Udenrigsudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
URU Alm.del
UdenrigsministerietDen 24. oktober 2008Spørgsmål fraUdenrigsudvalget tiludviklingsministerenaf 1. oktober 2008.URU alm. del -spørgsmål 232
Spørgsmål 232”Af rapporten ”Danmarks multilaterale udviklingssamarbejde frem mod 2015”fremgår det, at der i 2006 blev udbetalt multilateral bistand til 133 organisationer. PåUdenrigsministeriets hjemmeside nævnes alene de 39 største organisationer. Denresterende del af bistanden er samlet under overskriften ”øvrige multilaterale bidrag”.Vil ministeren i forlængelse heraf fremsende en komplet liste over de organisationer,der i 2006 modtog multilateral bistand fra Danmark?”Svar:De 133 organisationer, der modtog multilateral udviklingsbistand fra Danmark i 2006,er angivet i oversigten. Oversigten er sammensat med de største modtagere øverst.Antal Modtagere af dansk multilateral udviklingsbistand i 2006


1234567891011121314151617181920212223EU Kommissionen (fællesskabsfinansieret bistand)UNDP - United Nations Development ProgrammeEDF - European Development FundIDA - International Development AssociationUNICEF - The United Nations Children's FundWFP - World Food ProgrammeUNFPA - United Nations Fund for Population ActivitiesUNDPKO - United Nations Department for Peace Keeping OperationsGFATM - Globale fond til bekæmpelse af aids, tuberkulose og malariaUNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for RefugeesWorld Bank - IBRD - International Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentAFDF - African Development FundGEF - Global Environmental FacilityAFDB - African Development BankUNRWA - United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine RefugeesNDF - Nordic Development FundUNOPS - United Nations Office for Project ServicesIPPF - International Planned Parenthood FederationUNAIDS - United Nations Samfinansierede AIDS-ProgramASDF - Asian Development FundWHO - World Health OrganisationUNEP - United Nations Environment ProgrammeIFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development
OHCHR - UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human RightsILO - International Labour OrganisationUNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganisationIUCN - International Union for the Conservation of NatureASDB - Asian Development BankIWGIA - International Work Group for Indigenous AffairsITC - International Trade CenterICRC - International Committee of Red CrossOCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian AffairsIRCT - Det Internationale Rehabiliteringsråd for TorturofreInternational AIDS Vaccine InitiativeIPM - International Partnership for MicrobicidesUNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and CrimeUNIFEM - United Nations Development Fund for WomenDen Mellemstatslige Tørkekomité i SahelIMS - International Media SupportWTO - World Trade OrganisationPopulation CouncilIDB - Inter-American Development BankWLSA - Women and Law in Southern AfricaUNIDO - United Nations Industrial Development OrganisationUN - United Nations GeneralIFC - International Finance CooperationUN Department for Political AffairsIIC - Inter-American Investment CorporationIIED - International Institute for Environment and DevelopmentIFPRI - International Food Policy Research Institute2INTOSAI - International Organisation of Supreme Audit InstitutionsAITIC - Agency for International Trade Information and Co-operationGlobal Water Partnership
54 IWMI - International Water Management Institute255 ICRAF - International Centre for Research in Agroforestry256 IITA - International Institute of Tropical Agriculture257 IDEA - International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance58 NAI - Nordiske Afrika Institut259 AMREF - African Medical and Research Foundation60 AERC - African Economic Research Consortium261 AIDS Accountability International62 ILRI - International Livestock Research Institute263 CIMMYT - International Maiza and Wheat Improvement Center264 IRRI - International Rice Research Institute2656667686970EU-Kommissionen3IISD - International Institute for Sustainable DevelopmentICTSD - International Centre for Trade and Sustainable DevelopmentPANOS - Panos InstituteCARE DanmarkFamily Care International
71 ICARDA - International Centre for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas2
UNFCCC - United Nations Climate Change Convention SecretariatInternational HIV/AIDS AllianceUNFVT - United Nations Fund for Victims of TortureCentre for Humanitarian DialogueIPGRI - International Plant Genetic Resources Institute2Interpeace - International Peacebuilding AllianceGlobal Biodiversity Information FacilityIFRC - International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent SocietiesTI - Transparency InternationalWorld Institute for Development Economics Research - United Nations University2FN-forbundetInternational Peace AcademyAPT - Association for The Prevention of TortureEuropean Malaria Vaccine Initiative2FREEMUSEICASO - International Council of Aids Service OrganizationsIMF - International Monetary FundInternational AlertInternational Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDSInternational Crisis GroupInternational Service for Human RightsIWHC - International Women's Health CoalitionParliamentarians for Global ActionIPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate ChangeIIEP - International Institute for Educational Planning2IDEAS - International Trade, Development, Economic Governance, Advisory, ServicesInternational Dalit Solidarity NetworkInuit Circumpolar Conference
76 CIP - Centro International de la Papa2
97 CODESRIA - Cncl.for the Develpmnt. of Econ. and Social Res. in Afr.2
102 92-GRUPPEN2103 FAO - Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations104 World Federalist Movement105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120Tufts University2CPPF - Conflict Prevention and Peace ForumHumanitarian Accountability ProjectUNCDF - United Nations Capital Development FundRiso National LaboratoryInternational Council of Voluntary AgenciesMinority Rights GroupOverseas Development InstituteHMN - Health Metrics NetworkKing's College2Grønlands HjemmestyreECOWAS - Economic Community of West African StatesDMU - Danmarks MiljøundersøgelserUNCCD - United Nations Convention to Combat DesertificationDevelopment InitiativesInternational Training Centre of Indigenous Peoples
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian DeminingUNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and ResearchIndigenous Peoples' SecretariatUNMAS - United Nations Mine Action ServiceITTO - International Tropical Timber OrganisationInternational Campaign to Ban LandminesOttawa Convention Sponsorship Programme
128 Københavns Universitet2129 DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier2130 Rehabilitation International131 Geneva Call132 New York University2133 Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe
For en række af organisationerne er det kun dele af bidraget, der kan medregnes som multilateraludviklingsbistand i henhold til OECD/DAC.12
Relateret til forskning og/eller studierUdsendelse af danske JPO's til EU-kommissionen