Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2008-09, Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2008-09
MPU Alm.del Bilag 725, IPU Alm.del Bilag 20
Convention to CombatDesertification
Distr.GENERALICCD/COP(9)/INF.110 June 2009Original: ENGLISH
CONFERENCE OF THE PARTIESNinth sessionBuenos Aires, 21 September–2 October 2009
Information for participantsThe ninth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 9) to the United Nations Convention toCombat Desertification (UNCCD) will be held from 21 September to 2 October 2009 in BuenosAires, Argentina. The present document contains general information which may be helpful toparticipants. Additional information will be provided on the UNCCD website <>.1.Secretariat
The secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) is headedby the Executive Secretary, Mr. Luc Gnacadja. The secretariat is based in Bonn, Germany, at thefollowing address:Secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationHermann-Ehlers-Strasse, 1053113 Bonn, GermanyTel.: (+49 228) 815 28 00Fax: (+49 228) 815 28 98/99E-mail: [email protected]2.Host country authorities
The Government of Argentina has established a national preparatory committee in charge ofpreparations for COP 9. For additional information, participants may contact:Secretaría de Ambiente y Desarrollo SustentableSan Martín 451 (1004) Ciudad de Buenos AiresTel.: (+ 54 11) 4348 8567Fax: (+ 54 11) 4348 8265E-mail: [email protected]GE.09-61779
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 23.Venue of the session
The ninth session of the COP will be held at the following address:Hilton Buenos AiresAv. Macacha Guemes 351,(1106) Buenos Aires, ArgentinaTel.: (+54 11) 4891-0000Fax: (+54 11) 4891-0100The session will open on Monday, 21 September 2009. Working hours will normally be from 10a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Meeting rooms will be made available for informalmeetings without interpretation, subject to arrangements being made with the secretariat.4.Registration
Pre-registration for national delegations, United Nations specialized agencies and programmes,and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, as well as for the media, will takeplace at the Congress Center entrance, situated at the back of the main entrance of the HiltonBuenos Aires Hotel, Av. Macacha Guemes 351, (1106) Buenos Aires, Argentina. on:
Friday, 18 September from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.Saturday, 19 September from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.Sunday, 20 September from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Registration will start on Monday, 21 September at 8 a.m. and continue throughout the sessionon working days from 8 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Any changes on theopening hours of the registration desk will be communicated in the Official Journal of thesession. Identity badges will be issued at the time of registration, and participants are requestedto wear them at all times, as they will be allowed access to the session venue only uponpresentation of their badges.It is of the utmost importance to accompany credentials with a passport-size photograph of eachmember of delegations attending COP 9. This will ensure a speedy pre-registration procedure,which will greatly reduce waiting time for delegates at the session venue.5.Credentials
The credentials of representatives of Parties and the names of alternate representatives andadvisers must be issued either by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for ForeignAffairs. To ensure full participation in the work of the conference, it is recommended thatrepresentatives of Parties should be provided with full powers to participate in the session and, ifnecessary, to serve as officers of the COP and its subsidiary bodies, as well as of any committeesor working groups of the session.
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 3Credentials must be submitted to the secretariat of the Convention. The Bureau of COP 9 willexamine the credentials and report to the session. Observer States and intergovernmental andnon-governmental organizations must also be accredited.It is strongly recommended that participants fax their credentials in advance to the secretariat inorder to facilitate their registration during the conference:Fax: (+49 228) 815 28 98 / 996.Information for the media
Representatives from the media can register at the Congress Center entrance at the back of themain entrance of the Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel (Av. Macacha Guemes 351, Buenos Aires,Argentina) during pre-registration and registration hours upon presentation of a valid presscard.Applicants for media accreditation need to provide the following documentation:
A letter of introduction from their bureau chiefA passport or identification card for identification purposesOne passport size colour photographA valid press cardRequest for accreditation of media representatives
The application form can be downloaded from the website <>.Applicants should send the above-mentioned documentation to the UNCCD secretariat at:E-mail: [email protected]Fax: (+49 228) 815 2898 / 99All the above conditions apply to both local and foreign journalists. Local journalists are,however, advised to start the process of accreditation as soon as possible, at least one monthbefore the conference. Foreign journalists may do so as soon as they arrive in the country.A dedicated press and media working space will be available at the conference venue.Additional information for media representatives on the Convention and the conference can beobtained from the Convention secretariat at the above-mentioned address.7.How to get to the session venueAirportThe Ezeiza International Airport (officially known as Aeropuerto Ministro Pistarini) is locatedabout 37 km from the conference centre and handles most international flights. It is 30 minutes’drive away from downtown along a highway. Taxi, remise, transfer and bus services operate 24
