Dansk Interparlamentarisk Gruppes bestyrelse 2008-09
IPU Alm.del Bilag 19
A/121/C.119 June 2009
Madam President,Mr. President,It is our pleasure to inform you that the 121stAssembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union andrelated meetings will be held at theCentre international de Conférences de Genève(CICG), Geneva(Switzerland) from Monday, 19 to Wednesday, 21 October 2009. of the President and Vice-Presidents of the 121stAssemblyConsideration of possible requests for the inclusion of an emergency item in the AssemblyagendaPanel discussions on the subject items chosen for debate during the 122ndAssembly(Bangkok, 27 March - 1stApril 2010):(a)Cooperation and shared responsibility in the global fight against organized crime, inparticular drug trafficking, illegal arms sales, human trafficking and cross-borderterrorism(First Standing Committee on Peace and International Security)The role of parliaments in developing South-South and Triangular Cooperation with aview to accelerating achievement of the Millennium Development Goals(Second Standing Committee on Sustainable Development, Finance and Trade)Youth participation in the democratic process(Third Standing Committee on Democracy and Human Rights)
Report of the IPU Committee on United Nations Affairs
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121stAssembly - Convocation
During the 121stAssembly, several panel discussions will be held. On Tuesday, 20 October, threepanel discussions will take place on the subject items of the Standing Committees that have beenincluded in the agenda of the 122ndAssembly.The format and conduct of these panel discussions will be largely informal, with focus on debateand interaction. They will be moderated by two or more experts. The co-Rapporteurs will alsomake very brief (maximum five minutes) introductions of their draft report.The aim of these panel discussions is to help raise the awareness of IPU Members of the subjectsincluded in the agenda of the 122ndAssembly. There will be no negotiations as such and allprepared speeches setting out formal positions are highly discouraged.The panel discussions also offer the participants an opportunity to provide comments andsuggestions on the preliminary draft reports that have been prepared by the co-Rapporteurs. Thiswill provide the co-Rapporteurs with an intermediary checkpoint halfway through the draftingprocess and help them to enrich their reports and recommendations.In addition to the above-mentioned panel discussions, on Wednesday, 21 October, there will bepanel discussions on:HIV/AIDS – Universal access to prevention, treatment and care;Our World at War: Challenges for International Humanitarian Law – an eventorganized jointly by the IPU IHL Committee and the ICRC;Human rights and the Universal Periodic Review.Panel discussion onHIV/AIDS – Universal access to prevention, treatment and careBy the end of 2007 an estimated 33 million people worldwide were living with HIV. That sameyear, 2.5 million people were newly infected and some 2 million died of AIDS. The situation isparticularly grave in low- and middle-income counties, where only 30 per cent of people in needof treatment actually receive it.The panel discussion, to be held from 9 to 11 a.m., will look at ways in which parliaments andparliamentarians can help universal access to become a reality, with a focus on activities that yieldconcrete results. In the United Nations Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS (2006), governmentscommitted to providing universal access by 2010. UNAIDS predicts that if this goal is met, it willbreak the trajectory of the epidemic and avert 10 million deaths between now and 2015.Panel discussion onOur World at War: Challenges for International Humanitarian LawThis panel discussion, organized jointly by the IPU’s International Humanitarian Law Committeeand the ICRC, on the occasion of the 60thanniversary of the Geneva Conventions, will take placebetween 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. It aims to take stock of achievements made regarding respect forinternational humanitarian law and discuss challenges of national implementation in this field.Debates will be launched by a member of parliament, an ICRC representative and other experts.Panel discussion onHuman rights and the Universal Periodic ReviewIn March 2006, following increasing criticism of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights,the UN General Assembly established the Human Rights Council. It was precisely to avoid suchcriticism that the new Council has been entrusted with the task of undertaking a universal periodicreview of the fulfilment by each State of its human rights obligations and commitments in such away as to ensure universal coverage and equal treatment with respect to all States. The modalitiesfor this review - known as the Universal Periodic Review - were adopted by the 47 Councilmembers in June 2007.
