Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2008-09
IPU Alm.del Bilag 23
Group of the Twelve Plusin the Inter-Parliamentary UnionGroupe des Dou ze Plusà l’Union interparlementaire
121stIPU Assembly, GenevaFirst Meeting of the Group of the Twelve Plus1400 to 1800 on Sunday 18 October 2009Rooms 3 & 4, CICGTwo members of the Council of each Group or their delegates, and their staff, will attendthe Group meetings. Other Group members may attend as observers.
DRAFT AGENDA_________________A. GENERAL1. Opening of meeting2. Adoption of agenda3. Adoption of minutes of Group meeting held in Addis Ababa on Friday 10 April 2009(attached)4. Report on the Group’s Steering Committee meeting, held in London on Friday 25September 2009B. MATTERS RELATING TO THE IPU5. Report from Group representatives on the work of the Executive Committee and itssubsidiary bodies6. Meeting of the Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians7. Report from the Advisory Group of the IPU Committee on UN Affairs8. Consolidation of IPU reform9. Appointment of the Secretary General10. Emergency item11. Reports and resolutions of the Standing CommitteesA) Committee I: Peace and International Security‘Cooperation and shared responsibility in the global fight against organized crime, inparticular drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, human trafficking and cross-borderterrorism’12+ Rapporteur – n/aB) Committee II: Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade‘The role of parliaments in developing South-South and Triangular Cooperation with aview to accelerating achievement of the Millennium Development Goals’12+ Rapporteur -Mr. F.-X. de Donnea (Belgium)

12+ Secretariat (UK)

British Group IPU, Palace of Westminster, London SW1A OAA, UKTel: (+44) 20 7219 3011/3012/3013, Fax: (+44) 20 7222 1213, E-mail:[email protected], [email protected]Chair: John AustinMP;Secretary:Kenneth Courtenay
C) Committee III: Democracy and Human Rights‘Youth participation in the democratic process’12+ Rapporteur- Ms. M. Lugarić (Croatia) to drafting committees1Positions to be filled2Programme and budget 2010Other matters relating to the IPUC. MATTERS RELATING TO THE GROUP OF THE TWELVE PLUS12+ ChairmanshipMatters relating to membersFinancial mattersSchedule of Group meetings for the Spring Assembly in Bangkok (27 March to 1 April2010)20. Date and location of next Group meeting21. Any other business16.17.18.19.
The Group can appoint 3 to 4 members to each drafting committee.A list of the positions to be filled is distributed in advance by the IPU Secretariat.