V  i  t  a  e




Name: 정 진 성 (鄭 鎭 星: Chung, Chin-Sung)

Date of Birth: July 28, 1953

Address: (office) Department of Sociology, Seoul National University,

              Kwanakku Shillimdong, Seoul, Korea

        (home) Dongbu Centreville 105-2802 Daichidong Kangnamgu Seoul, Korea

         Tel: 02-880-6415 (office)  02-569-6415 (home)

         Fax: 02-873-3799 (office) 

         E-mail: [email protected]/ [email protected]




1978.10-1984.8  The University of Chicago, USA (Ph.D. in Sociology)

1976.3-1978.8  Graduate School of Sociology, Seoul National University (MA)

1972.3-1976.2  Department of Sociology, Seoul National University (BA)




1996.9-        Professor, Department of Sociology,  Seoul National University

2003.5-8       Visiting Professor, Institute of Social Sciences, Tokyo University, Tokyo

2002.9-        Visiting Scholar, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University

1996.1-1996.2  Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Bristol, England 

1989.1-1990.12 Visiting Scholar, Institute of Social Sciences, Tokyo University, Tokyo

1985.3-1996.8  Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Duksung Women's University, Seoul





2005.9-       Member, University Senate

2004.4-       Director, Institute for Social Development and Policy Research

2003.12-2004.2 Director, The Institute of Gender Research

             Chair, Graduate Program of Gender Studies

2001.10-2002.8 Director, The Institute for Social Development and Policy Research

2000.8- 2002.8 Chair, Department of Sociology, Seoul National University

2000.3-       Member of Committee for Joint-Degree Project, Seoul National University  

1999.3-2002.8  Director, Graduate Program of Gender Studies, Seoul National University

1999.3-2001.3  Member of Committee for Development, College of Social Sciences

1997.8-1999.7 Director of Graduate Program, Department of Sociology, Seoul National                      University


United Nations:

2004-2008  Member of Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of                   Human Rights (Vice President in 2006/ Special Rapporteur on the topic of Discrimination based on Work and Descent during 2005-2007/ Authors of several working papers)


2000-2004 Alternate Member of Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of                   Human Rights



2004.1-        Member of Advisory Committee for the Ministry of Reunification

              Member of Truth Commission on Forced Mobilization under the Japanese Imperialism, Republic of Korea

2001.11-    Member of Advisory Committee for Exhibition at Seoul Women's Plaza,                       Ministry of Gender Equality

2001.5-      Member of Advisory Committee for Policies for Women,  Ministry of Gender                 Equality

1999.7-2001.8 Member of Advisory Committee for Communication and Cooperation between                 South and North, Ministry of Unification

1999.7-2000.12 Member of Advisory Committee for Nokeunri Incident,

              Office of Policy Coordination, Prime Minister's Office

1999.7-2002.8  Member of a Committee for Alleviation of Control, Ministry of Education

1994.8-2001.8 Member of Inquiry Committee for Supporting Former Comfort Women,                       Ministry of Public Health and Welfare



2005.10-      President, Korea Center for United Nations Human Rights Policy 

2001.3-2002.6 Co-representative, The Korean Council for the Women Drafted for Military                    Sexual Slavery by Japan

1999.1-      Member of a Board of Trustee, Korean Institute for Women's Social Education

1995.7-2000.12 Member of an Advisory Committee for Policies, YWCA



Publication (Book):


2001.    <Social Movements in Modern Japan> Nanam

2004.    <Military Sexual Slavery by Japan> Seoul National University Press



Best Book in 2002 by The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea

<Social Movements in Modern Japan>

Best Book in 2006 by The National Academy of Sciences, Republic of Korea

<Military Sexual Slavery by Japan>