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121stAssembly - Convocation
The panel discussion, to be held from 2.30 to 4 p.m., will provide an opportunity for members ofparliament to familiarize themselves with the modalities of the UPR and to examine ways in whichparliaments can contribute to the process, and hence to the strengthening of human rights in theircountries.There will be no formal outcome of the panel discussions apart from a record of their proceedings.
The timetable of the Assembly is set out in Annex I. The closing sitting of the 121stAssembly willtake place on Wednesday, 21 October, from4 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.During this sitting, the report onthe possible emergency item included in the Assembly agenda will be presented and the draftresolution submitted for adoption. Delegations are kindly requested to bear this in mind whenmaking their travel arrangements.
According to Assembly Rule 11 and Article 14.2 of the Statutes, any Member of the Union mayrequest the inclusion of an emergency item in the Assembly agenda. If the Assembly decides toinclude an emergency item in its agenda, this will be debated by the Assembly on Monday,19 October 2009. Provision has also been made on the following day for a possible meeting of adrafting committee to prepare a draft resolution.
Each IPU Member may appoint a maximum of five delegates to the second annual session of theAssembly, or seven for parliaments of countries with a population of 100 million inhabitants ormore. Any delegation that, for three consecutive sessions of the Assembly, is composed exclusivelyof parliamentarians of the same sex, shall, however, automatically be reduced by one person.Please note that the number of additional MPs accompanying delegations as Advisers must notexceed two.IPU Members whose arrears equal or exceed the amount of the contributions due from them forthe preceding two full years may not be represented by more than two delegates at meetings of theUnion (Article 5.2 of the Statutes).Associate Members may participate in the Assembly and its Standing Committees with the samerights as Members, save for the right to vote and to present candidates for elective office.International organizations and other bodies invited by the Governing Council to be represented atthe Assembly as observers are entitled to send a maximum of two delegates.
The Steering Committee of the Assembly shall be composed of the President of the Assembly, thePresident of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Vice-President of the Executive Committee.The Presidents of the Standing Committees may take part in its work in an advisory capacity.The Steering Committee, assisted by the IPU Secretary General, is mandated to take all appropriatemeasures to ensure the effective organization and normal functioning of the Assembly proceedings.
See detailed General Timetable of the Assembly and related meetings in Annex I.
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121stAssembly - Convocation
A provisional table showing the votes allocated to delegations at the 121stAssembly is contained inAnnex II.Members are kindly requested to check the figures concerning them and, if necessary, informin writing the IPU Secretariat in Geneva of any modifications required,preferably in advance.The final table showing the allocation of votes at the Assembly will be distributed at the opening ofthe session.
The Secretariat of the Inter-Parliamentary Union will provide simultaneous interpretation into andfrom the two official languages of the Union: English and French, as well as Arabic and Spanish, atthe meetings of all statutory bodies.Three other interpretation channels have been reserved for Chinese, Japanese and Russian atsittings of the Assembly, the Governing Council, and for the Panel discussions.Delegates may, exceptionally, use another language provided that they arrange for their speech tobe interpreted into one of the IPU’s official languages, and that copies of the speech be given to theChief Interpreter (Ms. F. Steinig-Huang) well in advance and no later than two hours before it is tobe delivered.
Other bodies will hold meetings during the Assembly; their members will be convened by way of aseparate letter. They include:The Governing Council (19 and 21 October, public sittings);The Executive Committee (16, 17 and 20 October,in camera);The Coordinating Committee of Women Parliamentarians (18 October,in camera);The Gender Partnership Group (16 and 17 October,in camera);The Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians (17, 18, 19 and 20 October,incamera);The Committee on Middle East Questions (19 October,in camera);The IPU Committee on United Nations Affairs (19, 20 and 21 October, public sittings).
The Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP) will also meet at the CICG during theAssembly. It will be convened by its President.POST-ASSEMBLY MEETINGS – 22 OCTOBER 2009IPU and ASGP Conference on evaluating parliaments: objectives, methods, results and impactParliaments are increasingly conscious of the way in which they carry out their representative,legislative and oversight functions. They are also seeking ways to enhance often dwindling publicconfidence in parliamentarians and the institution of parliament in general. Periodic andmeaningful evaluation can be a powerful tool for ensuring that parliament performs effectively andmaintains strong and healthy relations with citizens and the executive branch of government.Drawing on tools developed by the IPU, the Association of Secretaries General of Parliament andother organizations, this one-day conference will provide a forum for discussion of differentapproaches to the evaluation of parliament, sharing of lessons learned and understanding thepotential results and impact of evaluation. The conference is intended for parliamentarians,
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121stAssembly - Convocation
Secretaries General and staff involved in the future direction of parliament. By the end of the day,the intention is that each participant will be equipped with new tools to make a more effectivecontribution to the evaluation and development of their parliament.Attached is the Convocation, as well as the draft agenda, registration form and informationdocument. Should you decide to participate, the registration form should be filled out and dulyreturned to the IPU Secretariat.Parliamentary Seminar on the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination againstWomenThe Sixth Annual Parliamentary Seminar, organized jointly by the Inter-Parliamentary Union andthe United Nations, will be held at the CICG. Information on the Seminar will be sent out shortlyto all Members.Parliamentary Seminar on the United Nations Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and onEconomic, Social and Cultural RightsStarting with the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the UnitedNations has developed an international legal framework for the protection and promotion ofhuman rights. To date, eight international conventions exist and provide for special committees, theso-called "treaty bodies”. They oversee the implementation of the conventions and adoptrecommendations, which often require parliamentary action. Parliaments are largely unaware ofthese bodies and thus miss out on an invaluable opportunity to contribute to the effectiveness oftheir work.The seminar will provide an overview of the functioning of the work of the Human RightsCommittee and the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, which monitor theimplementation of the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, and on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights, respectively. It will target parliamentarians from countries whose nationalreports have been examined in 2009 or will be examined in 2010.More detailed information on the Seminar will be sent out shortly to parliaments concerned.
10. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON THE SESSIONFurther information concerning the session will be provided in the Assembly Guidebook and in the“Additional information” document, which will be distributed to delegations upon registration.JournalEvery day during the Assembly, participants will find in all meeting rooms and at the Registrationand Information desk theJournal,which provides the latest updates on the programme of meetingsand other important information designed to facilitate their participation in the proceedings of thesession.11.RESULTS OF THE ASSEMBLY
All delegations will receive two printed copies of theResultsof the 121stAssembly. In addition, thedocument becomes accessible on the IPU website (http://www.ipu.org) two weeks after the close ofthe Assembly, when a complete electronic version of the "Results" can be downloaded from the IPUwebsite in PDF format.
All participants must respect the registration deadline of 15 September 2009. Please return theregistration form for delegations annexed to this Convocation to the IPU Secretariat by that date.The address is as follows:
Inter-Parliamentary Union
121stAssembly - Convocation
Inter-Parliamentary Union5, chemin du Pommiercase postale 3301218 Grand-Saconnex, GenevaSwitzerland
: +41 22 919 41 50: +41 22 919 41 60: [email protected]
The Registration and Information Service, available on the premises of the CICG, will be open asfollows:12 noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, 17 October;8 a.m. to 7 p.m. from Sunday, 18 October to Tuesday, 20 October; and8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, 21 October.
