Sendt 16/9-2008




Dear colleagues,


In the upcoming academic year the WU-Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law in cooperation with PwC is organizing a seminar on current developments in European and International Tax Law. This seminar gives you the opportunity to exchange ideas with well-known experts on an informal basis. Please find more information on the 8 scheduled seminar sessions and the speakers on our website


The first session is scheduled for Monday, 27 October 2008 from 16.30 until 19.30 and will be held in the Konferenzraum 1 in the Universitätszentrum Althanstraße 4 (UZA IV) of the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Kern D, 7. Stock, Nordbergstraße 15, 1090 Wien. The discussants will be:


Gabriella Erdós (International Tax Partner at PwC Budapest)


Prof. Dr. Robert Waldburger (Universität St. Gallen)


In order to ensure that current topics of European and International Tax Law are presented the topics of the presentation will be fixed only two to three weeks before each session. The sessions will be held either in English or German. The language will be announced in advance.


The seminar is free of charge. Please contact [email protected] or [email protected].


We are looking forward to seeing you!


Best regards,


Michael Lang / Josef Schuch / Claus Staringer / Pasquale Pistone


Renée Pestuka


Institut für Österreichisches und Internationales Steuerrecht

Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law


Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien

Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU)


1090 Wien, Althanstraße 39-45

Tel: 0043/1/313 36 5920; Fax 730


e-mail: [email protected] (Institut) (Postgraduate Studium)