Danske Regioners EU-prioriteringer 2008.


I 2008 er der seks EU-sager, der har særlig høj prioritet i Danske Regioner:


Fra Kommissionens arbejdsprogram 2007

·        Direktiv om fællesramme for sikre og effektive sundhedsydelser

Venter på Kommissionens udspil.

Karsten Uno Petersen, Danske Regioner, er udpeget som Regionsudvalgets ordfører.

·        Hvidbog om en sundhedsstrategi

Karsten Uno Petersen, Danske Regioner er Regionsudvalgets ordfører på strategien. Regionsudvalget forventer at vedtage dets udtalelse i DEVE-udvalget den 7. marts og endelig vedtagelse på Regionsudvalgets plenar den 9. – 10. april 2008.

Fra Kommissionens arbejdsprogram 2008


Udover de fagspecifikke sager findes der en række tværgående og overordnede EU-udspil og politikker, som Danske Regioner prioriterer;


§         EU’s fremtidige regionalpolitik 2013+ (herunder landdistriktspolitikken mm.)

§         EU-domme, som kan fÃ¥ indflydelse pÃ¥ den regionale opgavevaretagelse

§         i2010 initiativet (elektronisk forvaltning, elektronisk sundhed, mm.)

§         EU’s strategi for vækst, beskæftigelse og bæredygtighed (Lissabon-processen, herunder den Ã¥bne koordinationsproces).

§         Konklusioner fra møderne i Det Europæiske RÃ¥ds møder

§         Aktuelle EU debatter (herunder traktatændringer)


Danske Regioner har i Kommissionens arbejdsprogram 2008 identificeret 40 prioriterede EU-udspil, hvoraf de fire til være højt prioriterede (jf. ovenstående)


Nedenstående tabel er uddybende beskrivelse af Danske Regioners prioriterede EU-sager 2008.




Type forslag


Reference KOMs









EU generelt


Ã…rlig statusrapport om Lissabon-strategien



The main policy objectives are to promote effective implementation of structural reforms both at Community and national level. It does so by reporting on progress by proposing country-specific recommendations for endorsement by the European Council and by identifying actions for decision by Heads of State and Government



Bedre lovgivning 2007 opfølgning på artikel 9 i protokollen om opretholdelse af subsidiaritets- og proportionalitetsprincipperne




The Communication accounts for the implementation of the better regulation action plan for growth and jobs and for the application of the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality in 2007






Direktiv om fællesramme for sikre og effektive sundhedsydelse

(Kommissionens arbejdsprogram 2007)



HØJT prioriteret

Hvidbog om en sundhedsstrategi

(Kommissionens arbejdsprogram 2007)



HØJT prioriteret

Henstilling om interoperabilitet indenfor eHealth systemer





The objectives of this recommendation are to propose to Member States a set of guidelines for interoperability and contribute to the development of interoperable Health systems. Such guidelines are essential to facilitate the mobility of patients and the exchange of medical information Europe wide, in particular between health professionals and Electronic Health Records.

HØJT prioriteret

Meddelelse og RÃ¥dets henstilling om patientsikkerhed og sundhedsydelsernes kvalitet





The two primary objectives of this initiative are to support Member States in ensuring the highest possible levels of patient safety throughout EU health systems by providing necessary and relevant practical and legal tools and mechanisms for the Member States to take appropriate actions to improve safety and quality of care and to improve EU citizens' confidence on the safety of EU health systems.


HØJT prioriteret

Reflektionsproces på højt niveau om sundhedspersonale i Europa



Therefore the Commission would like to develop a strategic approach to human resources in health in order to ensure that Member States would see a return on their investment in health professionals and that the Union as a whole will be able to meet its objectives of providing high-quality healthcare and maintaining a healthy workforce, without undermining health systems in developing countries. The Commission would like to provide a mechanism for dialogue and collective reflection on the identified problems and proposes to convene a high level reflection process which would develop specific policy recommendations. Any future Commission proposals would only follow at a later stage and will be based on the reflection process recommendations.