Delegates are also informed that this Service will only hand over identity badges anddocumentation to representatives from their Permanent Missions in Geneva if a signed letter ofauthorization has been received from the Member Parliament to this effect.Important:Particular attention is drawn to the fact that, even if identity badges have been collected bydelegations’ Permanent Missions; upon their arrival at the CICG, delegations are kindly requestedto check-in immediately at the Registration and Information Service to ensure that the informationin the List of Participants concerning their delegation is accurate.13.HOTEL ACCOMODATION
Delegations from countries with a Permanent Mission in Geneva are kindly requested to make theirhotel reservations through their respective Mission. The Permanent Missions in Geneva are allinformed of the holding of the 121stAssembly and are accustomed to receiving national delegationsto United Nations meetings and to handling hotel reservations for them. Many of them have signedagreements and obtained preferential rates with hotels close to the Palais des Nations area and theCICG.Delegations from countries that do not have diplomatic representation in Geneva may reserve theirrooms either via their preferred tourist operator or through the Geneva Tourism and ConventionBureau. Should delegations wish to use the services offered by the Geneva Tourism andConvention Bureau, they are kindly requested to contact the IPU Secretariat, which willsubsequently send them a hotel reservation form. However, attention is drawn to the fact that, inkeeping with the practice of all hotels in Geneva,only reservation forms returned with details ofa credit card as a guarantee will be confirmed.The hotel reservation form should be returneddirectly to the Geneva Tourism and Convention Bureau no later than7 September 2009,withcopy to the IPU Secretariat.14.VISAS
Strict regulations are in force regarding entry into Switzerland and entry is refused to persons notholding the required visa. Delegates requiring an entry visa must obtain one from the Swissconsulate or diplomatic mission in their country of residence.Since mid-December 2008, Switzerland has applied theSchengen regulationsconcerning theissuance of visas. For further information, please refer to the Informative Note on theimplementation of Schengen-Dublin available on the website of the Swiss Federal Department ofForeign Affairs:http://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/topics/intorg/un/unge/gepri/manvis/manvi2.html
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Please also note that Geneva Airport is located on the Swiss-French border and also has a Frenchentry point. Some flights arriving from Paris or other French airports to Geneva are thereforeconsidered as domestic flights. Delegates travelling via France must therefore also check with thecompetent French authorities to ascertain whether a French or Schengen visa is required for travelthrough a French airport en route to Geneva.In recent years, it has been noted that more and more delegations request assistance with entryvisas for Switzerland and often such requests are sent at a very late stage. While the IPU willcontinue to assist delegates, your attention is drawn to the fact that the Swiss authorities requirethat a clear time frame be respected.Any delegations in need of assistance must therefore send their requests as soon as possible, and inany case no later thanthree weeks priorto the date of arrival. The following details should beprovided: full name, date and place of birth, nationality, type of national passport and number(date of issue and expiry), date of arrival and flight number. There is no guarantee that last-minuterequests, especially those falling over weekends when the corresponding Swiss services are closed,can be dealt with in a timely manner.Please note that, following Switzerland’s entry into the Schengen area, visas can no longer be issuedupon arrival at Geneva Airportsave for very exceptional caseswhere delegates have been unableto obtain a visa from the Swiss consulate or mission in their country of residence. The IPUSecretariat cannot be of any assistance whatsoever in such cases.*
We hope that your Parliament will be represented at the 121stAssembly of the Inter-ParliamentaryUnion and that the delegation, under your leadership, will take an active part in the proceedings.
