Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2007-08 (2. samling)
Bilag 14

Bucharest Summit DeclarationIssued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of theNorth Atlantic Council in Bucharest on 3 April 2008Press Release (2008)049, 3 Apr. 20081. We, the Heads of State and Government of the member countries of the North AtlanticAlliance, met today to enlarge our Alliance and further strengthen our ability to confrontthe existing and emerging 21st century security threats. We reviewed the significantprogress we have made in recent years to transform NATO, agreeing that this is aprocess that must continue. Recognising the enduring value of the transatlantic link andof NATO as the essential forum for security consultations between Europe and NorthAmerica, we reaffirmed our solidarity and cohesion and our commitment to the commonvision and shared democratic values embodied in the Washington Treaty. The principleof the indivisibility of Allied security is fundamental. A strong collective defence of ourpopulations, territory and forces is the core purpose of our Alliance and remains ourmost important security task. We reiterate our faith in the purposes and principles ofthe United Nations Charter.2. Today, we have decided to invite Albania and Croatia to begin accession talks to joinour Alliance. We congratulate these countries on this historic achievement, earnedthrough years of hard work and a demonstrated commitment to our common securityand NATO’s shared values. The accession of these new members will strengthensecurity for all in the Euro Atlantic area, and bring us closer to our goal of a Europe thatis whole, free, and at peace.3. We look forward to the 60th Anniversary Summit in 2009, which will underscore theenduring importance of the transatlantic link. We continue to transform our Alliancewith new members; better responses to security challenges, taking into account lessonslearned; more deployable capabilities; and new relationships with our partners. TheSummit will provide an opportunity to further articulate and strengthen the Alliance’svision of its role in meeting the evolving challenges of the 21st century and maintainingthe ability to perform the full range of its missions, collectively defending our security athome and contributing to stability abroad. Accordingly, we request the Council inPermanent Session to prepare a Declaration on Alliance Security for adoption at theSummit to further set the scene for this important task.4. We have welcomed to Bucharest a number of our partner nations; Mr. Ban Ki moon, theSecretary General of the United Nations; and prominent representatives of otherinternational organisations. Many of today’s security challenges cannot be successfullymet by NATO acting alone. Meeting them can best be achieved through a broadpartnership with the wider international community, as part of a truly comprehensiveapproach, based on a shared sense of openness and cooperation as well asdetermination on all sides. We are resolved to promote peace and stability, and to meetthe global challenges that increasingly affect the security of all of us, by workingtogether.
5. The success of this common effort depends greatly on individual commitment. We paytribute to the professionalism and bravery of the more than sixty thousand men andwomen from Allied and other nations who are involved in NATO’s missions andoperations. We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and loved ones of thosewho have died or been injured during the course of their duties. Their sacrifices will notbe in vain.6. Euro Atlantic and wider international security is closely tied to Afghanistan’s future as apeaceful, democratic state, respectful of human rights and free from the threat ofterrorism. For that reason, our UN mandated International Security Assistance Force(ISAF) mission, currently comprising 40 nations, is our top priority. Working with theAfghans, we have made significant progress, but we recognise that remainingchallenges demand additional efforts. Neither we nor our Afghan partners will allowextremists and terrorists to regain control of Afghanistan or use it as a base for terrorthat threatens all of our people. With our ISAF partners, and with the engagement ofPresident Karzai, we will issue a statement on Afghanistan. This statement sets out aclear vision guided by four principles: a firm and shared long term commitment;support for enhanced Afghan leadership and responsibility; a comprehensive approachby the international community, bringing together civilian and military efforts; andincreased cooperation and engagement with Afghanistan’s neighbours, especiallyPakistan. We welcome announcements by Allies and partners of new force contributionsand other forms of support as further demonstration of our resolve; and we lookforward to additional contributions. We welcome as well the appointment ofAmbassador Kai Eide, the United Nations’ Secretary General’s Special Representativefor Afghanistan and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan(UNAMA), who will provide added impetus and coherence to the internationalcommunity’s efforts. We welcome the upcoming Paris Conference that will reviewprogress on and strengthen international efforts to further implement the AfghanistanCompact.7. Our commitment to regional security and stability throughout the Balkans remainssteadfast. We praise the prompt, impartial and effective performance by KFOR in theface of violence, and we deplore all attacks against the UN mandated NATO led KFORand other international presences in Kosovo. We reiterate that KFOR will remain inKosovo on the basis of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1244 