Fra: [email protected]
[mailto:[email protected]]
Sendt: 28. januar 2008 15:51
Til: Klaus Andersen
Emne: Invitation to seminar on commercial whaling
Til Miljø og Planlægningsudvalget
The issue of whaling has once again hit the international headlines in recent weeks. We have great pleasure, therefore, in enclosing an invitation for you to participate in a seminar on Monday 10 March 2008 in Landstingssalen, Christiansborg to discuss the various issues relating to commercial whaling, and to hear a wide range of views on the issue. We enclose the programme: all speakers have been confirmed.
The seminar will take place from 13.00 - 17.00, and will be followed by a reception from 17.00-18.30. It is aimed particularly at young people in the 15-30 age group, who along with other seminar participants will be invited to put questions to a panel of experts after the initial round of presentations.
There will also be an opportunity to tour the research vessel "Song of the Whale", belonging to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), which is visiting Copenhagen for the seminar and will be moored close by. Please see the enclosed separate information note.
We hope very much that you will be able to join us for what we expect to be a stimulating and thought-provoking day of discussion.
With best regards
David Frost
Birgith Sloth
British Ambassador
Society for the Conservation of Marine Mammals
<<Commercial Whaling Seminar Invitation.pdf>> <<song_of_whale_invite_3.pdf>>