Yours sincerely,
Anders B. JOHNSSONSecretary Generalof the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Theo-Ben GURIRABPresidentof the Inter-Parliamentary Union
A/121/C.1ANNEX I
GENERAL TIMETABLE OF THE ASSEMBLY AND RELATED MEETINGS(Geneva, 19 to 21 October 2009)DateMORNINGPlenary sittingsCommitteesIn camerasittingsOther events
Friday, 16 October 2009
10.00 - 13.00Executive CommitteeMain meeting room, IPU Headquarters15.00 - 17.00Executive CommitteeMain meeting room, IPU Headquarters17.00 - 18.00Gender Partnership GroupMain meeting room, IPU Headquarters09.00 - 13.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG10.00 - 13.00Executive CommitteeMain meeting room, IPU Headquarters14.30 - 18.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG15.00 - 17.00Executive CommitteeMain meeting room, IPU Headquarters17.00 - 18.00Gender Partnership GroupMain meeting room, IPU Headquarters
Saturday, 17 October 2009
-2DatePlenary sittingsCommittees
-In camerasittings
A/121/C.1ANNEX IOther events
Sunday, 18 October 2009
09.00 - 13.00Coordinating Committee of WomenParliamentariansRoom A, CCV Annexe Building, CICGCommittee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG14.30 - 18.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG14.00 – 18.00ASGP Executive CommitteeRoom 20, level 3, CICG14.00 – 14.45Meeting of Advisers andSecretaries to delegationsRooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICG10.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingRooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICG
Monday, 19 October 2009
09.00 – 11.30Governing Council: membership; reports;finance; presentation of 2010 budget;presentation of Handbook on MigrationRoom 1, level 1, CICG11.30 - 13.00Assembly: Opening; Hearing with the headof a UN agency or programme;Adoption of an emergency itemRoom 1, level 1, CICG14.30 - 18.30Assembly: Hearing with the head of a UNagency or programme; Launch ofHandbook on Missing Persons;Debate on the emergency itemRoom 1, level 1, CICGPlenary sittings
09.00 - 13.00IPU Committee on UN Affairs: interactionbetween UN and parliaments –presentation of the results of IPU survey,followed by discussion; andDebate on cooperation between UN andparliamentary assemblies andorganizationsRoom 2, level 0, CICG14.30 - 18.00IPU Committee on UN Affairs: briefingand debate on progress of UN reform;followed by an update on UN ClimateChange Conference and discussionRoom 2, level 0, CICGCommittees
08.00 - 08.45Assembly Steering CommitteeIPU President's Office, level 3, CICG09.00 - 13.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG
14.30 - 18.0014.30 – 18.00ASGP MeetingCommittee on Middle East QuestionsBriefing and discussion on Middle East,Rooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICGlatest developments in the peaceprocess, and future programme ofwork of the CommitteeRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICGIn camerasittingsOther events
-3DatePlenary sittingsCommittees
-In camerasittings
A/121/C.1ANNEX IOther events
09.00 – 12.30Panel discussion onOrganized crime(subject to be discussed by the First StandingCommittee during the 122ndAssembly inApril 2010)Room 1, level 1, CICG09.00 – 12.30Panel discussion onSouth-South cooperation(subject to be discussed by the SecondStanding Committee during the122ndAssembly in April 2010)Room 2, level 0, CICG14.00 – 17.30Panel discussion onYouth and democracy(subject to be discussed by the ThirdStanding Committee during the122ndAssembly in April 2010)Room 1, level 1, CICG14.00 – 17.00IPU Committee on UN Affairs: briefingand discussion on UN DevelopmentCooperation Forum and implementationof IPU resolution on foreign aidRoom 2, level 0, CICG
09.00 - 13.00Drafting committee onemergency itemRoom A, CCV Annexe Building, CICG
09.00 - 10.00ASGP Executive CommitteeRoom 20, level 3, CICG10.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingRooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICG
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
15.00 - 18.00Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG17.00 – 18.30Executive CommitteeRoom A, CCV Annexe Building, CICG
14.30 - 18.00ASGP MeetingRooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICG
-4DatePlenary sittingsCommittees
-In camerasittings
A/121/C.1ANNEX IOther events