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 4hours a day. A taxi from one of Ezeiza's official stands into the city will cost about US$ 20-30,including road tolls. Several companies also offer regular mini-bus shuttles for about US$ 12.Alternatively, arrange in advance for a remise to pick you up ((+54 11) 4315-5115).Flight information or operator, 24 hour service: (+54 11) 5480 6111. Website:<>.Public transportBuenos Aires is served by five subway lines (Subtes) and more than 100 bus lines (colectivos).Taxis and private car services (remises) are popular because they are safe and economical. It isrecommended to phone a radio taxi or a private car service: both will come to any destination inthe city to collect a passenger at any time of the day or night.Taxis are painted black or yellow. The taxi fare is shown on the meter in Argentine pesos (ARS);a 3-km journey should cost about ARS 10.00. Most taxi drivers will only accept small bills.Many radio taxis have a minimum charge of about ARS 8.00, and a few charge an extra fee formaking a pick-up. Private car services are not identified by a special colour. The minimum fareis about ARS 7.00; the total fare varies according to distance covered and time elapsed.Buses in Buenos Aires are cheap and go just about everywhere. A route planner with maps isavailable at newsstands.The metro system is slightly cheaper than the bus, easier to use, and often faster than a taxi.Tickets can be bought for a single journey or for several; multi-trip tickets ("subtepass") offer noprice advantage but they save the time that would be spent queuing at the ticket office.The conference venue (Hilton Buenos Aires Hotel) is in the downtown Puerto Madero district,Buenos Aires City, just 30 minutes from Ministro Pistarini International Airport.8.Hotel accommodation
A list of hotels, to guide delegates in their booking, is also attached in an annex to this document.9.Services available for participants at the session venue
Information on medical services and emergency numbers, postal, telephone, fax, photocopyingand Internet services, cafeterias and bars, banking services, travel agency and any other servicesavailable for participants will be published in the Official Journal of the session.10.Immigration formalities and customs regulationsVisa regulationsCitizens of a number of countries need to have a visa before arriving in Argentina. Informationandrelevantproceduresonthismattercanbeobtainedfrom<>.
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 5The Government of Argentina has advised that applications for visa may be submitted, withreference to the COP session, to the nearest Argentine embassy or consulate. In those countriesthat do not have an Argentine embassy or consulate, participants may submit their application toan Argentine embassy or consulate in another country which covers the participant’s country oforigin, or to the embassy or consulate of another country which provides consular services onbehalf of Argentina. Participants are advised to contact an embassy or consulate as early aspossible to obtain precise information on regulations and deadlines for submission ofapplications. A complete list of Argentinian embassies and consulates can be found at<>.Application requirements for a free-of-cost visa for COP 9 participants are:
Letter of invitation for participation in COP 9 from the UNCCD secretariat;Valid passport (valid for 12 months from date of entry);Completed application form;One passport-size photo.
For detailed information on immigration regulations please visit the Argentine Ministry ofInterior website at: <>.Customs regulationsFor detailed information on customs procedures please visit the Migration National Directionwebsite at <>.11.Side and parallel events
Participants wishing to organize side events during COP 9 are invited to send an application to:E-mail: [email protected]Fax: (+49 228) 815 28 98/99The application form can be downloaded from the UNCCD website. The deadline forsubmission of requests to the secretariat is 3 August 2009.Participants are advised that the secretariat will be responsible only for room allocation. Noadditional services will be provided by the secretariat. Time slots and rooms will beaccommodated according to availability, on a first-come-first-served basis. Additional services(interpretation, catering, etc.) may be obtained on commercial basis from local accreditedproviders. A list of available services from local providers will also be made public on theUNCCD website.Participants are reminded that no side events may be organized during the working hours and theSpecial Segment of the conference (28–29 September).A calendar of parallel events during COP 9 will be published in the Official Journal.
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 612.Exhibition facilities
Participants wishing to set up an exhibit are invited to contact:E-mail: [email protected]Tel.: (+49 228) 815 28 06Fax: (+49 228) 815 28 98/99Participants are advised that the secretariat will be responsible only for space allocation.Applicants will be allotted a maximum 3 m2of exhibition space, which will be assigned with dueconsideration of relevance to the objectives of the UNCCD and equitable geographicaldistribution. The deadline for submission of requests to the secretariat is 1 August 2009.Exhibitors will be responsible for customs clearance of their exhibition material in accordancewith Argentine customs regulations. The secretariat may, however, provide assistance.Exhibitors will be responsible for their own stands. For all further information about additionalequipment for the exhibitors, including infrastructure and technology, please contact:Sra. Julieta EspindolaGestora de ConferenciasIndexport Messe Frankfurt SAE-mail: [email protected],Tel.: (+54 11) 4514 1400Website: <> or <>For any additional information about transportation, shipment and storage please contact:Sra. Laura AnchavaProject ManagerBTG Expotrans S.A.E-mail: (+54 11) 4363-9350Website: <> - Skype: laura.btg13.General information about the session venue
Useful information about the city of Buenos Aires, including accommodation, transport andother facilities, can be found on the websites <>, <>and <>.Currency: US$ 1 = approximately ARS 3.70.Weather: During September the average temperature in Buenos Aires ranges from 14 to 20degrees Celsius.Electricity: 220 V, 50 HzLocal time: GMT – 3 hours