toensure a safe and secure environment, including freedom of movement, for all peoplein Kosovo unless the Security Council decides otherwise.8. In Kosovo, NATO and KFOR will continue to work with the authorities and, bearing inmind its operational mandate, KFOR will cooperate with and assist the United Nations,the European Union and other international actors, as appropriate, to support thedevelopment of a stable, democratic, multi ethnic and peaceful Kosovo. We support UNaction to ensure respect for the rule of law and call on all parties to take affirmativesteps to prevent and condemn violence in Kosovo. NATO and KFOR welcome therestraint shown thus far by the authorities in Kosovo. We expect continued fullimplementation of their commitments to standards, especially those related to the ruleof law and regarding the protection of ethnic minorities and communities, as well as theprotection of historical and religious sites, and to combating crime and corruption.2
9. NATO stands ready to play its part in the implementation of future securityarrangements. Recalling UNSCR 1244, we note the necessity of maintaininginternational presences throughout Kosovo, whose efforts contribute to freedom ofmovement and the flow of people and goods, including border monitoring. We call on allactors of the region to engage constructively and to avoid any actions or rhetoric thatcould undermine the security situation in Kosovo or in any other part of the region.KFOR will continue close security dialogue with all parties.10. Today’s information environment, in particular with regard to our operations inAfghanistan and Kosovo, underlines the need for appropriate, timely, accurate andresponsive communication with local and international audiences in relation to NATO’spolicies and engagement in international operations. We welcome the progress made inenhancing NATO's strategic communications capability, as demonstrated by the rapidresponse Media Operations Centre. We also welcome the launching at our Summit of anew NATO TV channel on the internet which will include regular news updates and videoreports, in particular from the various regions of Afghanistan. We underscore ourcommitment to support further improvement of our strategic communications by thetime of our 2009 Summit.11. Experiences in Afghanistan and the Balkans demonstrate that the internationalcommunity needs to work more closely together and take a comprehensive approach toaddress successfully the security challenges of today and tomorrow. Effectiveimplementation of a comprehensive approach requires the cooperation and contributionof all major actors, including that of Non Governmental Organisations and relevant localbodies. To this end, it is essential for all major international actors to act in acoordinated way, and to apply a wide spectrum of civil and military instruments in aconcerted effort that takes into account their respective strengths and mandates. Wehave endorsed an Action Plan comprising a set of pragmatic proposals to develop andimplement NATO’s contribution to a comprehensive approach. These proposals aim toimprove the coherent application of NATO’s own crisis management instruments andenhance practical cooperation at all levels with other actors, wherever appropriate,including provisions for support to stabilisation and reconstruction. They relate to areassuch as planning and conduct of operations; training and education; and enhancingcooperation with external actors. We task the Council in Permanent Session toimplement this Action Plan as a matter of priority and to keep it under continual review,taking into account all relevant developments as well as lessons learned.12. We welcome over a decade of cooperation between the United Nations and NATO insupport of the work of the United Nations in maintaining international peace andsecurity. We have developed operational cooperation in peacekeeping through the UNmandated NATO led operations in the Balkans and Afghanistan. These sharedexperiences have demonstrated the value of effective and efficient coordinationbetween the two organisations. Further cooperation will significantly contribute toaddressing the threats and challenges to which the international community is calledupon to respond. NATO reaffirms its faith in the purposes and principles of the Charterof the United Nations including the exercise of the inherent right of individual orcollective self defence recognised by Article 51 of the UN Charter, as stated in theWashington Treaty. The primary responsibility for the maintenance of internationalpeace and security rests with the United Nations Security Council.3
13. NATO is also playing its role in contributing to the implementation by nations of UNSCR1373 and related UNSCRs in the fight against terrorism, and is lending its support tonon proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by playing its role in contributing tothe implementation by nations of UNSCR 1540.14. NATO EU relations cover a wide range of issues of common interest relating to security,defence and crisis management, including the fight against terrorism, the developmentof coherent and mutually reinforcing military capabilities, and civil emergency planning.Our successful cooperation in the Western Balkans, including with EU operation Altheathrough the Berlin Plus arrangements, is contributing to peace and security in theregion. In the light of shared common values and strategic interests, NATO and the EUare working side by side in key crisis management operations and will continue to doso. We recognise the value that a stronger and more capable European defence brings,providing