Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2008-09
MPU Alm.del Bilag 727
DRAFT (10/06/09)Seminar of the World Medical AssociationClimate Change and Health CareVenue:Date:Danish Engineers Building, Kalvebod Brygge, Copenhagen1 September 2009
DRAFT PROGRAMMERapporteur: Professor Ojvind Lidegaard, University of Copenhagen, DenmarkChair: Dr Edward Hill, Chair of the Council of the WMA, American Medical Association09:00-09:30Opening session
Dr. Jens Winther Jensen, President of the Danish Medical Association (DMA)Jakob Axel Nielsen, Minister of Health and Prevention of DenmarkDr. Yoram Blachar, President of the World Medical Association (WMA)
Chair: Dr Ruth Collin Nakai, Chair of WMA workgroup on health & Environment, CanadianMedical Association09:30-14:00Experts:Experts and panel – five topicsDr Colin Butler, Dr Bettina Menne, Dr Mike Gill, Dr Ray Copes, Susan Wilburn, Dr. PaulSaoke, Dr Dong-Chun Shin.Dr. Edward Hill, Chair of WMA Council; Dr. Ruth Collins-Nakai, Canadian MedicalAssociation; Mr. Jesper Fisker, CEO National Board of Health, Denmark; Dr. Jens WintherJensen, President of DMA
Each expert is to deliver a speech that is addressing one of the five topics in the draft resolution followed byquestions by a panel: Advocacy, Leadership, Education and capacity building, Surveillance and research,Collaboration.09:30-09:3509:35-10:05IntroductiomEducation
Dr. Colin D.Butler, Associate Professor, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population HealthThe Australian National University, Canberra, AUS10:05-10:1010:10-10:40IntroductionLeadership
Dr. Bettina Menne, Medical Officer, Global Change and Health, WHO Regional Office for Europe
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Coffee breakIntroductionAdvocacy
Dr. Mike Gill, Professor Public Health, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey,Guildford, UK11:30-11:3511:35-12:30IntroductionRegional perspectives
Dr Dong-Chun Shin, Director of the Korean Medical Association will present the perspectives of theConfederation of Medical Associations in Asia & OceaniaDr. Paul Saoke, Vice President of the International Society of Doctors for the Environment (ISDE Africaregion) will present the perspectives of the region of Africa.
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
Chair: Representative from the Danish Medical Association (to be confirmed)13:30-13:3513:35-14:05IntroductionSurveillance and Research
Dr. Ray Copes, Physician expert in environmental health, Director of Canadian National CollaboratingCenter for Environmental Health.14:05-14:1014:10-14:40IntroductionCollaboration
Susan Wilburn, Technical Officer, Occupational and Environmental Health Department of Public Health andEnvironment, WHO14:40-14:4514:45-15:45Instructions for groupsGroup discussions – prioritizing the problems presented by the experts
The Coffee break will be served during the group discussions.
Chair: Dr Dana Hanson, President of the WMA, Canadian Medical Association15:45-17:00Preliminary conclusions to be followed up by a report containing a summary of thediscussionsClosing remarks
Ulla Tørnæs, Minister for Development Cooperation of DenmarkOtmar Kloiber, Secretary General, WMA17:3017:45EvaluationAdjourn
Interpretation in English, Spanish and French