HØJT prioriteret

Forslag til Rådets og Europa-Parlamentets direktiv om ændring af Direktiv 200/54/EF om risiko for infektion ved stikskader



Improvement of prevention of workers against the risk of infections due to needle stick injuries



RÃ¥dets henstilling om infektioner i tilknytning til sundhedspleje




Specific objectives that the Commission proposes are that MS will: •give priority to the implementation of infection control measures and lay down standard measures and precautions. •organise infection prevention and control programmes in healthcare institutions and ensure that proper organisational and structural arrangements are in place. •establish / strengthen active surveillance systems on HCAI, pathogens, risk factors as well as process and structure indicators measuring compliance. •foster education, training, research and information exchange on HCAI prevention and control. This should result in fewer deaths and illnesses and a reduction in costs of treating patients that became ill unnecessarily



Meddelelse om midtvejsevaluering af i2010-strategien




Objective will be to assess progress so far, review priorities in the light of new and emerging challenges and examine the need to propose modifications to the strategy.



Meddelelse om telemedicin og innovative teknologi til forvaltning af kroniske sygdomme






This communication will support the APS 2008 Key initiative on Telemedicine for chronic disease management and will aim at: –Assessing with major stakeholders the situation of telemedicine in the Member States, from technological, legal and regulatory points of view; identify obstacles and opportunities –Proposing a set of actions to facilitate innovative technologies deployment as well as the development of a legal context for telemedicine tools Europe-wide.



Europa-Parlaments og RÃ¥dets direktiv om standarder for donation, fremskaffelse, test, lagring, transport og klassificering af menneskelige organer




The Directive will include the principles needed to establish a basic quality and safety framework for the therapeutic use of human organs based in Article 152 of the Treaty. It will be complemented with a Communication that will establish an action plan for closer cooperation between Member States to help maximise organ donation and equalise access to transplantation. The plan will identify common objectives for which it is agreed that a Community response is necessary, describe the actions, agreed quantitative and qualitative indicators and benchmarks and establish regular reporting



Meddelelse fra Kommissionen og Rådets henstilling om en europæisk indsats på området sjældne sygdomme (inkl. genetiske sygdomme)



Common definition of rare diseases in the EU b. Necessity of national plans for rare diseases in the EU Member States c. European guidelines for the elaboration of the national plans for rare diseases d. Common databases and medical protocol for the identification of genetic rare diseases e. Common approach for a better codification and classification of rare diseases in the process of revision of the International Classification of Diseases Creation of the EU Forum on Rare Diseases Common approach to the support of patient's organisations Creation of the EU Rare Diseases Portal as a part of the EU Health Portal and as common tool for rare diseases identification Creation of networks of action for rare diseases



Meddelelse fra Kommissionen til Europa-parlamentet, Rådet, ØSU og Regionsudvalget om iværksættelse af eCall



Following the recommendation of the European Parliament on eCall, this commmunication will give the updated status of deployment of the eCall roll-out in the Member States as well as in the industrial sector. The communication will be linked to the updated information related to the deployment of 112 and e112 in the Member States.





Regional politik/erhvervspolitik/forskning


Handlingsplan for urban mobilitet



The Action Plan will be the follow up to the debate launched by the Green Paper 'Towards a new culture for urban mobility'. It will propose possible actions at the EU, national, regional and local level – including actions by the industry and individual citizens. The Action Plan will carefully identify the appropriate instruments for each action.



Lovforslag/forordning afledt af Meddelelse om sundhedseftersyn af den fælles landbrugspolitik




Following the 2007 Communication on the 'Health Check' in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) the legislative proposals will provide options aimed at making the Single Payment Scheme more effective, adapting the market support instruments and addressing the new challenges facing the sector.



