25 September 2008
We have the honour to invite you to the Fourth session of the World Urban Forum, which will be held in Nanjing, China from 3-6 November 2008. The Government of China has graciously offered to host this session of the Forum, together with the city of Nanjing. The provisional agenda is attached for your attention. The Fourth World Urban Forum, whose theme will be “Harmonious Urbanization: The Challenge of balanced Territorial Development†aims to exchange experiences among national governments, cities and their respective development partners through dialogues, roundtables and networking events, leading to policy recommendations on critical contemporary urbanization challenges.
A Round Table Meeting of Parliamentarians is also being organized on the Fourth November 2008 from 2-5 PM on the topic of “Cities and Climate Change and the Role of Global Parliamentariansâ€. The key note speakers have been identified from all major regions of the world with due consideration of the gender balance. The background document as well as all information brochures can be seen on the UN-HABITAT website: http://www.unhabitat.org/wuf.
We would be most grateful if you could kindly confirm your participation and send your name, contact addresses, e-mail address including contact telephone numbers to Mr. Markandey Rai, Coordinator, Global Parliamentarians, UN-HABITAT, P.O.Box-30030, Nairobi, Kenya, (Tel:+254-20-7623166, Fax No. +254-20-7624588 email address: [email protected]) at your earliest convenience. You may register to attend the Forum and book your hotel accommodation online at the above website.
           We look forward to your active participation in the discussion and Parliamentarians’ Round Table meeting in Nanjing, China.
Yours sincerely                                                                                   Yours sincerely                                                                    Â
Peter Götz MP                                                                                   Anna Tibaijuka
President, Global Parlimentarians on Habitat                         Under-Secretary General and
                                                                                                         Executive Director Â