Ms. Durga Sob is a lifelong advocate for the rights of Dalit and women, she is a founding member of the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO), serving as the President of this organization present, having the responsibility for coordinating FEDO’s programming, activities and policies as well as for organizing and attending various high level meetings, seminars, workshops, Conference.

 Durga Sob is also Founder Member and the past president of the Dalit NGO Federation (DNF), and from 1998 to May 2002, held the post of member secretary of the National Dalit Commission 2002 to 2004. Currently, She serves on the Board of Directors of the International Movement Against all Forms of Discrimination and Racism- Japan (IMADR), is a member of the National Development Council (government body), and formerly acted as an executive member of the NGO Federation of Nepal.


Brief Bio:

As a lifelong advocate for the rights of Dalit and women, I am a founding member of the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO). Serving as the President of this organization the present has meant that I have had main responsibilities for coordinating FEDO’s programming, activities and policies as well as for organizing and attending various high level meetings, seminars, workshops and trainings. I am also the past president of the Dalit NGO Federation (DNF), and from 1998 to May 2002, held the post of member secretary of the National Dalit Commission. Currently, I serve on the Board of Directors of the International Movement Against all Forms of Discrimination and Racism- Japan  (IMADR), am a member of the National Development Council (government body), and formerly acted as an executive member of the NGO Federation of Nepal. On a regular basis, my papers and articles have been printed in local, national and international publications.


I have had the opportunity to attend workshops and present papers in preparation for both the Fourth World Conference of Women and participate in the NGO forums at the Fourth World Conference of Women in Beijing, as well as the Beyond Beijing +5 and Beijing +10 Conferences, and the WCAR Meeting in Durban.


As part of the National Election Observation Committee I continue to seek respect for Dalit and women’s rights—and their full participation—in the context of post-conflict peace-building in Nepal. This advocacy is also carried out through my work as a core member and coordinator in the Women’s Alliance for Peace, Power, Democracy and Constitutional Assembly, and Nepal Women's peace building network program. This wide range of experience has also meant that I have been involved in numerous creative and innovative approaches to secure sustained funding for initiatives that focus on social inclusion, participation and human rights of women who have been systematically excluded both traditionally, as well as in the new post conflict reality of Nepal.














Ms. Durga Sob

P.O.Box 4366, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tel: 977-1- 5520982, 5543986

Mobile: 977-1-9851083231

Fax: 977-1-5520982

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Involvement and Experiences


1.      Founding Member and President of the Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)


Major Responsibilities


·         FEDO's overall program planning, evaluation, supervision and monitoring.

·         Organizing and attending different meetings, seminars, workshops, interactions and trainings.

·         Lobbying and networking with government agencies, private agencies, INGOs/NGOs.

·        Formulation of policies and procedures.


2.      Member Secretary of National Dalit Commission, His Majesty's Government/Nepal (2002-2004)


            (The Commission has been responsible for the promotion of equal rights and social justice; cooperation with GOs, NGOs, INGOs and civil society movements to create a favorable environment for the realization of Dalit rights and upliftment; carrying out action research on policy issues to address the strategic needs of Dalits to advance their status; promotion of democratization of political institutions through the participation of the Dalit population; and supporting the full inclusion of Dalits in power structures and decision-making at all levels.)


Being the Member Secretary I was responsible for:


§         Taking charge of day-to-day administrative and financial management of the Commission.

§         Coordinate/deal with line ministries, the donor community, civil society and international human right organizations for Commission’s performance.

§         Participation in the Commission meetings, taking minutes and giving consent for the record.

§         Planning/execution and monitoring of Commission’s commitments/activities.



3.         Sponsorship Officer with Action Aid – Nepal from 1989 to 1994


4.         Secondary Schoolteacher in Jyoti Boarding English School from 1985 to 1986.


5.         Education Facilitator in Seti project in Doti, Silgadi from 1983 to 1984




·         Attended International Sponsorship Workshop held in Mombassa Kenya from June 6 to June 18, 1993.

·         Attended many workshops in Nepal regarding the Fourth World Conference of Women and presented in workshops from the perspective of Dalit women in Nepal.

·         Attended workshop on Coalition Building and Advocacy in Nepal: June 21-23, 1994.

·         Observation Tour in Bangladesh in 1995

·         Attended the Social Summit Seminar organized by the Nepal NGO Federation.

·         Attended Fourth World Women Conference in Beijing, 1995.

·         Organized the historic National Level Workshop about "Dalit (Untouchable) women’s oppression within women" in Nepal, 1995.

·         Attended the Women and Fundamentalism Conference in Barcelona, Spain, 1998.

·         Attended the Asia Pacific NGO Regional Symposium Conference in Bangkok, Thailand, 1999.

·         Attended the Beyond Beijing +5 (2000) and Beijing +10 (2005) NGO parallel events held in NYC

·         Attended NGO Management Course in Denmark from July 31-October 13, 2000.

·         Attended South Asia for Human Rights meeting coordinated by I.K. Singh Gujaral (Former Minister of India) in New Delhi, 2000.

·         Participated in preparatory meeting for WCAR conference in Geneva.


Papers Presented

·         "Dalit Women’s Oppression within Women" at the Beijing NGO Forum, 1995

·         "Double Exploitation of Dalit women in Nepal" in Barcelona, Spain, 1998

·         "Dalit Women’s Condition in Nepal" at the Asia Pacific Regional NGO Symposium in Bangkok, 1999

·         "Triple oppression of Dalit women in Nepal" in a Beyond Beijing +5 NGO parallel event in NYC, USA, 2000

·         “Voices of Voiceless Women in Nepal” at the WCAR NGO forum in Durban, South Africa, 2001

·         “Constituent Assembly and the Restructuring of the State: the Role of Dalit Women” at various national and international conferences


Articles Published

·         Different articles in national and international newspapers and monthly magazines about Dalit women, Dalit human rights and women’s rights


Memberships and Affiliation in Alliances and Networks

Member-                                  National Development Council, HMG

Founder and President –                        Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO)

Former President –                    Dalit NGO Federation (DNF)

Founder Member –                    Center for Women Welfare

Steering Committee Member –   Social Summit 2000

Ex. Bureau Member –               South Asia for Human Rights

Ex. Board Member –                 NGO Federation of Nepal

Advisory Board Member –        Nepal Children's Scholarship Endowment Program, SCF/US,      

Board of Director--                   The International Movement Against all Forms of

Discrimination and Racism- Japan  (IMADR)

Core Member--                                     Women's Alliance for Peace, Power Democracy and the

Constituent Assembly

Core Member--                                     Nepal Women's Peace Building Network program

Member--                                 National Women Peace Negotiations Committee (delegation in the government peace negotiation committee)

Academic Qualification

·         Masters Degree (pursuing)


Personal Details

Date of Birth: 3 July, 1966

Nationality: Nepali

Marital Status: Married, one daughter and one son