Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2007-08 (2. samling)
Bilag 14

Joint StatementMeeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission at the level of Heads of State andGovernmentPress Release (2008)051, 4 Apr. 20081. We, the Heads of State and Government of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization andPresident Yushchenko of Ukraine, met today in Bucharest to discuss the status andprospects of NATO-Ukraine relations and cooperation, including Ukraine’s Euro-Atlanticaspirations as reflected in its request for a Membership Action Plan (MAP). Wereaffirmed the importance of the NATO-Ukraine relationship.2. Allies recalled their declaration of yesterday, in which they welcomed Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. They agreed that Ukraine will become amember of NATO. MAP is the next step for Ukraine on its direct way tomembership. Allies made clear that they support Ukraine’s application forMAP. Therefore they will now begin a period of intensive engagement with Ukraine at ahigh political level to address the questions still outstanding pertaining to its MAPapplication. Allies have asked NATO Foreign Ministers to make a first assessment ofprogress at their December 2008 meeting. Allied Foreign Ministers have the authorityto decide on the MAP application of Ukraine.3. Reiterating our commitment for the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership thatcelebrated its tenth anniversary last year, we agreed to further enhance the politicaldialogue and practical cooperation between Ukraine and the Alliance, which will helpadvance Ukraine’s democratic transformation, reform goals and fulfilment of itsinternational obligations. We recalled our conviction that Ukraine’s sovereignty,independence and territorial integrity are key factors for ensuring stability inEurope. We also agreed that NUC Ambassadors would meet more regularly in order todeepen the political dialogue and to enhance the NATO-Ukraine Distinctive Partnership.4. We reviewed the challenges faced and welcomed the progress achieved in theimplementation of the NATO-Ukraine Action Plan and the Intensified Dialogue1. Notingthe progress achieved by Ukraine in relevant reforms, we underscored the importanceof Ukraine’s commitment to continue to implement political, economic, defence andsecurity sector reform. We look forward to the implementation of the actions containedin the Annual Target Plan 2008. Allies remain determined to assist those effortsthrough consultations and practical cooperation.5. We highly value the substantial contribution of this Partnership to peace and stability inthe Euro-Atlantic area and beyond. Ukraine is the only Partner that actively supportsall NATO-led operations and missions. We value our joint efforts to promote regionalcooperation including Ukraine’s continued contributions to security in its region. AlliedHeads of State and Government welcomed Ukraine’s participation as a non-NATOContributing Nation to ISAF in Afghanistan, and its readiness to continue itsparticipation in KFOR in Kosovo and NATO Training Mission-Iraq. Allied Heads of Stateand Government also welcomed Ukraine’s readiness to work out arrangements for thetransit through Ukraine of equipment and supplies for ISAF. We noted with satisfaction1
our ongoing naval cooperation in the framework of the Alliance’s Operation ActiveEndeavour in the Mediterranean Sea. Allied Heads of State and Government expressedtheir appreciation for Ukraine’s willingness to contribute to the NATO ResponseForce. Through such contributions, Ukraine is demonstrating its commitment to helpshoulder our shared security responsibilities.6. Allied Heads of State and Government welcomed Ukraine’s progress in reform of thedefence and security sectors and reiterated their continued support for theseefforts. They encouraged Ukraine to promote further reforms by implementing relevantpolicies and providing adequate resources. They commended Ukraine on the adoptionof its National Security Strategy and encouraged Ukraine to continue to implement theNational Security Sector Review to align Ukraine’s complete security sector more closelywith Euro-Atlantic norms and standards. Allied Heads of State and Governmentencouraged Ukraine to make use of the full potential of NATO-Ukraine partnershipinstruments including the NATO-Ukraine Joint Working Group on Defence Reform.7. We took note of the wide spectrum of NATO-Ukraine joint activities, including Ukraine’sparticipation in activities of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme. Allieswelcomed Ukraine’s commitment to implement the PfP Trust Fund on the destruction ofsurplus stock of munitions and small arms and light weapons, NATO-supportedretraining programmes for released military personnel, and the programme forprofessional development of civilian personnel employed in security institutions. Welook forward to the implementation of the Air Situation Data Exchange Programmebetween Ukraine and NATO as a positive sign of enhanced cooperation, improvedtransparency and support in the fight against terrorism.8. Finally, Allies welcomed Ukraine’s increasing efforts to inform its people about NATO-Ukraine cooperation and the Alliance. Underlining the necessity for Ukraine to dedicateadequate resources to this endeavour, Allies reaffirmed their support for Ukraine’spublic information efforts throughout the country.
1. The “Intensified Dialogue on Ukraine’s aspirations to membership and relevant reforms,without prejudice to any eventual Allied decision” was launched in April 2005.