Alvear Palace Hotel

Reservas:[email protected]

Caesar Park Buenos Aires

Reservas:[email protected]

Claridge Hotel

Reservas:[email protected]

Crowne Plaza Panamericano

[email protected]

Emperador Buenos Aires

[email protected]

Feir’s Park All Suites

Hotel Reservas[email protected]

Four Seasons Hotel

Buenos Aires[email protected]

Hilton Buenos Aires

Puerto Madero[email protected]

Inter-Continental Buenos Aires

[email protected]


Loi Suites Recoleta Hotel

[email protected]

Marriott Plaza Hotel Buenos Aires

Reservas:[email protected]

NH City Hotel

[email protected]www.nh-hotels.comAv. Alvear 1891

Country code/area code:

+54 114808-21004804-7777Fax: 4819 1299
Posadas 1232
4819-1296/7/84819-1296/7/8Fax: 4819-1121
Tucumán 535
4314-7700/80254314-2020Fax: 4314-80224348-5000/4326-6310Fax : 4348-5250/14131-4000Fax: 4131-39004327-1900/05/15/254327-1940/55Fax: 4327-19354321-1200Fax : 4321-12014891-0000Fax : 4891-00014340-7100Fax: 4340-71994805-3613/26265777-8950Fax : 5777-89994318-30004318-3069Fax: 4318-30084328 4852 / 4Fax : 4328 4855
C. Pellegrini 525Av. Del Libertador 420Esmeralda 1366
Posadas 1086Cerrito 1435Av. Macacha Güemes 351
Moreno 809Ortiz 1835Vicente López 1955Florida 1005
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 8

Country code/area code: +54 11

4318-90004318-9100Fax: 4318-9346/9150

Sheraton Buenos Aires

Hotel & Convention Center & Park Tower[email protected][email protected]

Sheraton Libertador Hotel

Buenos Aires

[email protected]


[email protected]

Fares Five-Star Hotels in US dollars:


Alvear Palace H. (c/d)


Caesar Park B.A. (c/d)


Hotel Buenos Aires


NH City Hotel c/d

San Martín 1225Av. L.N. Alem 1193
Av. Córdoba 680
4321-0021/22Fax: 4325-54924131-0000Fax: 4131-0124
Arroyo 841







Amerian Buenos Aires Park

Reservas:[email protected]

