The Africa Commission

Commission on Effective Development Cooperation with Africa


Draft agenda

Thematic conference in Ouagadougou, 16 June 2008

on the Educational Challenge

As of 9 June 2008



Registration at AZALAÏ Hôtel Indépendance



Welcoming remarks by Commissioner Dr. Mohamed Ibn Chambas, President of ECOWAS



Commissioners Dr. Lauritz Holm-Nielsen, Rector of the University of Århus, Denmark and  Ms. Ellen Margrethe Løj, Special Representative of the Secretary General in Liberia



Key note speech: Ms. Odile Bonkoungou, Minister for Basic Education and Literacy



Commissioner Dr. Lauritz Holm-Nielsen to introduce the working methodology, aim and intended outcome of the working groups.



Working Session: The participants divide into working groups with more focused sub-themes (within the overall theme)*.






Working groups continued (including refreshments and a coffee break)



In plenary: Presentations by each working group on recommendations and Q&A



Summary of the discussion, presentation of tentative list of recommendations and future steps by the hosting Commissioners



Concluding remarks by State Secretary, Ambassador Ib Petersen on behalf of the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation




Press Conference for Commissioners only



Dinner hosted by the Africa Commission at AZALAÏ Hôtel Indépendance


*The aim of the working group sessions is to develop concrete, applicable and operational recommendations, which can feed into the Commission’s work. Each group will be represented by a moderator. Commissioners will participate in discussions where appropriate.