
20 December 2007











of the first part of the 2008 Ordinary Session


(21-25 January 2008)


up-dated by the Bureau of the Assembly

on 17 December 2007

Monday 21 January 2008


8 a.m.            Bureau of the Assembly


9.30 a.m.        Political groups



11.30 a.m.     1.    Opening of the first part of the 2008 Ordinary Session

                            (by the oldest member in the Chair: Mr Miguel Barceló Pérez (Spain, EPP/CD))


                     a.    Examination of credentials (Doc. )

                     b.    Election of the President of the Assembly

                     c.    Election of the Vice-Presidents of the Assembly

                     d.    Appointment of members of committees

                     e.    Request(s) for current affairs debate or debate under urgent procedure

                     f.     Adoption of the order of business

                     g.    Adoption of the minutes of the meeting of the Standing Committee

                            (23 November 2007, Bratislava)


                     2.    Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur: Mr René van der Linden (The Netherlands, EPP/CD)


                            Observation of the parliamentary elections in the Russian Federation (2 December 2007) (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Bureau: Mr Luc Van den Brande (Belgium, EPP/CD)


                            Observation of the presidential election in Georgia (5 January 2008) (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Bureau: Mr Mátyás Eörsi (Hungary, ALDE)


                            Debate and vote



1 p.m.            End of the sitting


2 p.m.            Committees



3 p.m.            1.    Address by Mr Robert FICO, Prime Minister of Slovakia




                     2.    Address by Mr Frans TIMMERMANS, Minister for European Affairs of the Netherlands*



                     3.    Procedural guidelines on the rights and responsibilities of the opposition in a democratic parliament (Doc. 11465)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Rules of Procedure and Immunities: Mr Karim Van Overmeire (Belgium, NR)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 21 January at 12 noon.



                            Vote on a draft resolution



5 p.m.            End of the sitting


5 p.m.            Political groups


*   Subject to confirmation.

**  One question from each political group.

Tuesday 22 January 2008


8.30 a.m.        Committees


10 a.m.          1.    Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (Doc. 11446 and Addendum)

                            (from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.)


                     2.    Developments as regards the future status of Kosovo (Doc. 11472)

                            Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee: Lord Russell-Johnston (United Kingdom, ALDE)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion) (Doc. ): Mr Pieter Omtzigt (The Netherlands, EPP/CD)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 21 January at 4 p.m.




12 noon         3.    Address by Mr Ferenc Gyurcsány, Prime Minister of Hungary*



1 p.m.            End of the sitting


2 p.m.            Committees


3 p.m.            1.    Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (Doc. 11446 and Addendum)  (continued)  (from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.)


                     2.    Communication from the Committee of Ministers to the Parliamentary Assembly presented by Mr Ján Kubiš, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Slovakia, Chairperson of the Committee of Ministers*

                            Questions (Doc. )

                                      (Written Questions must be tabled by Monday 21 January at 4 p.m. at the latest)


                     3.    Communication from Mr Terry DAVIS, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, on the state of the Council of Europe



                     4.    Developments as regards the future status of Kosovo (Doc. 11472)  (continued)

                            Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee: Lord Russell-Johnston (United Kingdom, ALDE)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion) (Doc. ): Mr Pieter Omtzigt (The Netherlands, EPP/CD)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 21 January at 4 p.m.


                            (Debate possibly continued)

                            Vote on a draft resolution

                            Vote on a draft recommendation


                     5.a. Global warming and ecological disasters (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs: Mr Alan Meale (United Kingdom, SOC)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 21 January at 4 p.m.


                     5.b. Protection of the environment in the Arctic Region (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs: Mr Vladimir Grachev (Russian Federation, EDG)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Monday 21 January at 4 p.m.


                            Statement by Mr Mikhail Gorbachev, President of Green Cross International*


                            Joint debate

                            Vote on …

                            Vote on …



8 p.m.            End of the sitting


* Subject to confirmation.


