Health Delegation Denmark 8th and 9th April 2008


Participants :

Listed in alphabetical order


De Kamer/La Chambre


Dr. Yolande Avontroodt          Open VLD – Health Commission


Dr. Daniel Bacquelaine           MR -    Group President – Health Commission

                                                Head of delegation     


Mrs. Muriel Gerkens               Ecolo - President of the Health Commission


Mr. Georges Binamé              Parliamentary coordinator between Federal Parliament and

                                                Danish Embassy




Mrs. Christine Defraigne         MR – Group President –Commission of Social Affaires


Mr. Francis Delpérée              CDH – Group President


Mrs. Nahima Lanjiri                 CD&V –N-VA President of the Commission of Social Affaires


Dr. Marleen Temmerman       SPA.SPIRIT – Commission of Social Affaires


Dr. Patrik Vankrunkelsven     Open VLD – Commission of Social Affaires


Mrs. Christiane Vienne           PS – Commission of Social Affaires


Mrs. Annemie Van de Casteele Former Senator


Federal Health Administration


Mrs. Greet Musch                   Head of Research & Development

                                                AFMPS – Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products


Dr. Dirk Ramaekers               Director General

                                                KCE – Belgian Health Care Knowledge centre


Dr. Ri De Ridder                     Director General

                                                INAMI – National Health Insurance Agency


Royal Danish Embassy to Belgium


Mr. Jørgen Molde                   Ambassador


Mrs. Maria Pedersen              Health Attaché


Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark


Mrs. Joan Hentze                   Health Counsellor


Royal Belgium Embassy to Denmark


Mr. Marc van Craen               Ambassador


Novo Nordisk


Mrs. Krisja Vermeylen            Vice President Western Europe




Mrs. Linda Hoffmeyer                       

Mrs. Susanne Hertz               

Name to be confirmed