Det Energipolitiske Udvalg 2008-09
EPU Alm.del Bilag 381
.Owner:Bjoern RothausenRefshalevej 200 ZDK 1432 Copenhagen KPhone: +45 27195118
WAVETPOWER-MACHINERY(Dansk Patent nr. DK 176417 B1)i n f o(aVave-power-machinery,
Prokura/Agent:"Hans H. HaraldstedEngineering FirmPostbox 107, DK 3520 FarumPhone / fax +45 44952267
e-mail: [email protected]
= 1BRINGESFOLKETINGETS PARTIER OG E P U,Christiansborg,DK 1240 Kbh. K.Kbh. 27.AUG.2009
VEDR.; REN C02-FRI BØLGEKRAFT = ET LggEN^FOR ENERGI-KLIMA & MILJØ,Idet jeg refererer til tidligere fremsendt materiale i 2007/2008,er det mig hermed en glæde at kunne oplyse/vedlægge de senesteopnåede dokumenterede resultater:1: Kopi af web-siden www.wave-power-machinery.dk2: International PCT-Patentability pr. 21.0ct.2008.3: Kopi af Engelsk National Patent: GB 2455240 A, som erdet første af ansøgte patenter for England, Tysklandog U S A.4: Kopi af e-mail fra Captain Graham Pfister,Canada.Som det fremgår af e-mail fra Canada, er en prøve-model/prototypeaf bølgekraft-flåden noget højst ønskeligt, og næsten et MUST.Følgelig støtter jeg helhjertet alle danske politiske planer omNYE PRØVE-UNDERSØGELSER AF BØLGEKRAFT-PROJEKTER,Som det fremgår af energiudregningen for bølgekraft-projekt0CT0PUS, i.h.t. , så kan l/eenbølgekraft-flåde, å 10 M., producere mere EL-energi end samtligeHorn Rev•s 80 store havvindmøllers EL-produktion. Derfor erpotentiellet for bølgekraft virkeligt stort. Så stort at manumiddelbart har svært ved at tro på det. Men venligst iagttagfølgende forklaring:Bølge-klimaet på Horns Rev er kendt. Måden for energi-udregningener kendt, idet denne er baseret på grundlaget for al energi-udregning: KRAFT_x_VEJ/DISTANCE^Energiudregningen for bølgekraft projekt OCTOPUS er baseretpå 12 flåde/bølgesænkninger af 1 M. pr. minut, og med et for-højet 15 tons indsugnings-ladetryk pr. bølge i opadgåendeindsugningstakt, hvilket bevirker konstant havbunds kontakt,samt giver flåden en forhøjet beliggenheds-energi-pos itioni.h.t. havbundens modpres.I et lukket hydraulisk kredsløb kommer olietrykket tilbage tilafsender/flåden, hvorfor udregningens kraftudtag på 15 tonser et MINIMUM.
= 2 =
Det som man evt. kan tvivle på, er rigtigheden af omtalte15 tons forhøjede ladetryk/pres i opadgående bølge.I denneforbindelse venligst se vedlagte,hvor især afsnit FLOAT-FUNCTIONS, DESCRIPTION og ADDITIONALENERGY EXPLANATION er yderligere forklaring.15 tons samlet hydraulisk-ladetryk opnåes let med 8 cylindre,idet trykket pr. cylinder jo er mindre end 2 tons, for sammen-lagt at kunne give flåden et 15 tons totaltryk. Havbundenssamme 15 tons modpres bliver i nedadgående kraft-udtags-taktlet overvundet af 80 tons flådevægt/tyngdekraften. 80 tonsbliver jo ikke bare hængende i luften. Som et mi^ni1mum_ vil dersåledes komme mindst 15 tons trykkraft tilbage til flådenpr. bølge, til brug for en energi-produktion.Det fantastiske ved hydraulik og væsker er jo, at disse I.KKEkan sammenpresses. Dette forhold udnyttes således:I indsugningstakten opfylder lavtrykstanken (efter energi-produktion) cylinderrummet over stemplet med olie, og høj-trykstanken leverer et ønskeligt regulerbart tryk, med enMINIMAL men TRYKGIVENDE ol i eti 1 førse 1,hvorved man i energi-udtag's-takten (nedadgående bølge) får en hel meters højtryks-olie tiIbage. til brug for EL-produktionen. I projektetsenergiudregning er der således kun brugt 15 tons tryk-: somudregnings-grundlag, hvilket af ovennævnte grunde må ansesfor et MINIMUM.Således er ANVENDT BØLGEKRAFT ET LØSEN FOR ENERGI ØKLIMA & MILJØ,
Med venlig hilsen,WAVE-POWER-MACHINERYc/o Bjørn Rothausen,Refshalevej 200 Z,DK 1432 København K.