Argenta Towers Hotel & Suites

[email protected][email protected] 6995032 51114317-5120/30/40Fax: 4317-51014325-4100/0607Fax: 4325-70904313-1272Fax: 4313-26624328-6621/4751/4938Fax: 4328-64765252 6400Fax: 4382-3284Fax: 4812-00814322-3551/3601/534322-3701/51Fax : 4322-38014320-35564320-35120800-333-1017Fax: 4320-3507/16
Juncal 868
Aspen Towers Hotel[email protected]

Bisonte Palace Hotel

[email protected]

Bristol Hotel

[email protected]

Carlton Hotel

[email protected][email protected]

Carsson Hotel

[email protected]


Reservas:[email protected][email protected]
Paraguay 857M.T. de Alvear 910Cerrito 286Libertad 1180Viamonte 650C. Pellegrini 507
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 9


Reservas:[email protected]


[email protected]

De las Américas

[email protected]


[email protected][email protected][email protected]

El Conquistador Hotel

[email protected]

Elevage Buenos Aires Hotel

[email protected]

Facón Grande

[email protected]

Gran Hotel Buenos Aires

[email protected]

Gran Hotel Dorá

[email protected]

Hostería Posta Carretas

[email protected][email protected]

Howard Johnson Da Vinci

[email protected]

Howard Johnson Plaza

[email protected]

Lafayette Hotel

[email protected]

Lancaster Hotel

[email protected]

Meliá Buenos Aires

Boutique Hotel[email protected][email protected]www.solmelia.comAv. Santa Fe 796

Country code/area code: +54 11

4310-20000810-888-2745Fax: 4310-20205217 57664816-3432/824816-3532/3962Fax: 4816-0418Fax: 4315-7117/5666
Libertad 902Libertad 1020Suipacha 1079
Suipacha 948Maipú 960Reconquista 645M.T. de AlvearMaipú 963Esmeralda 726
4328-3012/31120800-333-1855Fax: 4328-32524891-8000Fax: 4891-8017/99Fax: 4312-6361/69767 4312-3003Fax: 4315-22434312-7391/5Fax: 4313-81344394-8372Fax: 4322-86064326-6607/8Fax: 4326-66084891-9200Fax: 4891-92044393-9081/9182/9283Fax: 4393-93854311-3021/6Fax: 4312-40684891-38004891 3820/08/21Fax: 4891-3853
Tucumán 857Florida 944Reconquista 546Av. Córdoba 405Reconquista 945
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 10

Country code/area code: +54 11

4321-9850/99Fax: 4321-98754321-6750Fax: 4321-67754328 4852 / 4Fax: 4328 4855Av. Pte. Julio A. Roca 562Av. Pte. Sáenz Peña 991Av. Pte. Roque Sáenz Peña11744331-0091/9Fax: 4331-67914326-0909Fax: 4326-02696777-03000800-321-7275Fax: 6777-03304816-2222Fax: 4816-59854313-0231/3022/3122Fax: 4313-39524311-4600Fax: 4311-33024328-6800Fax: 4328-7460/4322-00984326-/2659/29064326-5838/6076Fax: 4322-46894312-5070/9/65204325-8955Fax: 4325-8965Fax: 4811-18184815-7900Fax: 4815-9466Fax: 4803-60020800-222-6427

NH Florida

[email protected]

NH Jousten

[email protected]

NH Latino Hotel

[email protected]

Nogaró Hotel

[email protected]

Obelisco Center Suites

[email protected]

Park Central Kempinski

Hotel Reservaciones[email protected][email protected]

Presidente Hotel

[email protected]


[email protected]

Reconquista Plaza

[email protected]

Regente Palace Hotel

[email protected]

Rochester Hotel

[email protected]

Sheltown Hotel

[email protected]


[email protected]

Wilton Palace Hotel

[email protected]

Americas Towers Hotel

[email protected]

Microtel Inn & Suites

[email protected]
San Martín 835Av. Corrientes 240
Cerrito 846Paraguay 481Reconquista 602Suipacha 964/8Esmeralda 542M.T. de Alvear 742Maipú 651Av. Callao 1162Av. Libertad 1070Costa Salguero Av. RafaelObligado y J. Salguero - CentroC. Salguero
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 11

Park Chateau Kempinski Hotel

Reservaciones:[email protected][email protected]

Park Plaza Kempinski Hotel

Reservas:[email protected][email protected]

