climate change and the shipping industry oftomorrow”.Participants include:policy makers and representatives frombusiness and non-governmental organizationsshipping companies and business partners atthe conferencemediaVenueThe event is organized as a side event with accessof conference participants and invited guests. Seatsfor invited and confirmed participants will be re-servedThe event will take place Wednesday 9 Septemberat 13.00-14.30, Room 16 at Bella Centre.Free access to the conference on both 8-9 Sep-tember is available through Deloitte.
ProgrammeWelcome and introductionPreben Soerensen (Partner and Chairman ofDeloitte Climate&Cleantech, Deloitte Denmark)Climate Policy Proposals for International Shipping:An International Fund for GHG EmissionsGitte Mondrup (Special Adviser, Danish Mari-time Authority)Shipping Case: TORMMikael Skov (CEO, TORM)Shipping Case: A.P. Moller – MaerskJoseph Nazareth (Group HSSE, A.P. Moller -Maersk)NGO Stakeholder Perspectives:John Nordbo, tbc (World Wide Fund for Nature)DiscussionOther participants in the panel might be included,but they are not yet confirmed.Political spokespersons on climate and shippingfrom the Danish Parliament are invited to partici-pate, as are a wide range of shipping companies.
For further information please contact:Morten Hoejer (Deloitte, Corporate Responsibility),Mobile: (+45) 30 93 51 74E-mail:[email protected]
� Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionsaktieselskab 2009. Medlem af Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu