Visit to Brasília and Belem

The Environment and Regional Planning Committee

March 1-8, 2009




Sunday, March 1, 2009

06:50          Departure from Copenhagen Airport TAP Flight TP0503


09:30          Arrival Lisbon Airport

10:20          Departure from Lisbon Airport TAP Flight TP0173


17.00          Arrival in Brasília (Juscelino Kubitschek International Airport)

                 The Ambassador will meet the The Environment and Regional Planning Committee

                 Transfer to                                          

                 Hotel Meliá 21                                           

SHS Qd. 6 conj. A Bl. D

Tel. +55 61 3218-4700

Fax +55 61 3218-4705

[email protected]



Evening       Free

                 Dinner suggestion: Fogo de Chau

SHS Quadra 5,
Bloco E - Asa Sul



Monday, March 2 2009


07.45          The political situation in Brazil

                 Briefing by Ambassador Christian Kønigsfeldt

                 Hotel Meliá, meeting room nr. xx


08.30          Brazil, biodiversity and forestry

                 Briefing by Peter Iversen, Kemin and Christian Lundmark, Mim



09.15          Transfer for the Chamber of Deputies

Office of Legislative Counsel

Palácio do Congresso Nacional

Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF


09:30          Brazil as a player on the international scene

Marcelo Barroso Lacombe, PhD in political science and Christiane Lacombe, PhD in international relations

11.00          Bio fuels – challenges on sustainability

Briefing by Paulo Cesar Ribeiro, PhD in mechanical engineering, Rodrigo Dolabella, MSc in agricultural policy and Hubert Humphrey fellow (USA), senior agricultural policy specialist


12.30          Deforestation – efforts made and future challenges

                 Mauricio Schneider, PhD in ecology and natural resource management



13.45          Transfer to Oca da Tribo

14.00          Lunch at Oca da Tribo

                 SCES Trecho 2 s/n cj, 51


15.15          Transfer to Greenpeace’s Office

                 Quadra 8, Bloco B-50 sala 107
Edifício Venâncio 2000


15.30          The quality of the work done on environment and climate change by the Brazilian                  government

                 Meeting with Marcelo Furtado, Greenpeace


17.00          Transfer to Hotel Mélia



18. 40         Transfer to the ambassador’s residence


19. 00         Dinner hosted by the ambassador

                 Danish Embassy in Brasília

                 SES – Avenida das Naçoes

Q. 807, lote 26

70200-900 Brasília – DF





Tuesday, March 3 2009


08.30          Transfer to Ministry of Environment

                 Esplanada dos Ministérios

Bloco B

70068-900 Brasília - DF


09.00          Brazil’s national plan on climate change – What is actually in it?

                 Meeting with Suzana Kahn, State Secretary Ministry of Environment


10.00          The role of forest in a future climate regime and other forestry issues

                 Meeting with Tasso Azevedo, Head of Brazilian Forest Service


12.30          Transfer to Chamber of Deputies

Palácio do Congresso Nacional

Praça dos Três Poderes
Brasília - DF

13.00          Lunch hosted by the president of the President of the Chamber of Deputies

15.00          The Brazilian ambitions on environment and climate – Where is the country heading?

                 Meeting with Brazilian politicians (list of participants to follow)


17.00          Transfer to hotel Melía

17.45          Check out at hotel (Eric Costa Ribeiro will assist delegation)


18:15          Transfer to Brasilia Airport

The Minister will join the Committee at the airport (arriving from Brussels)