PS.: Planlagte havvindmølleparkerbør også have mulighed for EL-modtagelse fra bølgekraft-værker.
(tlf.27195118. e-mailadr: info^
Wave Power Machinery
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Ftoat Functions
| Technique
: Additionai Energy Explanation
!:Info :
WAVE POWER MACHINERYC02-FREE WAVE ENERGY - LOW COST OF PRODUCTION.WAVE POWER FLOAT O C T O P U S . DIAMETER: 10 M.WAVE-MOTOR 2400 HP. PER MINUTE, WITHOUT USING OIL,BY 12 WAVE-LOWERINGS OF AVERAGE 1 M. WITH 15 TONS OF PRESSURE.YEARLY PRODUCTION 603.000000 kWh. (603000 MW) (603 GW).OCEANS of the WORLD are the greatest everlasting energy sourcc.70% of the surface of the earth is covered by sea.The powers of the sea are ennrmous. As an example a ship of 10.000 tons will be lifted and lowered several times per miniite, so easily done asif it was a tennis ball, often in a proccss of working of several meters.By using those cnormous powers we will ncvcr be in need of energy. Bul of cource, it must be done in toopcration with the powers of natureand on terms of the sea.Wave-Power-Float OCTOPUS has incrcascd ioading pressure in stroke of suction in upward wave, helping float up to highest position.Energy-take-out, via freely standing flexible counter-legs to sea bottom, in down going wave, why weight of float and gravitation are factors inenergy calculation, POWER X DISTANCE.Following pages will shortly show: DRAWING,DESCRIPTION and ENERGY CALCULATION of wave-power-float OCTOPUS. DanishPATENT: DK 176417 Bl, which in above mentioncd way is capable to produce large quantity of C02-FREE ENERGY to LOW COST OFPRODUCTION.Bjorn RothausenOBS !: SPONSOR/JOINT VENTURE COOPERATION IS WANTED.PCT-INTERNATIONAL PATENTABILITY OBTAINED 21.10.2008FINAL EXAMINATION WORDS: THE INVENTION IS INDUSTRIALLYAPPLICABLE. SALE OF LICENCE/NATIONAL PATENT IS POSSIBLE.
http: //www. wave-power-machinery. dk/
Wave Power Machinery
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Float Functions
. Technique
! Additional Energy Explanation
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http: //www. wave-po wer-machinery. dk/
Wave Power Machinery
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Float Functions
Additional Energy Explanation
FLOAT FUNCTIONSWave Power Float OCTOPUS is built to cooperate with powers of nature in a harmonic way.Consequently all installations and the process of working must be done logicai and on termsof nature-forces and local sea-conditions, and in following described way:1: THE FLOAT WITH MOUNTED HYDRAULIC CYLINDERis the moving part around the still-standina piston with contact to the bottom of the sea.THE UNDERWATER LEG WITH TREADFOOT IS FREELY STANDING ON THE SEA-BOTTOM.The leg is flcxible and provided with an universal-joint to the treadfoot. Under installation theleg is guided through the float in a greased guide-/gliding-tube, and afterwards it will be mountedto the rod of the piston. By this the piston obtains contact to the bottom of the sea. In the localsea-climate, lenght of the underwater-leg will be regulated according to waveheight and tide-water-level, which is done by use of winch and wire to the tread-foot, which installation is locatedin the machinery-room. Consequently cylinder-lcnght must be made accordingly those localsea-conditions.3: STROKE OF SUCTION IN UPWARD WAVE AND STROKE OF COMPRESSION WITHPOWER-TAKE OUT IN DOWNWARD WAVE.Those strokes happen automaticly, when change of space/volume in the hydraulic cylinderabove the stationary piston arise, and by this is making a new and different pressure, whichautomaticly open/close one-way-valves in the hydraulic system.4: INCREASED PRESS OF LOADING IN STROKE OF SUCTION IN UPWARD WAVE.This function secures constant piston-contact to the sea-bottom, and is done by a larger lotof oil from the low-pressure tank, and by a lesser lot of oil from the high-pressure tank, whichhowcvcr makes the high prcssure. The countcr-pressure from the sea-bottom will help the floatup to highest position, because the cylinder is mounted to the float, and it will moreover give thefloat an increased-energy-position according to Ihe size of pressure.THE GAS-COCK OF THE FLOAT.This function is made by the regulationable increased press of loading in upward wave.HIGH LOADING-PRESSURE = HIGH ENERGY-PRODUCTION.
http; //www. wave-po wer-machinery. dk/
Wave Power Machinery
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Float Functions
li Description
Additional Energy Explanation
WAVE POWER MACHINERYWAVE-POWER-FLOAT O C T O P U S . POINT ABSORBER TYPEFLOAT WEIGHT: 80 tons (ind. water ballast).PLACING/LAYOUT: All water depths.DIAMETER: 10M.DEEP DRAUGHT: 1MEL POWER: Generated by hydraulic pressure per lowering wave.Increased loading pressure in stroke of suction in upward wave,giving higher upper position/production.HYDRAULIC SYSTEM:1. 8 hydraulic legs, freely standing on sea bottom, and equipedwith pressure strong cardan joints, which provides powertransmission without friction.2. High pressure tanks and low pressure tank(s), working asenergy accumulators, caused of pressed airmass, and providingadjustable power transmission.3. Hydraulic engine and generator.HYDRAULIC EFFECT: 65%.The float is planned placed on 10 M water depth by HORNS REV, where EL can be delivcred via the Wind Mill Park. Waves are coming per5 sec. Wave height 0,5 - 2,5 M. Waves per minute: 12.It is expccted to obtain MINIMUM 15 tons hydraulic pressure per 1M wave lowering, why below calculation is possible as per prescriptiveformula:1 HP = 75 KG. M. Sec. = 736 WattTime for wave lowering: 2,5 sec. = TSpeed per m/sec. 1 sec/2,5 sec = 0,4 m/sec = VEffect per sec. 15000 x 0,4/75 kg = 80 HPEffect: per float lowering of 1 M by STEADY SPEED 15000 kg x 0,4 (V)x 2,5 (T)/75 kg = 200 HPPer minut: 12 waves a 15 tons = 180000 kg x 0,4 x 2,5/75 kg = 2400 HP2400 HP x 736 Watt = 1766400 WattPer Year: 928419840 kwhHYDRAULIC EFFECT : 65% = 603.472896 kWh (603472 MW).The calculation above is done by FORMAL FOR STEADY SPEED: The relation bctween distance covered and time is measured in m/sec orKm /hour.S = V x T where S is distance and V is speed and T is time.Energy = Power x Distance = Power x V x T.
Wave Power Machinery
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ii Float Functions
i; Technique
p Additional Energy Explanation
TECHNIQUEPOWER, WORK AND EFFECT.When a body is under influence of a power/force, and the body by this is moving in direction of the power, the power has produced a work.: The size of the power is measured in kilogram, kg., and could for examplc be a nature force like the gravitation, or the force of pressurewhich is transferred to the piston in the cylinder of a motor.The distance is measured in m. and the size of the work is determined to be POWER X DISTANCE and the unit of measurement willtherfore be KGM. (kilogrammetre).The illustration demonstrates the size of 1 HP. The person with a weight of 75kg climbs the steps of 2 m. in 2 seconds, and makes by thisan effect of 1 HP. pr. sec. and a total work of 2 HP. in 2 sec.
Regarding power-machinery it is the work pr. unit of time which is of interest. This size of work is called the EFFECT, and is naturally statedin kgm pr. sec, but when this unit is of small size one will in practice state the effect in horsepower, HP. The relation betwecn HP and Kgm. pr.sec. is determined to be:1 HP. = 75 Kgm. pr. sec.
Wave Power Machinery
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Fioat Functions
i; Technique
R Additional Energy Explanation
ADDITIONALLY ENERGY EXPLANATIONA float/ship will normaly in a climate of waves use the same time for its up and downgoing movements, which is done by steady speed. Consequently energy calculation hasto be done by FORMAL BY STEADY SPEED, which formal is contrary/unlikc formal by increasing speed, (the falling apple of Mr. Newton).If you only want to know how much an energy system is able to produce, you simply multiply the force/weight in kg. by the meter distance anddivide the result by 75 kg.By this you have a power take out in HP. 1 HP = 736 wattHowever if you want EFFECT CALCULATION in order to calculate the right size of the hydraulic system with hydraulic motor andgenerator you will require ENERGY FORMAL by STEADY SPEED.From dictionary:121 34POWER x DISTANCE = POWER x V x T
1 is weight/pressure.2 is meter distance.3 is a vector/size for speed pr. m.sec.4 is total time of the power take outIn this way it is possible to describe the distance by means of speed pr. Sec. Multiplied by totaltime. 3 V is important in order to calculate the size of hydraulic motor and generator.Bclow is described 2 ways of Power Take Out:1. POWER TAKE OUT IN UPWARD WAVE:Which is contrary to the direction of the gravitation, why float wcight and the size of the power take out are factors, which will limit/red uccthedistance in upward wave, and by this will reduce the energy production.2. POWER TAKE OUT IN DOWN GOING WAVE:Where float weight and gravitation are factors in energy calculation: POWER x DISTANCEwhere energy take out has none or lesser influence because of powers from float weight and gravitation. It always pays to cooperate withpowers of nature and especially gravitation.If you think that energy calculation for wave Power Float OCTOPUS might be too high, compared to energy calculation from wind mills, thenremembcr what lecturer Mr. Peter Frigaard, University Of Aalborg Denmark has pronounced:DENSITY OF ENERGY IN WATER IS 800 - 1000 TIMES HIGHERTHAN DENSITY OF ENERGY IN AIR.
UK Patent Application „9,GB ,.,2455240 „«A(43) Date of Printing by UK Office10.06.20090902527.1. 20.11.2007(56) Documents Cited by ISA:FR 002607870 A lUS 3126830 AFR 002272274 A lUS 20050271501 A1(51) INT CL:F03B 13/18 (2006.01)
(21) Application No:(22) Date of Filing:(30) Priority Data:(31) PA200601559
(32) 28.11.2006
(33) DK
(86) International Application Data:PCT/DK2007/000508 En 20.11.2007(87) International Publication Data:WO2008/064677 En 05.06.2008
(58) Field of Search by ISA;INT CL F03BOther: EPO-lnternal, WPI Data, PAJ
(71) Applicant(s);Bjoern RothausenRefshalevej 200 Z, DK 1432 Copenhagen K,Denmark(72) Inventor(s);Bjoern Rothausen(74) Agent and/or Address for Service:Bjoern RothausenRefshalevej 200 Z, OK 1432 Copenhagen K,Denmark
(54) Abstract Title: Power machinery ot waves(57) Method for getting of an optimum drift of a power machine ofwaves, where the arrangement or the apparatus consist of oneor more upright standing legs (11 and 8) with an Integratedarrangement of piston (10) for transmitting of energy. The rodof the piston (10 A) in the Integrated arrangement of piston(10) is loosed or free placed on the bottom of the sea (17). Thecylinder (8) for this is mounted on a float (14), where theenergy which has to be obtained from this, and has to beproduced in the legs (11 and 8), by and in the cycle of working.Namely in the down going stroke of the power machinery ofwaves. The cycle of working for getting of the most optimumenergy by the arrangement has to be established by a raisingof sucking in pressure, by help of a pressure, which has to beaccumulated in the belonging tanks (12) to the powermachinery of waves. The accumulated pressure has to bemade of the stroke of the energy producing cylinder (10 and8).
enrooOriginal Prinled on Recycled Paper
International application No.INTERNATIONAL PRELEVUNARY REPORT ON PATENTABILITYPCT/DK2007/0 00508Box No. VReasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step or industrial applicability;citations and explanations supporting such statement
StatementNovelty (N)ClaimsClaimsInventive step (IS)ClaimsClaimsIndustrial applicability (IA)ClaimsClaims1-51-51 - 5[:
. Citations and explanations (Rule 70.7)
The present invention relates to a method of operating a wavepower station and it also relates to wave power machinerystanding on one or more legs on the bottom of the sea.The cited most relevant document, was-.Dl: US3126830 AThe method and machinery according to the amended claims filed10-07-2008 is characterised by means to stand loosely andpartly movable on the bottom.Dl shows a method and a wave power machinery which stands onone or two legs with a foot on the bottom. The foot ismoveably arranged versus the leg but sits firmly on a pivot orswivel arrangement in order to use upward forces.The present invention is apt only to use downward forces.Thus, the invention according to the amended claims is noveland not considered obvious to a person skilled in the art.The invention is industrially applicable.
Form PCT/IPEA/409 (Box No. V) (April 2007)
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Bjørn RothausenFra:Til:Cc:Sendt:Emne:"Graham" <[email protected]><[email protected]>'"Graham Pfister'" <[email protected]>18. maj 2009 00:39Information
Hello Ujorn.1 discovered your wave power machinery information while 1 was online researching wave energyand I must say your information agrees with everything else I know about wave energy and I amvery interested in knowing if you have progressed your invention by carrying out any prototypetesting to prove its function ability and commercial ability to generate power.I am pursuing renewable energy opportunities for a Group of Four manufacturing companies that Ibelong to, one of which I own and another I am the Operations Manager for. Two of the companiesare marine industries and two of them are manufacturing companies while one is also a metalbending company with the ability to bend all metal shapes especially pipes up to 48" diameter whichthey do with an inductive bender for oil companies. Our lead company manufactures compressors toconvert natural gas to CNG and this ability would allow them to develop the hydraulic compressorsfor your wave energy system.Wc do have the abilitx lo devclop and manulaclniv \t»ur ajuipmeni and would be interested infindiny out more about what stage um are up lo wiih ils de\elopmenl. Wc could be inicresled inbudding.) our produel under license tor sale in North. Central and Souih American aieas. Wc aresitualed in Vancouver, Canada and also have manufacturing facilities in China and in Columbia,South America. We understand your need to protect your Intellectual Property rights and we wouldbe happy to sign a non disclosure agreement before we ask more technical questions and do our duediligence on your systems operation.Please let me hear from you and whether you have progressed your design further than what I see onyour web site and what plans you might have that could include our Group operating in the Americasregion for you.Respectfuliy yours,Captain Graham PfisterPresidentTrawlerCat Marine Desimis
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