Hotel Principado

[email protected]


[email protected]

Fares Four-Star Hotels in US dollars:


Amerian B.A.Park H. c/d


Argenta Towers Hotel


Aspen Tower H. c/d


Bisonte Palace c/d


Bristol Hotel c/d


Carlton Hotel-C.S. c/d


Colón c/d


Crillón c/d


Dazzler c/d


Dolmen c/d


El Conquistador H. c/d


Gran Hotel Dorá c/d


Howard Johnson Plaza c/d


Meliá Confort B.A. c/d


NH Florida c/d


NH Jousten


NH Latino


Microtel Inn & Suites


Obelisco Center S. c/d


Park Central Kempinski c/d


Park Chateau c/d


Park Central c/d


Park Elegance c/d


Principado c/d

Reconquista Plaza c/d


Reconquista Garden c/d

110Talcahuano 1253

Country code/area code: +54 11

6777-04000800-321-7275Fax: 6777-04306777-02000800-321-7275Fax: 6777-02304313 3022Fax: 4313 39525239-1000Fax: 5239-1100


Parera 183
Paraguay 481Carlos Pellegrini 877






[email protected]


[email protected]

Esmeralda Palace Hotel

Reservaciones:[email protected]

Gran Hotel Orly

[email protected]

Holiday Inn Express Puerto Madero

[email protected]

Hyde Park Hotel

[email protected]


[email protected]\

Lyon Hotel

[email protected]


Plaza Francia Hotel

[email protected]

Promenade Hotel

[email protected]

Regis Orho Hotel

[email protected][email protected]

Victory Hotel

Waldorf Hotel

[email protected]



Arenales 1462C. Pellegrini 1185Esmeralda 527

Country code/area code: +54 11

6326-6000Fax: 4326-5302/114393-4609/13/19Fax: 4393-46290800-777-3763Fax: 4312-5344/84311-5200Fax: 4311-57574328-3930/3943Fax: 4394-5812Fax: 4816-0430/394372-0100/9Fax: 4814-42524953-4177/4374/4455Fax: 4953-4073Fax: 4804-9631/374312-5681/5Fax: 4311-5761Fax: 4327-2605
Paraguay 474Av. L.N. Alem 770Maipú 572Libertad 1215Riobamba 251Junín 357Pje. Schiaffino 2189M.T. de Alvear 444Lavalle 813
Maipú 880Paraguay 450
4314-0400/0595/4314-0655Fax: 4327-38424312-2071/9 (fax)
Arenales 2984
4821-0815/6/4824-4090/99 (fax)
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 13

Fares Three-star Hotels in US dollars:


G.H. Orly c/d


Lyon Hotel c/d


Plaza Francia c/d







80 (Todas Suites)120/140

Ayacucho Palace

[email protected]


Central Córdoba Hotel

Concorde Hotel

[email protected]

Diplomat Hotel

[email protected]

Gran Hotel Hispano

[email protected]

Gran Hotel Vedra

[email protected]

Guido Palace Hotel

Madrid Hotel

[email protected]

Marbella Hotel

[email protected]

Novel Hotel

[email protected]

Pacífico Hotel

[email protected]

Palermo Hotel

[email protected]

Panamé Hotel

[email protected]


[email protected] 1408Junín 759San Martín 102125 de Mayo 630San Martín 918Av. de Mayo 861Av. de Mayo 1350Guido 1778/80Av. de Mayo 1137Av. de Mayo 1261Av. de Mayo 915Fray J. Santa María de Oro2554Av. Santa Fe 4599Godoy Cruz 2774Laprida 1454

Country code/area code: +54 11

4806-0611/944806-0943/1815Fax: 4806-44674374-0604/2000 (fax)4312-8524/4311-1175Fax: 4315-68604313-2018/2119/2218Fax: 4313-28184311-9370-2708 (fax)4345-2020Fax: 4331-52664383-0584/0601/4383-0883 (fax)4812-0674Fax: 4812-03414381-9021/4 (fax)4383-2338/8566Fax : 4383-35734345-0176/0214/4345-0504/3532Fax: 4345-49034771-4071/2 (fax)4773-5133/7951/4774-7342 (fax)4771-4041/2 (fax)4821-9818Fax: 4821-5375
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 14