09.00 - 13.00Governing Council: debate and adoption ofthe 2010 budget; IPU reform; election ofSecretary General; presentation of the reportof the Committee on the Human Rights ofParliamentariansRoom 1, level 1, CICG
09.00 – 10.30Advisory Group of the IPU Committeeon UN AffairsRoom B, CCV Annexe Building, CICG11.00 – 13.00IPU Committee on UN Affairs:finalization and adoption of outcomedocumentRoom 2, level 0, CICG
09.00 – 11.00Panel discussion onHIV/AIDS –Universal access to prevention,treatment and careRoom A, CCV Annexe Building, CICG11.00 – 13.00Panel discussion onOur World at War:Challenges for InternationalHumanitarian Law- event organized bythe International Humanitarian LawCommittee and the ICRCRoom A, CCV Annexe Building, CICG14.30 – 16.00Panel discussion onHuman Rights andthe Universal Periodic ReviewRoom A, CCV Annexe Building, CICG
09.00 - 10.00ASGP Executive CommitteeRoom 20, level 3, CICG10.00 - 13.00ASGP MeetingRooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICG
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
14.30 - 16.00Governing Council: presentation of otherreports; cooperation with the UN; electionsto the Executive Committee; adoption ofamendments; appointment of auditors;future meetingsRoom 1, level 1, CICG16.00 - 17.30Assembly: adoption of resolution andclosing sessionRoom 1, level 1, CICG
14.30 – 16.00Reporting back on action taken byparliaments and the IPU to give effect tothe resolutions on the global crisisadopted at the 119thand120thAssemblies, including taking stock ofUNGA and other processesRoom 2, level 0, CICG
14.30 - 18.00ASGP MeetingRooms 5 & 6, level 3, CICG
PROVISIONAL TABLE SHOWING THE ALLOCATION OF VOTES AT THE 121stASSEMBLY(According to Article 15.2 of the Statutes)MEMBERS1. and HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBulgariaBurkina FasoBurundiCambodiaCameroonCanadaCape-VerdeChileChinaColombiaComorosCongoCosta RicaCôte d'IvoireCroatiaCubaCyprusCzech RepublicDem. People's Rep. of KoreaDem. Republic of the CongoDenmarkDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEstoniaEthiopiaFinlandFranceGabonGambia
Totalnumberof votes1411151012151114121210201312121211112012131213131510132314101111131113101314171212121812111812171111
MEMBERS51. (Islamic Republic of)IraqIrelandIsraelItalyJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKuwaitKyrgyzstanLao People's Dem. Rep.LatviaLebanonLesothoLiberiaLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLiechtensteinLithuaniaLuxembourgMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMaltaMauritaniaMauritiusMexicoMonacoMongoliaMontenegroMoroccoMozambiqueNamibiaNepalNetherlandsNew ZealandNicaraguaNigerNigeriaNorwayOmanPakistan
Totalnumberof votes111913131213102322181411121720121314111112111111111110111014101210111120101110141311141311121320111121
MEMBERS102. New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalQatarRepublic of KoreaRepublic of MoldovaRomaniaRussian FederationRwandaSamoaSan MarinoSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbiaSierra LeoneSingaporeSlovakiaSloveniaSomaliaSouth AfricaSpainSri LankaSudanSurinameSwedenSwitzerlandSyrian Arab RepublicTajikistanThailandThe fYR of MacedoniaTimor-LesteTogoTunisiaTurkeyUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited Rep. of TanzaniaUruguayVenezuelaViet NamYemenZambiaZimbabwe
Totalnumberof votes10111111121418151310161114201210101013121211111211131615131510121213121811101213181317111815111318131313
REGISTRATION FORMPlease fill in and return this form no later than 15 September 2009 to the Secretariat of the Inter-Parliamentary Union:5 Chemin du PommierCase postale 330CH-1218 Le Grand-Saconnex / Geneva, SwitzerlandFax: +41 22 919 41 60E-mail: [email protected]
Parliament or Organization:....................................................................................................................Name(Mr./Ms.) indicate titles or functionswithin the IPU (e.g. President ofGroup, Head of delegation)Please indicate titles orfunctions within theNational Parliament ororganization (e.g.President, SecretaryGeneral)For MPs pleasealso indicatepolitical party
First name(s)
Accompanied by
Secretaries and AdvisorsPlease indicate titles or functionswithin the IPU (e.g., Secretary ofGroup, Member of the ASGP)Please indicate titles orfunctions within theNational Parliament (i.e.Secretary General)
Name (Mr./Ms.)
First name(s)
Accompanied by
Signature: ...............................