capabilities to address the common challenges both NATO and the EU face.We therefore support mutually reinforcing efforts to this end. Success in these andfuture cooperative endeavours calls for enhanced commitment to ensure effectivemethods of working together. We are therefore determined to improve the NATO EUstrategic partnership as agreed by our two organisations, to achieve closer cooperationand greater efficiency, and to avoid unnecessary duplication in a spirit of transparency,and respecting the autonomy of the two organisations. A stronger EU will furthercontribute to our common security.15. We condemn in the strongest terms all acts of terrorism, whatever their motivation ormanifestation. Our nations remain determined to fight this scourge, individually andcollectively, as long as necessary and in accordance with international law and UNprinciples. Terrorists are using a variety of conventional weapons and tactics, includingasymmetric tactics, and may seek to use Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) tothreaten international peace and security. We attach great importance to the protectionof our populations, territories, infrastructure and forces against the consequences ofterrorist attacks. We will continue to develop and contribute to policies to prevent andcounter proliferation, with a view to preventing terrorist access to, and use of, WMD.We will also continue to support our programme of work to develop advancedcapabilities to help defend against terrorist attacks, including through the continuingdevelopment of new technologies. We remain committed to strengthening the Alliance’sability to share information and intelligence on terrorism, especially in support of NATOoperations. Our Alliance provides an essential transatlantic dimension to the responseagainst terrorism and our nations will continue to contribute to the full implementationof UNSCR 1373 and related UNSCRs, in particular UNSCR 1540, and to the wider effortsof the international community in this regard. Dialogue and cooperation with otherinternational organisations, as appropriate, and with our partners are essential, and wewelcome efforts towards revitalising the implementation of the Partnership Action Planagainst Terrorism. We reiterate our commitment to Operation Active Endeavour, ourmaritime operation in the Mediterranean, which continues to make a significantcontribution to the fight against terrorism.16. We remain deeply concerned by the continued violence and atrocities in Darfur and callon all parties to cease hostilities. NATO remains ready, following consultation with andthe agreement of the United Nations and the African Union (AU), to support theirpeacekeeping efforts in the region. At the request of the African Union, NATO has4
agreed to provide support to the AU Mission in Somalia and we are prepared to considerfurther requests for support to this mission. As an example of our comprehensiveapproach, we welcome the direct cooperation between NATO and the AU, demonstratedthrough our recently concluded support to the AU Mission in Sudan and our ongoingsupport to the African Standby Force. NATO welcomes the European Union’s EUFORChad / Central African Republic operation and the EU’s contribution to stability andsecurity in the region.17. We reiterate the Alliance’s commitment to support the Government and people of Iraqand to assist with the development of Iraqi Security Forces. We have respondedpositively to a request by Prime Minister Al Maliki to extend the NATO Training MissionIraq (NTM I) through 2009. We are also favourably considering the Government ofIraq’s request to enhance the NTM I mission in areas such as Navy and Air Forceleadership training, police training, border security, the fight against terrorism, defencereform, defence institution building, and Small Arms and Light Weapons accountability.NTM I continues to make an important contribution to international efforts to train andequip Iraqi Security Forces and, to date, has trained over 10,000 members of theseforces. Complementing these efforts, NATO has also approved proposals for astructured cooperation framework to develop NATO’s long term relationship with Iraqand continue to develop Iraq’s capabilities to address common challenges and threats.18. NATO’s ongoing enlargement process has been an historic success in advancing stabilityand cooperation and bringing us closer to our common goal of a Europe whole and free,united in peace, democracy and common values. NATO’s door will remain open toEuropean democracies willing and able to assume the responsibilities and obligations ofmembership, in accordance with Article 10 of the Washington Treaty. We reiterate thatdecisions on enlargement are for NATO itself to make.19. Our invitation to Albania and Croatia to begin accession talks to join our Alliance marksthe beginning of a new chapter for the Western Balkans and shows the way forward toa future in which a stable region is fully integrated into Euro Atlantic institutions andable to make a major contribution to international security.20. We recognise the hard work and the commitment demonstrated by the former YugoslavRepublic of Macedonia1to NATO values and Alliance operations. We commend them fortheir efforts to build a multi ethnic society. Within the framework of the UN, manyactors have worked hard to resolve the name issue, but the Alliance has noted withregret that these talks have not produced a successful outcome. Therefore we agreedthat an invitation to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia will be extended assoon as a mutually acceptable solution to the name issue has been reached. Weencourage the negotiations to be resumed without delay and expect them to beconcluded as soon as possible.21. Admitting Albania and Croatia will enhance the Alliance's ability to face the challengesof today and tomorrow. These countries have demonstrated a solid commitment to thebasic principles set out in the Washington Treaty as well as their ability, and readiness,to protect freedom and our shared values by contributing to the Alliance's collectivedefence and full range of missions.5
22. We will begin talks immediately with the aim of signing Accession Protocols by the endof July 2008 and completing the ratification process without delay. During the periodleading up to accession, NATO will involve the invited countries in Alliance activities tothe greatest extent possible, and will continue to provide support and assistance,including through the Membership Action Plan (MAP). We look forward to receiving theinvited countries' timetables for reform, upon which further progress will be expectedbefore, and after, accession in order to enhance their contribution to the Alliance.23. NATO welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro Atlantic aspirations for membership inNATO. We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO. Bothnations have made valuable contributions to Alliance operations. We welcome thedemocratic reforms in Ukraine and Georgia and look forward to free and fairparliamentary elections in Georgia in May. MAP is the next step for Ukraine and Georgiaon their direct way to membership. Today we make clear that we support thesecountries’ applications for MAP. Therefore we will now begin a period of intensiveengagement with both at a high political level to address the questions still outstandingpertaining to their MAP applications. We have asked Foreign Ministers to make a firstassessment of progress at their December 2008 meeting. Foreign Ministers have theauthority to decide on the MAP applications of Ukraine and Georgia.24. We remain committed to the strategically important region of the Balkans, where EuroAtlantic integration, based on democratic values and regional cooperation, remainsnecessary for lasting peace and stability. We welcome progress since the Riga Summitin developing our cooperation with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.We encourage each of these three countries to use to the fullest extent possible theopportunities for dialogue, reform and cooperation offered by the Euro AtlanticPartnership, and we have directed the Council in Permanent Session to keep thedevelopment of relations with each of these Partners under review.25. We welcome Bosnia and Herzegovina's and Montenegro's decisions to develop anIndividual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) with NATO. We look forward to ambitious andsubstantive Action Plans which will further the Euro Atlantic aspirations of thesecountries and we pledge our assistance to their respective reform efforts towards thisgoal. To help foster and guide these efforts, we have decided to invite Bosnia andHerzegovina and Montenegro to begin an Intensified Dialogue on the full range ofpolitical, military, financial, and security issues relating to their aspirations tomembership, without prejudice to any eventual Alliance decision.26. We stand ready to further develop an ambitious and substantive relationship withSerbia, making full use of its Partnership for Peace membership, and with a view tomaking more progress towards Serbia’s integration into the Euro Atlantic community.We reiterate our willingness to deepen our cooperation with Serbia, in particularthrough developing an IPAP, and we will consider an Intensified Dialogue following arequest by Serbia.27. We expect Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina to cooperate fully with the InternationalCriminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and will closely monitor their respectiveefforts in this regard.6
28. We recall that the NATO Russia partnership was conceived as a strategic element infostering security in the Euro Atlantic area, based on core principles, values andcommitments, including democracy, civil liberties and political pluralism. Looking backat a history of more than a decade, we have developed a political dialogue as well asconcrete projects in a broad range of international security issues where we havecommon goals and interests. While we are concerned by recent Russian statements andactions on key security issues of mutual concern, such as the Treaty on ConventionalArmed Forces in Europe (CFE), we stand ready to continue working with Russia as equalpartners in areas of common concern, as envisaged by the Rome Declaration and theFounding Act. We should continue our common efforts in the fight against terrorism andin the area of non proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their means ofdelivery. We urge Russia to engage actively in important cooperative offers that havebeen extended. We believe that United States Russia bilateral discussions on missiledefence and CFE, among other issues, can make an important contribution in this field.We believe the potential of the NATO Russia Council is not fully realised and we remainready to identify and pursue opportunities for joint actions at 27, while recalling theprinciple of independence of decision making and actions by NATO or Russia. Wereaffirm to Russia that NATO’s Open Door policy and current, as well as any future,NATO Missile Defence efforts are intended to better address the security challenges weall face, and reiterate that, far from posing a threat to our relationship, they offeropportunities to deepen levels of cooperation and stability.29. We note Russia’s ratification of the Partnership for Peace Status of Forces Agreement,and hope that it will facilitate further practical cooperation. We appreciate Russia'sreadiness to support NATO's ISAF mission in Afghanistan by facilitating transit throughRussian territory. We would welcome deepened NATO Russia cooperation in support of,and agreed by, the Government of Afghanistan, and look forward to building on thesolid work already achieved in training Afghan and Central Asian counter narcoticsofficers. Our continued cooperation under our Cooperative Airspace Initiative andRussia’s support to Operation Active Endeavour in the Mediterranean contribute to ourcommon fight against terrorism. We also welcome our cooperation on militaryinteroperability, theatre missile defence, search and rescue at sea, and civil emergencyplanning.30. We reaffirm that NATO’s policy of outreach through partnerships, dialogue, andcooperation is an essential part of the Alliance’s purpose and tasks. The Alliance’spartnerships across the globe have an enduring value, contributing to stability andsecurity in the Euro Atlantic area and beyond. With this in mind, we welcome progressmade since our last Summit in Riga in strengthening NATO’s policy of partnerships andcooperation, and reaffirm our commitment to undertake further efforts in this regard.31. We value highly the contributions that our partners are making to NATO’s missions andoperations. Seventeen nations outside the Alliance are contributing forces to ouroperations and missions and many others provide different forms of support. We willcontinue to strive to promote greater interoperability between our forces and those ofpartner nations; to further enhance information sharing and consultations with nationscontributing to NATO led operations; and to offer partner countries NATO’s advice on,and assistance with, the defence and security related aspects of reform.7
32. We welcome our Euro Atlantic Partners at the Bucharest Summit and reiterate theenduring value of the Euro Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) and the Partnership forPeace (PfP) programme. We remain committed to substantive political discussions andeffective cooperation within these frameworks. We welcome Malta’s return to the PfPand look forward to its active engagement in the EAPC. We welcome the strengtheningof political dialogue through the EAPC Security Forum. We will give priority to severalnew practical initiatives, which include building integrity in defence institutions and theimportant role of women in conflict resolution as outlined in UNSCR 1325. We value theEuro Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre’s successes over the past tenyears in coordinating NATO and partner countries’ contributions to disaster relief. Wewill continue to make full use of the NATO/PfP Trust Funds and of their opening to otherpartner countries. We welcome and will continue to support the engagement of allinterested Partners across the Euro Atlantic area in programmes to support defence andbroader reforms, including the Individual Partnership Action Plan. Recalling our IstanbulSummit decision, we are committed to engage our Partners in the strategicallyimportant regions of the Caucasus and Central Asia, including by strengthening liaisonarrangements in these regions, and will continue dialogue with our Central AsianPartners on Afghanistan. We appreciate the significant contributions provided by ourEAPC Partners to Alliance operations and look forward to working with them to addressthe security challenges of the 21st century.33. We are pleased to note the significant progress achieved in the framework of ourMediterranean Dialogue since the Istanbul and Riga Summits. Political consultationswith our Mediterranean Dialogue partners have gained both in frequency andsubstance, and the meeting held between our Foreign Ministers and their sevenMediterranean Dialogue partners last December contributed to a further deepening ofour partnership. We therefore plan to pursue this momentum through deepening ourliaison arrangements, on a voluntary basis, with the region. Our practical cooperationhas grown in several areas, and new opportunities have been created especially intraining and education. We welcome the progress made in the implementation activitiesof the NATO Training Cooperation Initiative, in the spirit of joint ownership and in theview of launching the NATO Regional Cooperation Course at the NATO Defense College,where two pilot courses were successfully conducted. We encourage our MediterraneanDialogue partners to work with us to develop this Initiative further. The conclusion ofIndividual Cooperation Programmes (ICP) with Egypt and Israel will help in establishinglong term, structured and effective cooperation with those countries. We encourage ourother Mediterranean Dialogue partners to develop their own ICP in the near future. Wewelcome the implementation of the first ever Mediterranean Dialogue Trust Fundproject to assist Jordan with the disposal of unexploded ordnance and ammunitions,and the launching of the feasibility study for the Trust Fund project to assist Mauritaniawith the disposal of ammunitions. We thank our Mediterranean Dialogue partners fortheir various contributions to our operations and missions.34. We welcome the response of four countries in the Gulf region to our offer of cooperationin the framework of the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative (ICI) and encourage othercountries of the region to take up that offer. To that end, we plan to develop our liaisonarrangements, on a voluntary basis, with this region. We are pleased to see theirincreased interest and participation in NATO training and education activities, and stand8
ready to enhance our cooperation in this and other fields. We welcome the progressmade in the implementation activities of the NATO Training Cooperation Initiative, inthe spirit of joint ownership and in the view of launching the NATO RegionalCooperation Course at the NATO Defense College, where two pilot courses weresuccessfully conducted. We encourage our ICI partners to work with us to develop thisInitiative further. We encourage our ICI partners to develop an ICP with a view tobetter structuring our cooperation. We very much appreciate the support provided byour ICI partners to Alliance operations and missions.35. The Alliance places a high value on its expanding and varied relationships with otherpartners across the globe. Our objectives in these relationships include support foroperations, security cooperation, and enhanced common understanding to advanceshared security interests and democratic values. We have made substantial progress inbuilding political dialogue and developing individual Tailored Cooperation Packages witha number of these countries. We particularly welcome the significant contribution byAustralia, Japan, New Zealand and Singapore to NATO led efforts in Afghanistan. Wealso welcome the valuable contributions by the Republic of Korea to efforts whichsupport the NATO led mission in Afghanistan. Recognising that each of these countrieswishes to pursue a unique degree of relations with NATO, and that other countries maywish to pursue dialogue and cooperation with NATO as well, we reiterate our willingnessto further develop existing, and openness to new, individual relationships, subject tothe approval of the North Atlantic Council, and at a pace that respects mutual interestsin so doing.36. We reaffirm the continued importance of the Black Sea region for Euro Atlantic security.In this regard, we welcome the progress in consolidation of regional ownership, througheffective use of existing initiatives and mechanisms. The Alliance will continue tosupport, as appropriate, these efforts guided by regional priorities and based ontransparency, complementarity and inclusiveness, in order to develop dialogue andcooperation among the Black Sea states and with the Alliance.37. Ballistic missile proliferation poses an increasing threat to Allies’ forces, territory andpopulations. Missile defence forms part of a broader response to counter this threat. Wetherefore recognise the substantial contribution to the protection of Allies from longrange ballistic missiles to be provided by the planned deployment of European basedUnited States missile defence assets. We are exploring ways to link this capability withcurrent NATO missile defence efforts as a way to ensure that it would be an integralpart of any future NATO wide missile defence architecture. Bearing in mind the principleof the indivisibility of Allied security as well as NATO solidarity, we task the Council inPermanent Session to develop options for a comprehensive missile defence architectureto extend coverage to all Allied territory and populations not otherwise covered by theUnited States system for review at our 2009 Summit, to inform any future politicaldecision.38. We also commend the work already underway to strengthen NATO Russia missiledefence cooperation. We are committed to maximum transparency and reciprocalconfidence building measures to allay any concerns. We encourage the RussianFederation to take advantage of United States missile defence cooperation proposals9
and we are ready to explore the potential for linking United States, NATO and Russianmissile defence systems at an appropriate time.39. We reaffirm that arms control, disarmament and non proliferation will continue to makean important contribution to peace, security, and stability and, in this regard, topreventing the spread and use of Weapons of Mass Destruction and their means ofdelivery. We took note of the report prepared for us on raising NATO’s profile in thisfield. As part of a broader response to security issues, NATO should continuecontributing to international efforts in the area of arms control, disarmament and nonproliferation, and we task the Council in Permanent Session to keep these issues underactive review.40. The Alliance has reduced both its conventional forces significantly from Cold War levelsand has reduced nuclear weapons assigned to NATO by over 90%. Allies have alsoreduced their nuclear arsenals. France has reduced the types of its nuclear systems totwo, the number of its nuclear delivery vehicles by over half, and has announced it willreduce the number of its nuclear warheads to fewer than 300, with no other weaponsbeside those in its operational stockpile. The United Kingdom has reduced to onenuclear system, and has reduced the explosive power of its nuclear stockpile by 75%,and its number of operationally available nuclear warheads to fewer than 160. TheUnited States has reduced its nuclear weapon stockpile to less than 25% of its size atthe height of the Cold War, and decreased tactical nuclear weapons assigned to NATOby nearly 90%.41. We remain deeply concerned about the proliferation risks of the Iranian nuclear andballistic missile programmes. We call on Iran to fully comply with UNSCRs 1696, 1737,1747 and 1803. We are also deeply concerned by the proliferation activities of theDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea and call on it to fully comply with UNSCR 1718.Allies reaffirm their support for existing multi lateral non proliferation agreements, suchas the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty, and call for universal compliance with theNuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and universal adherence to the Additional Protocol tothe International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Safeguard Agreement and fullcompliance with UNSCR 1540. Allies agree to redouble their efforts to fully implementthe non proliferation agreements and relevant UNSCRs to which Allies reaffirm theirsupport and by which they are bound.42. We fully endorse the statement of the North Atlantic Council of 28 March 2008 andreaffirm the Alliance’s commitment to the CFE Treaty Regime, as expressed in theAlliance’s position contained in paragraph 42 of the 2006 Riga Summit Declaration, thefinal statement by Allies at the CFE Extraordinary Conference in Vienna and Alliancestatements reflecting subsequent developments. We place the highest value on the CFETreaty regime with all its elements and underscore the strategic importance of the CFETreaty, including its flank regime, as a cornerstone of Euro Atlantic Security. We aredeeply concerned that the Russian Federation has continued its unilateral “suspension”of its legal obligations under the CFE Treaty. This action does not contribute to ourcommon objective of preserving the long-term viability of the CFE regime and we urgethe Russian Federation to resume its implementation. The current situation, whereNATO CFE Allies implement the Treaty while Russia does not, cannot last indefinitely.We have offered a set of constructive and forward looking proposals for parallel actions10
on key issues, including steps by NATO Allies on ratification of the Adapted CFE Treatyand by the Russian Federation on outstanding commitments related to Georgia and theRepublic of Moldova. We believe these proposals address all of Russia’s statedconcerns. We encourage Russian authorities to work cooperatively with us and otherconcerned CFE States Parties to reach agreement on the basis of the parallel actionspackage so that together we can preserve the benefits of this landmark regime.43. We are concerned with the persistence of regional conflicts in the South Caucasus andthe Republic of Moldova. Our nations support the territorial integrity, independence andsovereignty of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova. We willcontinue to support efforts towards a peaceful settlement of these regional conflicts,taking into account these principles.44. We have already done much to transform our forces and capabilities in line with ourpolitical objectives, in particular the priorities laid out in the Comprehensive PoliticalGuidance, and our operational experience. We will continue this process to ensure theAlliance remains able to meet its operational commitments and perform the full rangeof its missions. Our operations highlight the need to develop and field modern,interoperable, flexible and sustainable forces. These forces must be able to conduct,upon decision by the Council, collective defence and crisis response operations on andbeyond Alliance territory, on its periphery, and at strategic distance, with little or nohost nation support. We will also ensure that we have the right kind of capabilities tomeet the evolving security challenges of the 21st century, and to do so, we willtransform, adapt and reform as necessary.45. Transformation is a continual process and demands constant and active attention. Wetherefore support our Defence Ministers’ efforts as they oversee the management of thedefence aspects of transformation to ensure NATO remains effective and efficient,especially by pursuing ongoing efforts in the following areas:oWe must ensure that we provide the forces required for our operations and othercommitments. To that end we will continue efforts to be able to deploy andsustain more forces. We are committed to support the NATO Response Force byproviding the necessary forces, and to improving the availability of operationaland strategic reserve forces for our operations. We will seek greater domesticsupport for our operations, including through improved public diplomacy efforts.We will further develop the capabilities required to conduct the full range of ourmissions and to remedy specific shortfalls. We will work particularly at improvingstrategic lift and intra-theatre airlift, especially mission-capable helicopters andwelcome national initiatives in support of this work, as well as addressingmultinational logistics. We will further strengthen information superiority throughnetworked capabilities, including an integrated air command and control system;increased maritime situational awareness; and timely delivery of the AllianceGround Surveillance capability. We will continue to enhance the capability andinteroperability of our special operations forces. Supported by the defenceplanning processes, we will enhance our efforts to develop and field the rightcapabilities and forces, with the greatest practicable interoperability and11
standardisation. This will be furthered by improving trans-Atlantic defenceindustrial cooperation.oWe are committed to develop policies and capabilities to deal with emergingchallenges and threats. This includes the development of a comprehensive policyfor preventing the proliferation of WMD and defending against chemical,biological, radiological, and nuclear threats.We are pursuing the adaptation and reform of the Alliance’s structures andprocesses. In this context we are reviewing the peacetime establishment of theNATO Command Structure to make it leaner, more effective and efficient, andreforming defence planning processes in order to promote timely delivery of thecapabilities sought by the Comprehensive Political Guidance.
