Den  19. juni 2008                                                                                                    

                                                                                       Udenrigsudvalgets spørgsmål

146 af 27. maj 2008 til skriftlig besvarelse (Alm. del) 


Spørgsmål 146 fra udenrigsudvalget til udenrigsministeren:


”Vil udenrigsministeren hos Kinas myndigheder indhente oplysninger om

navnene på de personer, institutioner, lejre, byer, områder og lignende i

landet, som internationale journalister ikke har tilladelse til at besøge i

forbindelse med OL i Beijing til sommer?”



De kinesiske myndigheder har på forespørgsel oplyst følgende:


”Ifølge kinesisk lovgivning skal den kinesiske regering beskytte udenlandske journalisters rettigheder og interesser og sørge for mulighed for at gennemføre normale journalistiske aktiviteter. Samtidig skal udenlandske journalister følge Kinas love og regler.


Den kinesiske regering udstedte den 1. januar 2007: Regulations on Reporting Activities in China by Foreign Journalists During the Beijing Olympic Games and the Preparatory Period. Den nye forordning har bÃ¥de medført hurtigere udstedelse af visum til journalister og nemmere adgang for udenlandske journalister. Ifølge forordningen skal udenlandske journalister udelukkende have forudgÃ¥ende samtykke fra de personer eller organisationer, de ønsker at interviewe.


Den tibetanske autonome region har på grund af sikkerhedshensyn været midlertidigt lukket for udenlandske besøg siden urolighederne i marts. Det kinesiske udenrigsministeriums talsperson har udtalt, at adgang for udenlandske besøgende til Tibet bliver genetableret så hurtigt, som situationen tillader det.”  


Den nye forordning gengives nedenfor:

“Regulations on Reporting Activities in China by Foreign Journalists during the Beijing Olympic Games and the Preparatory Period


Article 1: These Regulations are formulated to facilitate reporting activities carried out in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China by foreign journalists in China to advance and promote the Olympic Spirit during the Beijing Olympic Games and the preparatory period.

Article 2: These Regulations apply to reporting activities carried out by foreign journalists covering the Beijing Olympic Games and related matters in China during the Beijing Olympic Games and the preparatory period.

The Beijing Olympic Games mentioned in the Regulations refer to the 29th Olympic Games and the 13th Paralympic Games.

Article 3: Foreign journalists who intend to come to China for reporting should apply for visas at Chinese embassies, consulates or other visa-issuing institutions authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

Foreign journalists who hold valid Olympic Identity and Accreditation Cards and Paralympic Identity and Accreditation Cards are entitled to multiple entries into the territory of the People's Republic of China with visa exemption by presenting Olympic Identity and Accreditation Cards, together with valid passports or other travel documents.

Article 4: Foreign journalists may bring a reasonable quantity of reporting equipments into China duty free for their own use. The aforementioned equipments should be shipped out of China's territory at the end of their reporting activities.

To bring into China reporting equipment duty free for their own use, foreign journalists should apply for the Equipment Confirmation Letter at Chinese embassies or consulates and present the Equipment Confirmation Letter together with a J-2 visa when going through customs inspection. Foreign journalists who hold Olympic Identity and Accreditation Cards and Paralympic Identity and Accreditation Cards may present the Equipment Confirmation Letter issued by the Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games when going through customs inspection.

Article 5: For reporting needs, foreign journalists may, on a temporary basis, bring in, install and use radio communication equipment after completing the required application and approval procedures.

Article 6: To interview organizations or individuals in China, foreign journalists need only to obtain their prior consent.

Article 7: Foreign journalists may, through organizations providing services to foreign nationals, hire Chinese citizens to assist them in their reporting activities.

Article 8: The media guide for foreign journalists of the Beijing Olympic Games shall be formulated by the Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games in accordance with these Regulations.

Article 9: These Regulations shall come into force as of 1 January 2007 and expire on 17 October 2008.

(The Regulations Concerning Foreign Journalists and Permanent Offices of Foreign Media organizations issued in 1990 remain valid after the implementation of the Regulations on Reporting Activities in China by Foreign Journalists during the Beijing Olympic Games and the Preparatory Period. In case of any discrepancies between the two, the Regulations on Reporting Activities in China by Foreign Journalists during the Beijing Olympic Games and the Preparatory Period shall prevail. With respect to matters not covered in the Regulations on Reporting Activities in China by Foreign Journalists during the Beijing Olympic Games and the Preparatory Period, the Regulations Concerning Foreign Journalists and Permanent Offices of Foreign Media organizations shall apply.)”