Country code/area code: +54 11

4802-7318/4806-1455(fax)4383-9001/6 (fax)4312-6081/5 (fax)4312-1060/1162 (fax)4382-4223/24/29 (fax)






[email protected]


Tres Sargentos Hotel

Tucumán Palace

J.L. Pagano 2684Av. de Mayo 1111Tres Sargentos 345Hotel Tucumán 384Rodríguez Peña 265






[email protected]

Fares Two-Star Hotels in US dollars:

Ayacucho Palace H. c/d

Diplomat Hotel c/d

Madrid Hotel c/d



[email protected]

El Castillo Hotel

Prince Hotel

[email protected]

Suipacha Inn

[email protected]Riobamba 1064M.T. de Alvear 1893Arenales 1627Suipacha 511

Country code/area code: +54 11

4812-2889/3719/4812-5508 (fax)4813-2048/4815-45614811-8004 (fax)4322-0099 (fax)

America Studios

Anchorena Apart Hotel

[email protected]

Apart Garten Village

[email protected]

Apart Recoleta Hotel

[email protected]

Best Western Art Deco

[email protected]

Best Western Embassy All Suites

[email protected]

Broadway All Suites

[email protected]

Catalinas Suites

[email protected] 847Anchorena 1121Suipacha 250Guido 1948Libertad 446Av. Córdoba 860Av.Corrientes 1173Tucumán 313

Country code/area code: +54 11

4814-2060 (fax)4961-8548/Fax : 4961-94454326-0163/7879/8737Fax: 432629044803-2397/8003Fax: 4804-6196Fax: 4382-69694322-1228Fax: 4322-23374378-9300Fax: 4378-92594314-1400 (fax)
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 15

Crystal Suites

[email protected]

Design Suites

[email protected]


[email protected]

Fiamingo Apart Hotel

[email protected]

Plaza San Martín

[email protected]

Sarmiento Suites

[email protected]

Suipacha y Arroyo

Reservaciones:[email protected]

Suites Mayflower

[email protected]

Torre Cristóforo Colombo Suites

Reservaciones:[email protected]

Trianón Residence

[email protected]

Ulises Recoleta

[email protected]

Arenales Apart Hotel

[email protected]

Art Suites

[email protected]

Aspen Suites

[email protected]

Loi Suites Arenales

[email protected] 820M.T. de Alvear 1683Pte. R.M. Ortiz 1835Talcahuano 120Suipacha 1092

Country code/area code: +54 11

5811 4169/70/73Fax: 4811-06024814-8700 (fax)4805-2626/8Fax: 4805-36134374-4400 (fax)5093 70070800 170 7000Fax: 5093-7001Fax: 4328-93854393-8987/97/4393-8937 (fax)5217 57664325-4545Fax: 4325-18864816-7400Fax: 4816-71174778-49004778-4945Fax: 4778-49444811-3601/4812 3335Fax: 4813-86474804-0734/37/4571Fax: 4806-08384824-1760 (fax)4821-6800 (fax)4313-9011/9212Fax: 4313-80594394-9400Fax: 4324-9493
Sarmiento 674Suipacha 1359
Paraná 720Fray. J. Sta. María de Oro 2747
Av. Callao 1869Ayacucho 2016Arenales 2580Azcuénaga 1465Esmeralda 933Arenales 855
ICCD/COP(9)/INF.1Page 16

Country code/area code: +54 11

4131-6800Fax: 4131-68884819-36004819 3633Fax: 4819-3634/36625217 57665217 5766

Loi Suites Esmeralda

[email protected]

Suipacha Suites

[email protected]

Hotel Dazzler Tower

[email protected]

Hotel Esplendor

[email protected]

Fares Residences in US dollars:


Crystal Suites c/d


Apart Recoleta c/d


Broadway All Suites c/d


Plaza San Martín S. c/d


Sarmiento Suites c/d


Suipacha Suites c/d



Trianon Residence

Loi Suites Arenales c/d

Hotel Dazzler Tower

Hotel Esplendor

M.T. de Alvear 842Suipacha 1235San Martín 920San Martín 780





