Socialudvalget 2007-08 (2. samling)
SOU Alm.del Spørgsmål 125

Resolution ResAP(2007)4

on the education and social inclusion of children and young people with

autism spectrum disorders

(adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 12 December 2007at the 1014th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies)
The Committee of Ministers, in its composition restricted to the Representatives of the States members of1the Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field,Referring to its Resolution (59) 23 of 16 November 1959 on the extension of the activities of the Council ofEurope in the social and cultural fields;Having regard to Resolution (96) 35 of 2 October 1996 revising the Partial Agreement in the Social andPublic Health Field, and resolved to continue, on the basis of revised rules replacing those set out inResolution (59) 23, the activities hitherto carried out and developed by virtue of that resolution, aimed at,inter alia,integrating people with disabilities into the community; and defining – and contributing to theimplementation at European level – a model coherent policy for people with disabilities, based on theprinciples of full citizenship and independent living, implying the elimination of barriers to integration,whatever their nature (psychological, educational, family related, cultural, social, professional, financialor architectural);Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members and thatthis aim may be pursued,inter alia,by the adoption of common rules in the disability policy field for thepurpose of promoting the protection of political, civil, social, cultural and educational rights;Bearing in mind the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms(ETS No. 5), and its Protocol (ETS No. 9) establishing the right to education (Article 2) as well as theEuropean Convention on the Exercise of Children’s Rights (ETS No. 160);Bearing in mind the revised European Social Charter (ETS No. 163), in particular Articles E (Part V), 15 and17, and the Additional Protocol to the European Social Charter Providing for a System of CollectiveComplaints (ETS No.158);Bearing in mind its Resolution ResChS(2004)1 on collective complaint No. 13/2002 by Autisme-Europeagainst France and the decision of the European Committee of Social Rights on the merits of the complaint;Taking note of the final declaration of the 2nd European Conference of Ministers responsible for IntegrationPolicies for People with Disabilities held in 2003 in Malaga, Spain, “Progressing towards full participation ascitizens”;Bearing in mind other relevant recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to member states:Recommendation Rec(2002)8 on child day-care ; Recommendation Rec(2005)5 on the rights of childrenliving in residential institutions; Recommendation Rec(2006)19 on policy to support positiveparenting; Recommendation Rec(2006)5 on the “Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and fullparticipation of people with disabilities in society: improving the quality of life of people with disabilities inEurope 2006-2015”;Having regard to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the United NationsStandard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (1993) and the UnitedNations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006);Having regard to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) (2001), and to theInternational Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) of the World Health Organisation;
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia,Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Reaffirming the universality, indivisibility and interdependence of all human rights and fundamentalfreedoms, and the need for people with autism spectrum disorders, regardless of the severity of theirdisorder, to be guaranteed their full enjoyment without any discrimination;Convinced that ensuring equal opportunities for members of all groups in society contributes to securingdemocracy and social cohesion;Considering that failure to promote the rights of citizens with autism spectrum disorders and to ensureequality of opportunities is a violation of their human dignity;Emphasising the need for coherent policies at national level and co-ordinated action;Referring to the work carried out by the Council of Europe Committee on the Rehabilitation and Integration ofPeople with Disabilities (CD-P-RR) and by its subordinate body, the Committee of Experts on the Educationand Integration of Children with Autism (P-RR-AUT);Noting that autism spectrum disorders cannot, as yet, be identified at birth, and that the evolution ofepidemiological data provides an indication,inter alia,of public awareness, the availability, accessibility andquality of diagnostic services;Emphasising the need for a combination of therapy and learning in the way the education system caters tothese children;Reiterating the need to closely involve children and young people with autism spectrum disorders, along withtheir families, in decisions affecting their lives;Recommends that the governments of the States members of the Partial Agreement in the Social and PublicHealth Field, with due regard for their own national, regional or local structures and respectiveresponsibilities, encourage the education and social inclusion of children and young people with autismspectrum disorders and, to this end:a.take account, as appropriate, in their policies, legislation and practice of the principles set out in theappendix to this resolution and implement the measures advocated;b.with reference to the Council of Europe Disability Action Plan, take appropriate evaluation and follow-up measures;c.involve non-governmental organisations representing children and young people with autismspectrum disorders and their families in the implementation and monitoring of the measures advocated;d.promote the implementation of this resolution in areas which are not the direct responsibility of publicauthorities, but where they have a certain influence or play a role;e.ensure the widest possible dissemination of this resolution to all parties concerned, for examplethrough awareness-raising campaigns and co-operation with civil society.
Appendix to Resolution ResAP(2007)4Persons with autism spectrum disorders are full citizens of Europe. If provided with the appropriate level ofeducation, they can be integrated into, and contribute to, society.



