Det Energipolitiske Udvalg 2008-09
EPU Alm.del Bilag 393
Carbon capture and storage in Denmarkand the North Sea areaSeminar, Copenhagen 22nd of OctoberThere are many full scale CO2 capture and storage (CCS) projects planned in the North Sea area with stor-age possibilities both onshore and below the North Sea. The political and public knowledge and debate isvery different in the North Sea countries. There is a general need for more information and knowledge aboutCCS, both among policymakers, organisations and the public.ZERO therefore invites NGOs and other participants from the North Sea countries to an open seminar toaddress CCS in Denmark and the North Sea area, as well as the role of CCS in the international climatenegotiations. Questions to be addressed through the presentations and discussion at this seminar include:What CCS technologies are available today?What is the role of CCS in combating climate change?How can we get good political framework for phasing out large emission sources?What is the potential for CO2 storage in Denmark and the North Sea, and what are the mainissues concerning storage safety?What is the latest status for CCS in the different countries surrounding the North Sea, and is therea need for more cooperation for common North Sea CCS policies and projects?Are we headed towards a sufficiently good new climate agreement? Will a new agreement ensureimplementation of necessary technologies to meet the climate change challenge?How can we ensure that CCS knowledge is shared by the different groups of stakeholders?
Worldwide large stationary CO2 sources
About ZERO
Zero Emission Resource Organization (ZERO) is an environmental organisation fully dedicated to the issueof climate change by actively demonstrating and gaining acceptance for zero emission solutions. We believea zero emission solution exists for all energy use. Our mission is to work consistently for these solutionsusing our technical and political knowledge. Read more on our website
Carbon capture and storage in Denmarkand the North Sea areaSeminar, Copenhagen 22nd of OctoberProgram09.00 Welcoming remarksSession: Energy scenarios, the role for CCSThe role of CCS in combating climate change- Energy technology strategies for a sustainable energy futureKeith Burnard, Senior Energy Technology Specialist, Interna-tional Energy Agency (IEA)Power plant CO2 standards: A timetable for CCS deploymentand/or phasing-out non-CCS large combustion plants.And status for the EU-demonstration projectsMark Johnston, WWF European Policy OfficePolitical comments by Ole Hækkerup, Energy and Climatespeaker Socialdemokratene (the main opposition party) (TBK)How to cut emissions fast enough without CCS? Denmark anddeveloped countries perspectivesKim Ejlertsen, NOAH (Friends of the Earth Denmark)
~14.30 Session: CCS in the North Sea areaOne North Sea- a transboundary CO2 study North Sea, InterimReport, Cooperation North Sea countries for CCS, North SeaBasin Task Force.Ruth Hampton, Head of International CCS, Department of En-ergy and Climate Change, UKShort status for CCS in UKNeil Crumpton, FoE UKCCS from industry in the Skagerrak region (South Norway, WestSweden and North Denmark), and CO2 capture from biomass.Hans Axel Haugen, Tel-Tek.Short status for CCS in NorwayAnders Larsen, FoE NorwayLarge scale CCS plans in Rotterdam,Rotterdam Climate InitiativeShort status for CCS in the NetherlandsErik Honing SNM (Stichting Natuur en Milieu), the Netherlands
Session: Capture and Storage - technology and safetyExisting CO2 capture and storage experience worldwide.Marius Gjerset, ZERONorwegian gas field Sleipner: Ten years of experience withlarge scale CO2 storageBørge Rygh Sivertsen, StatoilHydroSafety and challenges for underground storage of CO2. Thepotential for CO2 storage in the North Sea and in DenmarkKaren Kirk, BGS (British Geological Survey) and Peter Jo-hannessen, GEUS (Geological Survey of Denmark)CO2 capture - ready for full scale. Competition for full scaleCCS in Norway.Olav Falk-Pedersen, Specialist Engineer CO2 Capture.Gassnova SF, the Norwegian state enterprise for CCS (TBK)
Lunch~12.40 Session: CCS in DenmarkPotential for storage in depleted oil- and gas reservoirs inDenmarkMichael Engell-Jensen. Senior Vice President, Carbon &Climate. MærskDanish power plant Nordjyllandsværket - Full scale CCSfrom a coal/biomass fired powerplantBjarne Korshøj, leader Technology Development Centre forCarbon Capture and Storage, VattenfallEnergy and emissions goals and the role for CCS in DenmarkLars Christian Lilleholt, Member of Parliament. Energy andClimate speaker Venstre (one of the political parties in theDanish government)
~16.15 Session: The role of CCS in a new internationalclimate agreementStatus for the COP15 process – on the way to a new ambitiousclimate agreement?Tove Maria Ryding, Chairman the 92 Group (TBK)Will a new Copenhagen agreement ensure implementation ofnecessary technologies to meet the climate change challenge?John Nordbo, WWFKnowledge sharing. A key element for global success for CCSJesse Scott, E3G.
Questions and closing remarks~17.30 End of seminar~ 18.30 Dinner. All participants invited
Carbon capture and storage in Denmarkand the North Sea areaSeminar, Copenhagen 22nd of October
Additional arrangement21st-22nd of OctoberEU GeoCapacity final open conference, at GEUS in Copenhagen. ( of October (if interest): Excursion to CO2 capture pilot plant at Dong’s coal power plant in Esbjerg.(EU-project CASTOR and CÆSAR). Aprox. 10.30-13.30, Esbjerg.Please response for reporting your interest to this arrangement within 15th of September, so we can decidewhether to arrange it or not.
Fees and registrationThe registration fee to cover the cost for the seminar is 1000 DKK.Environmental NGOs, political parties and students are welcome toparticipate for free. Other non-profit organisations can apply for areduced fee.Registration and more or [email protected].Contact ZERO:Marius Gjerset, [email protected] + 47 92 65 60 10.or Camilla Skriung, [email protected] +47 90 64 18 12LocationAlexandersalen, University of Copenhagen. Bispetorvet 1-3
Sir Nicholas Stern, Gøran Persson,Helge Lund, Petter Stordalen ++