Wednesday 23 January 2008



8.30 a.m.        Political groups



10 a.m.          1.    [Possibly 2nd round] Election of judges to the European Court of Human Rights (Doc. 11446 and Addendum)  (from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.)



                     2.    United Nations Security Council and European Union blacklists (Doc. 11454)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Dick Marty (Switzerland, ALDE)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 22 January at 10.30 a.m.



                            Vote on a draft resolution

                            Vote on a draft recommendation



12 noon         3.    Address by Mr Bamir TOPI, President of Albania




1 p.m.            End of the sitting



2 p.m.            Committees



3 p.m.            1.    Address by Mr Abdelaziz BOUTEFLIKA, President of Algeria*




                     2.    External relations of the Parliamentary Assembly


                     2.a. Strengthening co-operation with the Maghreb countries (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee: Mrs Josette Durrieu (France, SOC)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 22 January at 3.30 p.m.


                     2.b. The situation in the Republics of Central Asia (Doc. 11460)

                            Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee: Mr Murat Mercan (Turkey, EPP/CD)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 22 January at 3.30 p.m.


                     2.c.  The Council of Europe and its Observer States – the current situation and a way forward (Doc. 11471)

                            Rapporteur of the Political Affairs Committee: Mr David Wilshire (United Kingdom, EDG)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion) (Doc. ): Mr Erol Aslan Cebeci (Turkey, EPP/CD)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Tuesday 22 January at 3.30 p.m.


                            Joint debate

                            Vote on …

                            Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 11460)

                            Votes on a draft resolution and a draft recommendation (Doc. 11471)




7 p.m.            End of the sitting



* Subject to confirmation.


Thursday 24 January 2008



8.30 a.m.        Committees



10 a.m.          1.    [Possibly] Debate under urgent procedure***

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: …



                            Vote on …



                     2.    The need to preserve the European sport model (Doc. 11467)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Culture, Science and  Education: Mr José Luís Arnaut (Portugal, EPP/CD)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 23 January at 10.30 a.m.


                            Statement by Mr Michel PLATINI, President of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA)



                            Vote on a draft resolution



1 p.m.            End of the sitting



2 p.m.            Committees



3 p.m.            1.    Honouring of obligations and commitments by Georgia (Doc. )

                            Co-rapporteurs of the Committee on the Honouring of Obligations and Commitments by Member States of the Council of Europe (Monitoring Committee): Mr Mátyás Eörsi (Hungary, ALDE) and Mr Kastriot Islami (Albania, SOC)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 23 January at 3.30 p.m.



                            Vote on …



                     2.    Disappearance of new-born babies for illegal adoption in Europe (Doc. 11461)

                            Rapporteur of the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee: Mrs Ruth-Gaby Vermot-Mangold (Switzerland, SOC)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Wednesday 23 January at 3.30 p.m.



                            Vote on a draft recommendation




6.30 p.m.       End of the sitting



6.30 p.m.        Joint Committee





***   If the urgent procedure is decided by the Assembly.




Friday 25 January 2008




8.30 a.m.        Bureau of the Assembly




10 a.m.          1.    Draft additional protocol to the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine concerning genetic testing for health purposes (Doc. 11440 + Doc. 11466)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Culture, Science and  Education: Mr Wolfgang Wodarg (Germany, SOC)

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights (for opinion) (Doc. ): Mr Holger Haibach (Germany, EPP/CD)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Thursday 24 January at 10.30 a.m.




                            Vote on a draft Opinion



                     2.    Transfrontier co-operation (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on the Environment, Agriculture and Local and Regional Affairs: Mr Ivan Popescu (Ukraine, SOC)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Thursday 24 January at 10.30 a.m.



                            Vote on …



                     3.    Video surveillance of public areas (Doc. )

                            Rapporteur of the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights: Mr Yuri Sharandin (Russian Federation, EDG)

                                      Deadline for tabling amendments: Thursday 24 January at 10.30 a.m.



                            Vote on …




                     4.    Constitution of the Standing Committee






1 p.m.            Closure of the first part of the 2008 Ordinary Session