1.Autism spectrum disorders are biologically based developmental disorders, which, althoughoccurring with varying degrees of severity, always have a potentially devastating effect on the socialintegration of the individuals with this disorder, and their families.
2.Inclusion depends on the recognition that persons with autism spectrum disorders present specific2needs that are qualitatively different from other special needs and require specific understanding andapproaches to meet them.


General considerations

1.Member states should adopt legislation and policies and provide enabling structures to mitigate theeffects of the disorder and to facilitate the social integration, improve the living conditions and promote thedevelopment and independence of individuals with this disorder.2.In line with the instruments of the Council of Europe and the UN Convention on the Rights ofPersons with Disabilities, member states should ensure not only that education, social welfare and otherpublic policies do not discriminate against people with disabilities, including people with autism spectrumdisorder but that equality of opportunity and appropriate educational interventions are provided.3.Member states should support wide-ranging early and accessible identification and diagnosis,individual assessment, public awareness and training for parents and the professionals concerned. Theyshould also offer support for equal educational and training opportunities and support for social inclusion.


Specific considerations

1.Member states should provide a legal framework, which ensures the rights of children and youngpeople with disabilities, including people with autism spectrum disorders to receive education – withingeneral schemes wherever possible – that is appropriate to their needs, is non-discriminatory and workstowards social inclusion. There is a need to ensure that resources are sufficient for the full implementation ofrelevant legislation.2.Agencies should work together to provide a co-ordinated services for children, young people andtheir families. Autism spectrum disorders require a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, assessmentand education.3.With regard to suspected autism spectrum disorders, public authorities should provide services inorder to prevent additional problems and respond to the needs of the individual and his or her family, whileawaiting confirmation of diagnosis if the functional ability of the person is reduced.4.There should be a tiered system that provides diagnosis based on recognised international criteriaso that most diagnoses are made at local level in a timely manner (no later than six months from suspicion).5.Following diagnosis, education for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders shouldbe based on detailed assessments that identify the needs and strengths of each individual. Special attentionshould be paid to the education of young children with autism spectrum disorders. Steps should therefore betaken to ensure that services dealing with young children are aware of these problems as early as possible.6.Families should be fully informed and involved in all stages of identification, diagnosis, assessmentand education. In order to avoid exclusion of the child, families should be supported to enable them tomaintain their child within the family and the community rather than in an institution, even where he or shedisplays behavioural problems.7.Training should be available to parents to enable them to facilitate the development of their child andpre-empt or manage any challenging behaviour. Parents should also have access to continuing support fromexpert services and opportunities for contact with other parents, where an expert assessment is requested,according to defined eligibility criteria.8.Initial and continuing training programmes should be introduced for professionals liable to beinvolved in the education of children and young people with autism spectrum disorders.9.Political and administrative decision makers need to be made aware of autism spectrum disorders sothat any relevant decisions can be taken in full knowledge of the facts.
The qualitative difference as opposed to a quantitive difference in terms of severity refers to a difference in nature rather than adifference in intensity.
10.Intervention to meet individual needs should be through an individual plan, which is regularlyreviewed and comprises education, support and leisure. This individual plan should facilitate a co-ordinatedapproach to the transitions in the education system and towards adulthood and the employment market.11.Children and young people with autism spectrum disorders should be given specific teaching inmainstream schools wherever possible and provided with opportunities to learn skills and gain understandingin order to engage in socially inclusive situations.12.A range of schooling options, in no particular order, should be available to meet the diverse needs ofchildren and young people with autism spectrum disorders. Support and opportunities for social integrationshould be provided in whatever situation best fits their current needs.13.If possible, a database which is accurate, up-to-date and based on internationally-recognised criteriaon children and young people with autism spectrum disorders should be used and made available to serviceplanners and providers in accordance with data protection legislation.14.Processes of internal and external evaluation should be put in place in order to assure the availabilityand quality of education and inclusion for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders and toprovide recommendations and support at central planning and local service levels.15.Training and ongoing support should be provided to families and educational services in order tohelp them to understand and manage challenging behaviour. Parents and service providers need tounderstand that challenging behaviour is not intrinsic to autism spectrum disorders, but arises from theinteraction of the child with the environment. Typical strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour shouldbe adapted to meet the needs of those with autism spectrum disorders.16.Comorbidity, dual diagnosis and additional problems are common in autism spectrum disorders.This fact must be understood and recognised in the process of diagnosis and assessment with a view tomeeting the individual’s educational needs.17.Specific education and support for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders shouldbe provided to help prevent secondary consequences of their difficulties such as anxiety disorders anddepression. If these, and other, mental health disorders do arise, those concerned should have access tothe same medical and psychological treatment that are generally proven to be effective, but adapted to takeaccount of their autism spectrum disorders.18.Research should be carried out in support of the educational, therapeutic and inclusion strategiesbecause reliable information helps to identify new problems which must be addressed, to develop solutionsand to obtain satisfactory results.