Meddelelse fra Kommissionen til Rådet, Europa-parlamentet, Regionsudvalget og ØSU om territorial samhørighed



To analyse from an institutional, political and operational perspective of the way in which Member States understand and apply the concept of territorial cohesion. This work will be mainly based on questionnaires and analysis of operational programmes. - To provide a common definition of the concept and to propose possible tools for a better integration of this territorial dimension in the Structural funds and in some sectoral policies having a territorial impact. - To initiate an indepth dialogue between Member States and the Commission



Femte statusrapport om Økonomisk og social samhørighed


Update situation and trends in European regions on certain key areas and on the basis of latest statistics; - Report on the debate launched by the 4th Cohesion report on the future of cohesion policy.



19. årsrapport om implementeringen af strukturfondsmidler 2007


Report to the European Parliament, the Council, the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of Regions on the implementation of Regulation (EC) n° 1260/1999 during the preceding year. Article 45 (2) Regulation (EC) n°1260/1999).



Forslag til Rådsforordning til ændring af Rådsforordning (EF) 1698/2005 om støtte fra Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond til udvikling af ugunstigt stillede områder





Support for Less Favoured Areas (LFAs) is granted with the objective to contribute through the continued use of agricultural land to maintaining the countryside, as well as to maintaining and promoting sustainable farming systems. It is a vital part of the Rural Development Policy. The initiative will result in an improved delimitation system for areas with handicaps, thus adjusting the measure to changed circumstances



Meddelelse om ”Mod fælles programmering af forskning”



Ojective would be to increase the value of well chosen national investments in research through joint programming so that these joint programmes reach the critical mass, scale and scope required to have an impact at a global level. The Communication proposes an action plan in 3 steps: 1st Semester 2008: A review of national/regional programmes supporting strategic research in a limited number of critical areas for the EU. 2nd Semester 2008: The design of integrated programmes for participating countries/regions, specifying their Communityrelevant objectives and shared benefits, also based on an IA. 2009 to 2013: A pilo implementation phase would be followed by full scale operation after 2010




Klima og energi


Direktiv om fremme af vedvarende energi



Implementation of the renewable energy aspects of the European Council conclusions of March 2007.



Hvidbog om negative konsekvenser af klimaændringer



Produce a White Paper for the Commission entitled Towards a European Climate Adaptation Programme, taking into consideration responses from the consultation of the Green Paper on Adaptation (to be published end 2006) and listing specific actions on adaptation to be initiated by the Commission



Meddelelse om 2. strategiske energiredegørelse




Ojective is to respond in a timely and appropriate manner to the European Council's call for a 2nd Strategic Energy Review to be presented at March 2009 European Council. The Review will assess the progress towards strategic objectives agreed in March 2007, and will take forward further work on an EU energy policy for Europe.



Meddelelse fra Kommissionen om ”Europæisk forskning vedr. udfordringerne ved klimaændringer og ren energi: Mod et bæredygtigt Europa”


The 2007 Spring Council put the highest priority on the climate change and clean energy challenge, which is the 1st of the 7 key challenges of the renewed Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS). The need to reinforce the role of research in addressing the climate change and clean energy challenge is fully recognised. The objective of this Communication is to strengthen the integrated approach to research for sustainable development, to mobilize ERA and encourage Member States to engage in this movement, to reinforce the strategy of international cooperation, and to enhance the contribution of research to policy reforms in order to maximise their efficiency in addressing the climate change and clean energy challenge.




Indre Marked – Offentlige inkøb


Direktiv om grønne offentlige udbud


Public purchasers in the EU yearly spend some 16 % of the overall EU Gross Domestic. By including environmental requirements in public tendering procedures, public authorities can give strong signals to the market place and drive it towards the production of more environmental friendly products and services, hence reducing the environmental impact of public expenditure and stimulating eco-innovation and competitiveness of bidding companies. The IA of the Communication on GPP (to be adopted in February 2008) concluded that mandatory GPP targets and measures seem necessary, and pointed at the need to carry out an additional impact assessment to examine costs and benefits of complementary mandatory policy options.

