Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2008-09
FLF Alm.del Bilag 391
28thAugust 2009Draft Programme
ConferenceA New Fisheries Policy for fishersto take over stewardship of the fishery(Danfish International, 8thOctober 2009)10.00Registration and coffeeDemonstration of FEDS (Fisheries Electronic Documentation System) DTU Aqua andLyngsøe systems demonstrate camera documentation of fisheries and the function oftraceability from catch to consumerLunch for guests invited by Minister Eva Kjer HansenMovie: Documented and traced fisheries operationA new way to ensure optimal utilization of fish resourcesFishers to take responsibility. Introducing a catch quota management.Eva Kjer Hansen, Minister, DenmarkFrom catch to consumerPerspectives for a CFP underpinning the market’s strive for accountabilityMelanie Siggs Vice President, Sustainable MarketsVisions for a common fisheries policyGerda Verburg, Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, The NetherlandsTitle to be decidedHuw Irranca-Davies, Minister for the Natural and Marine Environment. Wildlife and RuralAffairs. UK2010 and beyond: Scotland’s vision for Future Fisheries ManagementRichard Lochhead, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and the Environment, ScotlandDialogue between speakers and the floorDon’t waste our valuable fish resource or the economic effort to fish it[The European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee?]Coffee and demonstration of FEDS(Fisheries Electronic Documentation System)The Commissions strategy for the CFP reformHow sustainability and fishermen’s economy can work together[Speaker to be decided]The Council’s drive for a sustainable CFP[Representative of the Council]Fisheries policy and the quest for global solutionsIchiro Nomura. Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and AquacultureMingling with the pressDemonstration of FEDS(Fisheries Electronic Documentation System)
The purpose of the conference is to present the results of the trial with FEDS (FisheriesElectronic Documentation System) and to discuss how electronic monitoring systemsand traceability can be instrumental in relation to a CFP based on fishermen’s ownaccountability. In a broader context the global issue of retrieving “the sunken billions”(FAO/The World Bank:http://tinyurl.com/SunkenBillions)is considered.
8thOctober 2009Danfish International, Aalborg, Denmark:www.danfish.comUpdated programme will be available onwww.fvm.dk/yieldoffish(see documents)Englishwww.danfish.comat[email protected]
Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries & Technical University of Denmark
tag to New Fisheries Policy webpage