20:15          Departure for Belem TAM flight JJ3448


22.50          Arrival in Belem


                 Transfer to


                 Hotel Crowne Plaza

Avenida Nazare 375
Belem, 66035-170 Brazil

Hotel Front Desk: 55-91-32022000




Wednesday, March 4 2009


9:00           Transfer to Imazon

                 Rua Domingos Marreiros 220

                 Bairro Fátima



9.30            Issues of forest clearings (farming, plantations), biodiversity, biofuel and climate change

                 Meeting with Senior Researcher, IMAZON, Mr. Justiniano Netto


10.45          Transfer to Dalhoff Larsen & Hornemann

                 Sted: Rod Augusto Montenegro km 11, Icoaraci, Belem, Para

11.00          Sustainable forestry – the challenges and how to get there

                 Meeting with environmental manager of DLH, Erik Albrechtsen

12.00          Tour of the DLH Factory  

13.00          Lunch hosted by Dalhoff Larsen & Hornemann

                 Pavan Barbecue

Rod Augusto Montenegro

Belém, Para


14.30          Transfer to The Industry Federation of Para (FIEPA)

                 Trav Quintino Bocaiuva 1588,

Belem, Para

15.00          Local initiatives on reducing deforestation

Issues of forest clearings (farming, plantations), biodiversity, biofuel and climate issues

Meeting Aimex – Timber Export Organisation of Para. Mr. Adalberto Verissimo –– Executive Director, Aimex and Mr. Guilherme Cavalho – Technical Director, Aimex     

16:30          Transfer to hotel

Evening       Dinner


Thursday, March 5 2009 – Belem field trip

8.30           Transfer from the hotel to the harbour


9.00           Boat-trip on Rio Acará and Rio Guamá, including walk into the rainforest (see separate annex with more detailed information).


15.30         Arrival back to Belem.



19:00          Dinner hosted by the Minister, Troels Lund Poulsen, in Belém at the harbour – Estação das Docas

                 Sted: Av Boulevard Castilho Franca s/n, Belem, Para


Friday, March 6 2009 – Belem


The Minister leaves the Committee to go to Brasilia for a meeting with the Brazilian Environment Minister and return to Copenhagen


9.00           Transfer to Assemblia Legislative for the State of Para


9.30           Local initiatives on securing sustainable development in the forests

                  Meetings with the State Government and Legislative Assembly.

                 The President of the AL Mr. Domingos Chuvenil or

The Government’s representative Mr. Ailton Fareiro


10.30         Ideflor – State government organ concerned with sustainable development incl concessions

Ms. Raimunda Monteiro


11.30         SEMA – State government organ concerned with the approval of sustainable forest projects

Mr. Valmir Ortega


13.00          Lunch hosted by the local Governor    

Afternoon    At your own disposal

Depending on the interests of the Committee, the feasibility of a short bus-tour to showcase the situation on deforestation, bio-fuel production and use of GMO’s, could be explored.


Evening       Dinner



Saturday, March 7 2009 – Belem


09.15          Check-out  


09.45          Transfer for Belém Airport


11.20          Departure Belém Airport TAM flight JJ3447


13:55          Arrival at Brasília Airport (OBS! Luggage must be collected and new check in carried out)



15.00          Guided tour of Brasília



17.00          Transfer to Brasília Airport


18:30          Departure from Brasília Airport TAP flight TP0172



Sunday, March 8 2009 - Copenhagen


06:40          Arrival in Lisbon Airport


09:15          Departure from Lisbon Airport TAP flight TP0504


14:00          Arrival in Copenhagen


                                        Sejltur på Rio Acará og Rio Guamá                                     BILAG

Varighed: 7 – timer

Guide: Engelsktalende med kendskab til skovens flora, fauna og indbyggere.

Forløb: Udvalget afhentes på hotellet 8.30 og køres ned til havnen, hvor ”Amazon Queen” den toetages flodbåd, der er udflugtens primære transportmiddel venter.

På sejlturen vil udvalget kunne nyde den smukke natur, ligesom båden vil sejle forbi landsbyer langt flodbredden, ligesom guiden løbende vil holde oplæg om, hvad der sejles forbi, samt hvad der gøres for at bevare skoven.

Efter frokost, som indtages på en restaurant ved floden, kommer udvalget på en vandretur ind i skoven. Hvor lang og krævende vandreturen skal være kan tilpasses udvalgets ønsker. Herefter går turen retur vil Belém med forventet ankomst 15.30.