Udenrigsudvalget 2008-09, Miljø- og Planlægningsudvalget 2008-09
URU Alm.del Bilag 155, MPU Alm.del Bilag 499
Invitation for the Seminar
Finance and Technology NeedsTo Address the Climate ChallengesEigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2G, 1448 Copenhagen K, DenmarkTuesday 5thMay 2009, 9.00 – 17.00
OrganizerUNEP Risø Centre (URC) and Ministry of Foreign AffairsPurpose and BackgroundTechnology and finance are key issues in the current climate change negotiations and will be veryhigh on the agenda for COP 15 in Copenhagen in December.The large developing countries are engaging in the process of definingNationally AppropriateMitigation Actionsin line with the mandate from the Bali Action Plan from 2007. In order tostrengthen and implement this engagement there will be a need for industrialized countries tofacilitate transfer of relevant technologies and provide financial incentives for national action.At the same time it is important to stimulate cleaner energy development in the LDCs and the lesscarbon intensive developing economies by providing access to cleaner and more efficienttechnologies combined with either improved access to carbon finance or to new dedicated funds.Similarly there will be a rapidly increasing need to look at finance and technologies in the area ofadaptation and it will be mandatory to have adequate support for adaptation especially in the LDCsto reach a new global climate change agreement.The UNEP Risø Centre is in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs convening aninternational seminar with the objective to discuss technology and finance needs from a developingcountry perspective and improve the understanding of how these needs are differentiated betweendifferent countries and climate change priorities.With the results of COP 14 in Poznan as basis the presentations and discussions will focus onPriorities for COP 15 in Copenhagen and what needs to be achieved to pave the way for a newglobal climate change agreement. The seminar will present views from a number of the largedeveloping countries and from African LDCs. It will also discuss some of the international actionunder development and the role of EU and the US. The invited speakers are leading internationalexperts on their respective subjects and all members of the Advisory Panel for the URC.Participation in the seminar offers a unique opportunity for discussing energy and climate prioritiesin an international context.RegistrationParticipation in the seminar is free and includes lunch.Please register before April 27, 2009.Contact:Pia Riis Kofoed-Hansen/Mette Kuhlmann, URCPhone: +45 4677 5129/5169Registration (incl. name, affiliation, address, phone number and email) to[email protected]For more information on URC, please visitwww.uneprisoe.org
UNEP Risø CentreRisø National Laboratory for Sustainable EnergyTechnical University of Denmark – DTUP.O.Box 49DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
Phone+45 4632 2288Fax+45 4632 1999[email protected]www.uneprisoe.org
Programme for the seminar
Finance and Technology NeedsTo Address the Climate Challenges9.00 – 9.30Session 19.30 – 9.409.40 – 10.0010.00 – 10.20Coffee and registrationChair: Hans Larsen, Head of System Analysis Division,Risø DTUWelcome and objectivesHans Larsen, Head of Head of System Analysis Division, Risø DTUDanish action on climate change and development


Ulla Tørnæs, Minister for Development Cooperation, DenmarkTechnology and finance in the UNFCCC – status before COP 15,Henning Wüster, Special Advisor, UNFCCC SecretariatUNFCCCC Secretariat10.20 – 12.00Perspectives on Technology and Finance needs for low carbonenergy development in major developing countries -Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions – what is possible and what willbe needed in the form of technology transfer and financial support. Expertsfrom 4 major developing countries will share their views of what can bedone and what it will take to make it happenSouth Africa –Kevin Nassiep, CEO,South Africa's National Energy Research Institute (SANERI)China –Jungfeng Li,Deputy Director General of Energy Research Institute & SecretaryGeneral of China Renewable Energy Industries AssociationIndia –P.R. Shukla, Professor, Indian Institute of Management(IIMA)Mexico –Fernando Tudela,Vice Minister for Planning and Environmental Policy and PrincipalNegotiator on Climate Change Issues in Mexico12.00 – 12.3012.30 – 13.30DiscussionLunch
Session 213.30 – 14.30
Chair: Geert Aagaard Andersen, Head, Environment and SustainableDevelopment Secretariat, Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign AffairsTechnology and finance needs in low income and Least DevelopedCountries for cleaner energy development and adapting to the increasedclimate variability and long term climate changes.Cleaner energy development in LDCsIbrahim Togala, Director of Mali FolkecentreAdaptation action – what is needed short and long termProf Laban A. Ogallo, Director, IGAD Climate Prediction and ApplicationsCentre(ICPAC)
14.30 – 15.0015.00 – 16.00
Coffee BreakActivities on technology transfer and financial support by the MultilateralInstitutions:Climate Investment Funds – the Multilateral Banks’ ResponseMichele de Nevers, Senior Manager of the Environment Department,World BankInnovation on finance and technology facilitation – the role of the UN.Mark Radka, Head of Energy Branch, UNEPCapacity building and policy support for - carbon finance andadaptationJohn M. Christensen, Head of Centre, UNEP Risoe
16.00 – 16.20
The Road to Copenhagen – status on EU and US positions ontechnology and financeDanish Climate MinistryPlenary Discussion with a panel of the experts
16.20 – 17.00