The Africa Commission

Commission on Effective Development Cooperation with Africa


Thematic conference in Ouagadougou, 16 June 2008

on the Educational Challenge


Guidelines and template for the working groups



Guidelines: Within the overall theme of youth and employment in Africa, the working groups will discuss one of sub-themes of the thematic paper. It is suggested that the group take the template below as its point of departure. The groups are encouraged to be as concrete as possible when making recommendations.

A moderator will be appointed for each group. The moderator will be responsible for guiding the discussion and making sure that the discussion is canalized into concrete and implementable recommendations. There will also appointed a rapporteur for each group. The rapporteur is responsible for taking notes and preparing a short written report, which reflects the discussions in the group and the suggested recommendations. The report can be e-mailed to [email protected].

The main points of the discussion and the recommendations are to be presented in the final plenary session of the conference by either the moderator or another representative from the group. For this, the group will have 10 minutes at its disposal. It is suggested that the main points of the discussion are touched upon only briefly (e.g. 2 minutes) and the main part of the presentation focuses on the recommendations (e.g. 8 minutes). There will be a brief Q&A session after each presentation.


General issues


What are the needs?












Relevant good practices












Policy actions that would meet the needs.

The suggested actions should be adequate, relevant, feasible and effective.











Unanswered questions














Specific recommendations for:

The Africa Commission






Africa youth






African governments








NGO and civil society






International organizations, i.e. UN, EU, World Bank







The Africa Union








Other recommendations