HØJT prioriteret

EU-mål for grønne offentlige udbud. Meddelelse om implementering af nationale strategier for grønne offentlige udbud baseret på EU-målsætning, regelmæssig overvågning og benchmarking



Raise political profile for green public procurement by proposing EU wide target for Green public procurement; increase implementation by giving guidance to MS for the adoption of national action plans on green public procurement and by proposing regular benchmarking and monitoring by the Commission and the MS



Report fra Kommissionen om SMV’ers adgang til offentlige kontrakter


Response of the Commission to a request of the Competitiveness Council to look at the Public Procurement rules and practices, taking into account the specific needs of the SMEs, in order to facilitate their access to public procurement markets



Meddelelse om innovation af serviceydelser



The objective of the Communication is to propose a policy framework with concrete policy actions aiming at better supporting innovation in services. Specific emphasis will be given to the challenges of supporting young innovative service companies with high growth potential.



Statusrapport om implementeringen af Servicedirektivet – arbejdspapir


Mid term review of the process of implementation to identity areas where efforts from Member States and the Commission need to be stepped up to meet the implementation deadline of end






Arbejdsmarkeds-/ social politik


Forslag til direktiv til af Direktiv 92/85/EF af 19. oktober 1992 om iværksættelse af foranstaltninger til forbedring af sikkerheden og sundheden for arbejdstagere som er gravide, som lige har født eller som ammer






Main objectives are (i) to increase the level of protection of the health and safety of women who recently gave birth, (ii) to increase the rate of participation of women in the labour market, and (iii) to enhance the reconciliation of professional, private and family life in Europe. In this framework, it appears in particular necessary to increase the minimum period of leave and the minimum level of payment during maternity leave (not less than what the worker would receive during sick leave).



Rapport om indførelsen af Direktiv 2003/88/EF (Arbejdstidsdirektiv)



Fulfilment of the Commission's legal obligation under Art. 24 of Directive 2003/88/EC to report to the Parliament, Council and Economic and Social Committee on the application of that Directive



Initiativ om faderskab, adoption og forældreorlov (ligestillingsinitiativ)



In its Roadmap for equality between women and men 2006-2010, the Commission has announced its intention to review the existing EU gender equality legislation not included in the 2005 recast exercise with a view to updating, modernisering and recasting where necessary. In addition, reconciliation of professional, private and family life has been identified, in the Roadmap, as one of the priority areas for action in the period 2006-2010.



Fællesskabsinitiativ om arbejdsbetingede sygdomme i bevægeapparatet



Objective is to integrate into a single legislative instrument the provisions on the protection of the health and safety of workers from the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders at work. A single legislative instrument would be more comprehensive, clearer and easier to apply. It will benefit employers in terms of legal clarity and workers in terms of providing better protection against the risks of musculo-skeletal disorders. RECAST



Lovforslag om at skabe et enkelt regelgrundlag for information og konsultation for arbejdere



Main objectives are: to ensure that the legislative framework is clear, transparent and usable for stakeholders (better regulation); to ensure timely and appropriate information and consultation of workers. To follow a more gradual approach starting with a revision of Directive 94/45/EC on European Works Council. This could lead in the long run to a recast of Community rules on information and consultation (currently spread over several Directives). Initial reactions from Member States on the radical approach (ie legislative proposal to set out a single body of rules on information and consultation of workers) have been very negative.



Meddelelse om ”Et fornyet engagement i social retfærdighed i Europa: uddybning af den åbne koordinationsmetode på området social beskyttelse og social indslusning”




Now that the economic and employment performance is improving, Europeans wonder whether the opportunity to share in the benefits of the recovery is being given to everyone since there is evidence that economic and societal changes produce losers as well as winners. Europeans must feel that social justice and equality of opportunities are being actively promoted



Henstilling fra Kommissionen om aktiv indslusning



The Recommendation would aim to update the 1992 Recommendation on minimum income. This initiative would strengthen the delivery of Europe's social objectives and clearly support and complement the agreed flexicurity principles. It will also build on the strengthening of the OMC and the promotion of SSGI