46. Transformation is not possible without sufficient, properly prioritised resources. We arecommitted to continuing to provide, individually and collectively, the resourcesnecessary for our Alliance to perform the tasks we demand from it. Therefore weencourage nations whose defence spending is declining to halt that decline and to aimto increase defence spending in real terms.47. NATO remains committed to strengthening key Alliance information systems againstcyber attacks. We have recently adopted a Policy on Cyber Defence, and are developingthe structures and authorities to carry it out. Our Policy on Cyber Defence emphasisesthe need for NATO and nations to protect key information systems in accordance withtheir respective responsibilities; share best practices; and provide a capability to assistAllied nations, upon request, to counter a cyber attack. We look forward to continuingthe development of NATO’s cyber defence capabilities and strengthening the linkagesbetween NATO and national authorities.48. We have noted a report “NATO’s Role in Energy Security”, prepared in response to thetasking of the Riga Summit. Allies have identified principles which will govern NATO’sapproach in this field, and outlined options and recommendations for further activities.Based on these principles, NATO will engage in the following fields: information andintelligence fusion and sharing; projecting stability; advancing international andregional cooperation; supporting consequence management; and supporting theprotection of critical energy infrastructure. The Alliance will continue to consult on themost immediate risks in the field of energy security. We will ensure that NATO’sendeavours add value and are fully coordinated and embedded within those of theinternational community, which features a number of organisations that are specialisedin energy security. We have tasked the Council in Permanent Session to prepare aconsolidated report on the progress achieved in the area of energy security for ourconsideration at the 2009 Summit.49. Demands on our Alliance have grown in complexity in the last twenty years, as thesecurity environment has changed and both the scope of our missions and operationsand our membership have expanded. This requires continual adaptation and reform ofNATO Headquarters’ structures and processes. We note the progress that has beenmade in this field, as part of NATO’s overall transformation; but more remains to bedone, including to get full benefit from our move to a new Headquarters building. In12
evaluating where we need to change, we need to make fuller use of lessons drawn fromour experience in delivering our core functions, including meeting operational, capabilitydevelopment, partnership and strategic communications requirements. Building on ourDefence Ministers’ work to take forward the defence aspects of transformation, Allieswill also need to consider how to achieve the fastest and most coherent flow of soundpolitical, military and resource advice to support our consensual decision making, andto enhance our responsiveness to time sensitive operational needs, including those ofNATO Commanders. We have requested the Secretary General to chart a path forward,in time for the 2009 Summit, on how to meet these objectives.50. We express our sincere appreciation for the gracious hospitality extended to us by theGovernment of Romania. The city of Bucharest has been the venue of NATO’s largestever Summit meeting, highlighting the Alliance’s determination to work closely with theInternational Community as well as its own unique contribution to promoting securityand stability in a fast changing strategic environment. At our meeting we have takendecisions and given further direction for NATO’s own ongoing adaptation to thatenvironment, through its missions and operations, the modernisation of its structuresand capabilities, closer engagement of other nations and organisations, as well as itscontinuing openness to the inclusion of additional member states. We havestrengthened our dialogue and cooperation with countries and organisations vital to oursecurity. We will meet again next year in Strasbourg and Kehl to celebrate NATO’s 60thanniversary, take stock of its adaptation, and give further direction for themodernisation of our Alliance to meet the security challenges of the 21st century.
1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.