Speed management in Denmark


PIN Talk in Denmark

3 September 2008 from 10.00 to 13.00

Dansk Arkitektur Center

Strandgade 27B, DK-1401





10:00     Opening


Welcome speech by Mrs. Lene Espersen, Minister of Justice and by Mr. Bas Kasteel, President of Toyota Denmark A/S


10:15     Introduction


The ETSC’s Road Safety Performance Index – Denmark’s road safety in an EU context

Mr. Marco Popolizio, Project Officer, ETSC


Speed and accidents after the introduction of 130 km/h speed limit on Danish Motorways.

Mr. Lars Klit Reiff, Project Manager, Center for Traffic Safety, The Danish Road Directorate


The French Authomatic Speed control system

Mr. Jean Chapelon, Secretary General of the French Interministerial Road Safety Observatory


Is the Danish Penalty Point System effective in deterring speed offenders?

Mr. Jesper Sølund, PIN Panel member - Head of Documentation, Danish Road Safety Council


11:15     Coffee break


11:30     Debate under the chairmanship of Mr. Anders Rosbo, General Manager, Danish Road Safety Council


12:30     Concluding remarks by Mr. Antonio Avenoso, ETSC Executive Director


12:40     Media interviews and opening of the buffet