
Commission des affaires sociales


Assemblée nationale

Commission des affaires culturelles, familiales et sociales

Paris, April 29th 2008                                                                              Courtesy translation

Dear Colleague,

We are truly honoured to inform you that, on July 10th, the Social Affairs Committees of the Senate and the National Assembly will organize an interparliamentary meeting on welfare funding. This meeting, the very first opportunity to bring together the Presidents of the Social Affairs Committees in the National Parliaments of Member States, will take place in the Luxemburg Palace, where the Senate holds sessions.


We aim at studying how Member States organized their welfare system to protect people against illness and disability risks and how they support families, finance pensions and compensate unemployed persons. We would like specifically to compare our experiences in taking charge of all these risks, whether we chose to put the burden on the community or on individuals. It would also be useful to know how incomes are divided between wages and social benefits.


In order to set up the meeting, we would be very grateful if you could transmit our invitation to the president of your assembly’s committee in charge of social affairs. On the practical side, we have already made some early reservations, on favourable terms and conditions, to accommodate our colleagues during their stay in Paris. The enclosed documents will explain you how to benefit from this facility.


However, you ought to pay attention to deadlines, since the early reservations we made will be cancelled on May 24th 2008. If you had any question, you should refer to Cécile Boyon-Rémy (+; [email protected]).



We thank you, Dear colleague, for transmitting our invitation and send our best regards.







Nicolas ABOUT


