Computer File Details |
FIRMA (Company) |
EFTERNAVN (Surname) |
FORNAVN (First Name) |
MELLEMNAVN (Middle Name) |
ADRESSE (Home Address) |
BY (City) |
LAND (Country) |
NATIONALITET (Nationality) |
TELEFON (Home Phone No.) |
FØDSELSDATO (Date of Birth) |
STILLING (Occupation/Job) |
MOG AFD. (MOG Dept.) |
PÅRØRENDE (Next of Kin) |
ART PÅRØRENDE (Relationship) |
(far, mor etc.) (father, mother, etc.) |
ADRESSE (Home Address) |
TELEFON (Home Phone No.) |
ALT. TELEFON (Alternative No.) |
VÆGT (Weight) |
SKO STR. (Shoe Size) |
JAKKE STR. (Coat Size) |
S |
M |
L |
XL |