Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2008-09, Erhvervsudvalget 2008-09
MPU Alm.del Bilag 607, ERU Alm.del Bilag 232
»DI – Medlemsmøde 22. september 2008
The Swedish EU Presidency andthe Economic Crisis15 June 2009, Industriens Hus, DI, CopenhagenThe ongoing economic crisis has created huge challenges for us allin terms of negative economic growth and rising unemployment.But what is the current situation facing companies and how is the EU helpingto get Europe back on track?On the occasion of the forthcoming Swedish EU Presidency, DI, the SwedishEmbassy and the European Commission would like to invite you to join thisdebate on»Monday 15 June 2009 at 8.30We look forward to seeing you for a fruitful debateDate
Monday 15 June 200908.30 – 11.00Venue
Industriens Hus, DIH.C. Andersens Boulevard 181787 København VProgramme
Please find the programme of theseminar on the back page.
Yours sincerely,
Sinne Backs ConanDirectorEuropean AffairsDI
Lars GrundbergAmbassadorEmbassy of SwedenDenmark
Jan Høst SchmidtEuropean CommissionRepresentation inDenmark
»DI – Medlemsmøde 22. september 2008
Programme8.309.00Registration and coffee
The economic crisis experienced by Danish companies
– challenges and opportunities
Thomas Bustrup, Deputy Director General,Confederation of Danish IndustryThe priorities of the Swedish EU Presidency – an overview
Lars Grundberg, Ambassador, Embassy of Sweden, DenmarkMoving out of the economic crisis
– Swedish Presidency priorities within transport, tele‑
communications and energy for a more competitive Europe
Jerker Sjögren, Special Adviser, Swedish Ministry of Enterprise,Energy and CommunicationsContact
10.00The Commission’s contribution
– main achievements and next steps
Henrik Mørch, Head of Unit, European Commission,Internal Market and Services Directorate General10.20Debate
10.50Closing remarks
Martin Åström, Head of Information, European CommissionRepresentation in Denmark