Invitation for the Seminar
Finance and Technology Needs
To Address the Climate Challenges
Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2G, 1448 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tuesday 5
May 2009, 9.00 – 17.00
UNEP Risø Centre (URC) and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Purpose and Background
Technology and finance are key issues in the current climate change negotiations and will be very
high on the agenda for COP 15 in Copenhagen in December.
The large developing countries are engaging in the process of defining
Nationally Appropriate
Mitigation Actions
in line with the mandate from the Bali Action Plan from 2007. In order to
strengthen and implement this engagement there will be a need for industrialized countries to
facilitate transfer of relevant technologies and provide financial incentives for national action.
At the same time it is important to stimulate cleaner energy development in the LDCs and the less
carbon intensive developing economies by providing access to cleaner and more efficient
technologies combined with either improved access to carbon finance or to new dedicated funds.
Similarly there will be a rapidly increasing need to look at finance and technologies in the area of
adaptation and it will be mandatory to have adequate support for adaptation especially in the LDCs
to reach a new global climate change agreement.
The UNEP Risø Centre is in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs convening an
international seminar with the objective to discuss technology and finance needs from a developing
country perspective and improve the understanding of how these needs are differentiated between
different countries and climate change priorities.
With the results of COP 14 in Poznan as basis the presentations and discussions will focus on
Priorities for COP 15 in Copenhagen and what needs to be achieved to pave the way for a new
global climate change agreement. The seminar will present views from a number of the large
developing countries and from African LDCs. It will also discuss some of the international action
under development and the role of EU and the US. The invited speakers are leading international
experts on their respective subjects and all members of the Advisory Panel for the URC.
Participation in the seminar offers a unique opportunity for discussing energy and climate priorities
in an international context.
Participation in the seminar is free and includes lunch.
Please register before April 30, 2009.
Pia Riis Kofoed-Hansen/Mette Kuhlmann, URC
Phone: +45 4677 5129/5169
Registration (incl. name, affiliation, address, phone number and email) to
For more information on URC, please visit
UNEP Risø Centre
Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy
Technical University of Denmark – DTU
P.O.Box 49
DK-4000 Roskilde, Denmark
+45 4632 2288
+45 4632 1999