Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2008-09
MPU Alm.del Bilag 574
Rome G8+5 Legislators ForumPractical Information12th– 13thJune1.GLOBE Secretariat:To confirm your participation in the Forum please complete the attached one pageregistration forum and email it to the GLOBE International Secretariat at[email protected].Alternatively please fax it to:+44 (0)20 7222 6959.If you have any queries regarding the arrangements please do not hesitate to contactGLOBE International’s Project Director, Ms Gauri Kiik, on[email protected]ortelephone her on direct line: +44 (0)20 7222 6960.2.Keynote Speakers:If you have been invited to deliver a keynote speech please contact GLOBEInternational’s Secretary General, Mr Adam Matthews, on[email protected]or on his direct line: +44 (0)20 7222 6955 or on his mobile/cell: +44 (0)7958 671510.3.Key Timings:Thursday 11thJune17001900Friday 12thJune08200830090018001930Saturday 13thMarch082008300900180019004.Forum AgendaPlease note that there will be considerable time for facilitated discussion during thetwo day Commission meeting and that there will be a negotiated statement from theKey InformationRome G8+5 Legislators ForumMay 2009
GLOBE International Board Meeting – Board Members onlyWelcoming Drinks Reception at the Brazilian AmbassadorsResidence in Piazza Navona
Participants meet in Hotel FoyerParticipants leave Hotel for the Italian Chamber of DeputiesHigh level opening session beginsFirst day of the Forum ConcludedPrivate Drinks & Dinner hosted by the Italian Parliament
Participants meet in Hotel FoyerParticipants leave Hotel for the Italian Chamber of DeputiesForum BeginsFinal day of the Forum concludesDinner in honour of the 20thAnniversary of the GlobalLegislators Organisation
participants to be submitted to the Italian G8 Presidency. A formal facilitated processwill be undertaken to arrive at a consensus statement. A draft of the statement will becirculated to participants two weeks in advance of the Forum. If you have anyqueries regarding the statement please contact the GLOBE Secretariat.5.Hotel:All hotel bookings will be made centrally by the GLOBE Secretariat. Once you haveconfirmed your participation the Secretariat will advise of the Hotel. Please note thatRome is very busy at this time of the year and the Secretariat has made arrangementswith two hotels to accommodate participants.6.Airport Transfers:Delegates are kindly asked to contact their respective embassy to assist with theirtransfer from airports / train stations to the Forum Hotel. If you are having particulardifficulties please contact the GLOBE Secretariat and we will be able to assist youwith these arrangements.7.Temperature:It is likely to be quite hot in June – summer suits are advised.8.Security:To enter the Chamber of Deputies you will be required to go through a security check.There will be a high level of security at the Forum and you will be required to wearidentification throughout. If you have any particular security requirements pleaseinform the Secretariat as soon as possible.9.Interpreters / Presentations:The main Forum languages will be English and Italian. Please note that there will bea number of interpreters operating during the Commission Session. Whilst we areable to provide interpretation in all participating national languages we are keen tominimise the complexity of the number of interpreters. If you require interpretationplease inform the Secretariat.10.Dress code:The dress code will be business suits throughout the proceedings.
We look forward to welcoming you in Rome in June.Adam C.T. MatthewsSecretary GeneralThe Global Legislators Organisation (GLOBE)
Key InformationRome G8+5 Legislators ForumMay 2009
Rome G8+5 Legislators Forum11th– 13thJune 2009Registration Form** This form must be completed to confirm your participationand accommodation**PLEASE RETURN TO EMAIL: [email protected] FAX: +44 (0)207222 6959ALL REGISTRATION FORMS MUST BE RETURNED BY 18thMay 2009First NameSurnameTitleCountryFull Name(as you would like to appear on your delegates badge)Date of BirthParliament / OrganisationFull Work AddressContact telephone number (including country code)Fax NumberEmail addressMobile / Cell Phone
**Please provide an email address that you check as key Dialogueinformation will be sent by email to minimise costs**Your Website addressPlease advise how best to contact youE-MailFaxPhoneMail
Name & Contact of Person to Contact in an EmergencyTheir Contact Number (including country code)Their Email address
TravelDate of ArrivalFlight NumberDate of DepartureFlight numberTime of ArrivalTime of Departure
We kindly ask all participants to make arrangements for transfer fromthe airport to the hotel either by taxi or through your embassy.PLEASE ALSO ARRANGE YOUR OWN PERSONAL TRAVEL INSURANCE,GLOBE INTERNATIONAL DOES NOT PROVIDE RELEVANT TRAVELINSURANCEKey InformationRome G8+5 Legislators ForumMay 2009
Personal Information Continued…If you have not already PREVIOUSLY done so for a GLOBEForum please provide by e-mail your photograph and a briefbiography in English for the Dialogue website.
AccommodationOn which nights do you require accommodation in Rome (Forum begins with anopening reception the evening of Thursday 11thJune and concludes with dinneron the evening of Saturday 13thJune):Thursday 11thJuneFriday 12thJuneSaturday 13thJuneIf you require any other nights please indicate(please note that the Forum can only accommodate 3 nights unlessspecific reasons exist for additional nights accommodation)Do you require a Smoking RoomNon-Smoking Room
Other RequirementsDo you have any dietary requirementsDo you have any disabilitiesIf so please detail any requirementsPlease indicate if there is anything else the organisers should be aware of
InterpretationPlease state which language you need interpretation facilities for?Do you require interpretationLanguage Required
May 2009
Key InformationRome G8+5 Legislators ForumMay 2009